The Duke's Passion

Chapter 563 - [Bonus ]Kill Law

Chapter 563 - [Bonus ]Kill Law

"So, that's what happened." Sam nodded in understanding, glancing at me before his eyelashes fluttered when he shifted it to Stefan. "Ian, welcome back, by the way."

"Thank you, my lord." Fabian still smiled until his eyes squinted, but it just looked different from usual. Fabian often smiled politely, but there was no trace of politeness in Fabian's tone. If anything, he sounded like he stood on the same ground as Sam. Also, Sam called him differently; so it was like Sam and Hell's circumstance but a bit different, after all?

"Ru, please put your toy away." He put his finger on the tip of the blade pointing at him, pushing it away lightly. "I won't attack His Grace. After all... I had my eyes on someone else."

Fabian's lips stretched from ear to ear as he cast Zero a look. Whatever Fabian had in mind, I knew it was just something evil. One could tell just by looking at him. Rufus studied him for a while before withdrawing his sword.

"I will keep a close eye on you, Ian. I will end you if you caused a problem in this situation." Rufus warned as he shifted his eyes at Sam, but he ended up locking eyes with me since my husband was staring at Stefan.

Suddenly, Stefan pulled my wrist with him as an arrow nearly shot our hand to separate us. I was caught off guard that I instinctively jumped back to avoid it. But this obviously displeased my husband as his eyes glinted menacingly.

"Stefan, my brother," came out a cold, threatening voice as Sam glanced at our hands. I tried to pull my hand away, but Stefan held it even tighter and glanced at me.

"I won't ask you to let my wife go since I can cut your entire arm, but... I want to ask you something." Sam paused, raising his hand while his fingers cracked as he stretched them. "Did you know about Alphonse's plans?"

I froze as my breath hitched at Sam's sudden question. His eyes remained cold as I could feel he was trying to hold himself back. I was certain he heard Fabian's explanation about Stefan and Law's situation. So why... was my husband unfazed?

"And... are you the one who killed Cassara?" he queried even before Stefan could answer the first question.

Stefan let out a chuckle as he also emitted a stifling aura to battle Sam's. "Do I know about Alphonse's plans? Did I kill Cassara? And why would I be so kind about answering your questions, brother? It's not like you plan on letting me off."

"That's right. I don't plan on letting you live for another day, Stefan. You've lived long enough and suffered. So, I will put you to rest."

"Lived long enough and suffered...?" Stefan chuckled as his grip around my wrist tightened. I tried breaking away from him, but I couldn't. Also, my feet felt like they were stuck on the ground. Standing in between Stefan and Sam while they pulled an aura on each other was making my body freeze.

"How kind of you, brother."

"Sam, you can't hurt him!" I finally got my voice back as panicked swelled in my chest. "Law will get hurt as well if you do."

Sam raised a brow. "So what?

My heart sank as my complexion instantly turned pale. What did he mean by that? I thought he was simply trying to act indifferent when Fabian informed him about that. But now that I thought about it, Hell was someone who wouldn't allow anyone to be used against him as his weakness.

Just like years ago, when I was sired with Stefan, my husband... accepted my death. It wasn't easy, but it was the logical course of action. Back then, I was relieved that Sam had that way of thinking. But now... this was different. Law was our son! The fruit of our love.

"Sam... you can't..." I muttered while shaking my head lightly, "Don't do this to our son."

But no matter how I looked at him sincerely, Sam felt unreachable. Instead, he only glanced at me coldly before averting his eyes.

"Ian, kill Law." His order caused my brain to momentarily go blank. I didn't even know that Stefan finally let my hand go as I leaped towards Sam, grabbing his collar with unblinking eyes.

"What did you just say?" came out a dead voice while staring at him with unyielding eyes. "Hey, answer me. Did you just order Fabian to kill my son?"

Sam's expression was unchanging. "Law, your life is being used to make your mother follow these men. Will you allow them to use you and put misery on your Mother?" his words didn't direct to me despite holding my gaze.

"Kill me, Father." Law's weak but firm reply made my heart sink. I gazed in his direction and saw Fabian was already squatting beside Law. Bey looked so shocked to even speak of what they were hearing.

"See? Our son would rather die than let Stefan have his mother. Just like I am, I don't care if you hate me, for you are mine, Lilou. The last thing I want is to let anyone take what's mine."

A scoff slipped past my lips, staggering back while staring at him in dismay, "Sam... how about our son? Isn't he as important as your life? How can you... utter such words — I mean, no. Don't speak another word or I might really kill you."

Until now, I couldn't believe my ears. One more word from Sam and I would take Lakresha and Catharsis out to fight him. I was more than rattled that Sam spoke as if Law's life didn't matter to him.

I hung my head low. "If you hold our son's life with little value, then... this would be the end of our marriage. " I lifted my head, suppressing the pained expression from resurfacing on my face.

"I was wrong to even think that you value our son's life more than yours and mine. But it seems... I only deluded myself all this time." I chuckled in ridicule, more hurt by these harsh remarks than it was supposed to. "I'm yours...? How the hell did I think those words are sweet before when it sounded like an owner claiming his property?"

I was a fool.. Be it then or now, that never changed.

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