The Duke's Passion

Chapter 560 - The Imperial Knights Flag

Chapter 560 - The Imperial Knight's Flag

"Let's go, Lilou."

Stefan didn't look at me as he casually took a step towards the gates. Zero also shrugged as he pivoted on his heel, whistling as he walked away. I fought the urge to look back, gritting my teeth before following them. But just when I took five steps, I paused.

"Father!!!" I snapped my eyes and looked back when Law yelled at the top of his lungs. "You said if I need you, I just have to call your name!! They are taking Mother away! They killed Mister Fabian and now... and now!! They will also take my mother with them!!"

"Law..." I choked, taking an unconscious step towards him, only to stop when Stefan grabbed my wrist. "... my baby."

"Father!!!" Law shouted his lungs out, tears and snot mixing on his face, but he didn't care. "Save my mother!! I will be good from now on!! So please.... someone... save my mother."

"My son... please stop crying..." I balled my hand into a fist, as the tension in my throat was enough to suffocate me. I felt the pieces of my heart slowly fall, like a petal being plucked off one after another. My son cried his heart out while calling for his father, promising to be good from now on. Bey and the rest were also weeping, calling my name, and asking for someone to help.

Any help would do. They even called both the devil and god — anyone they could call out of desperation. But Law only called his father.

I didn't need to be saved. All I needed was for everyone... for those who still had their lives to live on. Even if it means I would have to sacrifice my pathetic life.

"How annoying." I froze when Stefan commented coldly. "Should I kill them?"

I grabbed Stefan's hand, which was holding my wrist on instinct. Slowly, I raised my head and my sharp eyes pierced his eyes.

"Kill them and there's nothing that will hold me back," I warned with a shaking voice, but Stefan suddenly grabbed me by the neck.


"Madam Roux!!"

Stefan tightened his grip lightly while gazing at me. "Don't push your luck, sweetheart. Even though I am crazy about you, I can still kill them and have you. What I am showing is leniency and mercy, since I don't like to see you cry. But... stop testing me."

"Are you... perhaps, jealous?" I chuckled with a smirk. "That someone weeps and prays for me, but no one does that for you?"

"My sweetheart..." Stefan let me go while I coughed, as his grip was too rough. Even when I couldn't see my neck, I knew he left marks on it as his claws grazed it. He ran his fingers through his silver hair with his eyes still on me.

"... you always know what to say to aggravate me."

Stefan raised a finger and pointed the tip of his sharp nails at the side of his neck. My eyes dilated and before he could poke his neck, I rushed to him and grabbed his hand with both my hands.

"What the hell are you thinking?" I asked with an aghast expression.

"Killing myself so you don't be sad anymore."

My mind went blank momentarily, seeing how our lives would be once I walked out of this estate with them. Stefan didn't care if he hurts himself, but I do. Because his death... also meant my son's death.

"Do you understand now, Lilou?" he inquired coldly, looking down at me with an arched brow. "Why would I get riled up in something so trivial when I have you, my sweet Lilou, who will treasure this life of mine more than I do?"

My grip around his hand loosened as I staggered back, grinding my teeth secretly. The yells and cries sounded distant in my ear as I hung my head low.

"You're right..." I whispered lifelessly before lifting my head, shutting down the painful noises in the air. "Let's just go to hell, Lexx."

Stefan chuckled, pleased to see my yielding eyes. The last thread that I was holding on finally broke, succumbing to this dark fate that I would lead. My son's life was holding on to Stefan. Even Sam could do nothing to Stefan since hurting him was like hurting Law. My husband loved his son more than he loved himself, so, of course, Stefan truly got us by the neck.

"Come, sweetheart." He offered me the hand that strangled me, and I gazed down at it for a moment. I slowly raised my hand but paused midway when I heard Law shout once again.

"Get your hands off of my mother!" my finger curled as it hovered over Stefan's palm. In my peripheral vision, I could see my son struggling to break free from Bey's embrace. "Mother! Don't leave me! Don't come with him! Father! They're taking my mother away."

"Law," I whispered as I turned my head in his direction, only to have my heart broken once again. "My dear son..."

"Mother! Mother!!! Mother!!!!! Let me go, Bey!" Law yelled while throwing his arms and feet aggressively. "Father!! Did you lie to me?! Where are you?!"

"My son..." I took a step forward but stopped when Stefan called and grabbed my wrist. "... please, Lexx. Just this once... I'll give you everything you want. Just... let me embrace him."

"Father...!! Someone is snatching your wife! I only want Mother to be your wife!"

Law was still shouting and talking to Sam, who wouldn't hear him, while Stefan and I gazed at each other. His grip around my wrist didn't loosen, but I was hoping he would let me just one more time. I just wanted to calm my son down and after that... I would be anyone Stefan would like.

"Be it an obedient doll or someone who will bear your children... I'll do it, Lexx. Just... let me... this once..." I begged under my breath as my sight blurred. Every time Law called for his father until his voice was coarse was akin to a dagger stabbing right through my chest. My heart sank when his lips parted and uttered a cold, "no," that faded in Law's loudest call for his father.

"Father!!! They are — " Law coughed, and I turned my head in his direction.

"Law!" I wanted to run back, but Stefan suddenly pulled my hand and dragged me with him.

"This is too much drama, sweetheart. It will be only hard for you if you..." he trailed off while my eyes dilated when I felt something... evil creep down my spine. I looked up out of instinct and saw that the dark field covering the sky gradually faded, revealing the dark blue sky, indicating it was nearing dawn.

"Isn't that..." I heard someone speak with the silence in the air, making me gaze in a certain direction. Since the mansion was situated in an elevated area and was overlooking the borders, I could see them. My eyes caught the flag that rose among the knights marching.

"... the imperial knight's flag?!"

"It is the emperor's flag. No question mark.. Haha!" From behind, I heard my husband's carefree voice, along with his gleeful laughter.

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