The Duke's Passion

Chapter 547 - Those Who Came Back Wished They Didnt

Chapter 547 - Those Who Came Back Wished They Didn't

"Please add my name on the list of your favorite hero after this."

"Mister Fabian..." Law clutched his hand closer to his chest, watching Fabian turn his back against him. "... you will never be my favorite hero because you're already one of my favorite people in the world."

The little master saw him glance over his shoulder and smiled kindly. The reason Law never permitted Fabian to fight or spar or train was that the head butler hated sweating. Also, Fabian didn't need to be strong for Law to like him. The head butler was akin to his second father. Thus, he naturally loved Fabian deep in his heart.

"Well, that's flattering." Fabian chuckled as he set his eyes on Stefan. "Please go in and close the door... oh, it's broken. That will be a lot of money for repair."

"Hell is rich, so that'll be nothing." Stefan smiled as he cocked his head to the side. "Or were you saying that now because you might not say that again?"

Fabian let out a shallow breath. "I honestly don't know." He sauntered forward while Maleficent changed its form to a sword.

"I am not sure if this will end with just one losing his life, but... I have to drag you down with me."

Stefan's smile remained as he nodded slightly. Fabian was someone who always spoke his thoughts aloud without a second hesitation unless he deemed it a bother to speak. That was why Stefan didn't underestimate this man. But unlike Fabian, Stefan was certain he would win this fight.

"I will make sure to send your body to your brother so he can mourn for you," he asserted as red and black mist rose out of nothing.

"That is so nice of you, Your Highness."

"Not at all. It's the least I can do for someone like you. You always have my respect, Butler."

Fabian smiled as he batted his eyes, glancing at the red mist that was surrounding them. He could feel that Stefan wanted to end him once and for all. This didn't alarm Fabian or thrill him. If anything, he felt a little conflicted about this. Stefan never fought fair and square; the man always had his cards up his sleeve.

"It will be a shame to die without breaking Ru's leg for sabotaging my carriage during the little master's birthday," came out a weak chuckle, thinking that Rufus might get away from picking on him that day. "I still planned to butcher Bella and make him eat it."

"My. How sad..." Stefan let out a chuckle as the red and black mist thickened, surrounding the two of them until no one from the outside could see through it. "... I mean, how sad that that is the last thing you had in mind in this situation."

"I don't have many memorable things to recall." Fabian shrugged as his black sword trembled under his grip, eyes dropping menacingly as he tilted his head to the side. In a heartbeat, he suddenly bolted towards Stefan and thrust his sword.


"How about you, Your Highness? Have you ever thought of what kind of memory will flash before your eyes once life slowly slips away from your grip?" asked Fabian as Stefan brought forth Lancelot to block Maleficent. "They said a certain memory — something that we all held dear — will flash before your eyes while dying. So, I wondered what kind of memory Your Highness will see?"

Stefan smiled, blocking the black sword with ease. "Who knows? I will only know if that happens to me. How about you?" and then grind his sword until both their blades spark, launching an attack towards him.


"I am also intrigued about that, Your Highness."

The two of them fought equally, exchanging blows without delay. Despite that, they would constantly talk as if they were simply having tea in the garden on a lazy afternoon. Their conversation varied from life and death to hatred and love.

"Your Highness, why did you come back?" asked Fabian as their swords rattled between them. "Why did you conspire with the hateful Quentin? If you didn't come back, you'll be living a peaceful life."

Stefan snickered as he pushed the sword away and hopped back, swinging his swords down. "Butler, you always ask and say unexpected things. You make me want to think you are concerned about me."

"Please do not misunderstand. I am simply saying that everyone who came back to this place wished they didn't."

"And yet, we all find ourselves back in here." Stefan breathed out, chuckling softly. "Hell had enjoyed a vagabond life, but he returned. He wasn't the person who will return purely because of our father's death. He was the one who killed him, after all."

"If I didn't return, Hell will probably let me off as long as I don't approach the empire ever again. I don't mind living such a life outside, honestly. But here I am, back in this hell. I also wonder why I am here when I disappeared because I am already tired of everything and I wanted Hell to experience the weight of the crown," he continued with a shrug, speaking in all honesty. "Mister Fabian, you might have some answers about this obsession about why we keep coming back to this hell. After all, you also returned here after spending some time on the mainland."

Stefan smiled and Fabian, as well. The latter wasn't even surprised how Stefan knew about this as he didn't keep it a secret he went into that hidden land of vampires.

"Why are we all coming back in here...?" Fabian muttered with the same weak smile. "I also wonder why, Your Highness."


Once again, the two of them exchanged blows that made the mixture of blood and darkfield tremble every time their weapons clashed. This time, however, Fabian's expression grew solemn as Stefan's strength was just getting stronger. How did this man grow this strong? Fabian had no idea. But with this information in mind, his chances of winning were slimmer than he initially thought.

"This time, let me ask you, Butler," Stefan breathed out as he raised his free hand, shoving his claws towards Fabian's eyes, which the latter dodged. But just as he did, Stefan swung his sword and slashed it across Fabian's chest.

Fabian winced at his flesh being sliced through, jumping away. But Stefan wasn't kind enough to let him feel the pain as he vanished and reappeared behind him, piercing him through his back. Was it because Fabian had been fighting for hours that he was slow to react? Or was it because Stefan was just quick?

Either way, Fabian didn't think of those things as he gazed down at the blade that went through from the back of the side of his stomach through the front. Stefan purposely missed his vital points, but the pain was still the same.

"My question might sound stupid and cringe, but have you ever loved before?" Stefan inquired, pulling out his sword from him and blood instantly dripped on the ground.

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