The Duke's Passion

Chapter 544 - Law Is More Important

Chapter 544 - Law Is More Important

As the undeads and abnormals followed me, I figured killing five at once would only exhaust me. So, without a second hesitation, I led them to a distance before stopping. I pivoted on my heel only to see them all coming at me while baring their disgusting fangs.

I had to take a gamble. I already felt Zero's presence and a few more. Fabian would be in trouble if I didn't end these immediately. Hence, I raised my hand in front of me with my palms facing down.

"Darkfield," I whispered, and my hand instantly trembled, not used by the power I was trying to unleash. A dark shroud instantly enveloped everyone. It was small compared to the one enveloping Minowa, but I could handle this size. The army of undeads and abnormal didn't seem to care as they had completely lost their reasons.

"May you all rest in peace."

In this darkness, I had all the advantages. They all froze at my command, slaying everyone while the darkfield formed black hands underneath their feet. If bloodfield usually sucked someone's blood and life, darkfield aimed for their soul. Since the Bloodfang clan sacrificed their lives for someone like me to get born, I could use darkfield.

Although it also had its downside. Unleashing darkfield or bloodfield took a lot of energy and it was exhausting. I was not Sam or Zero or Stefan who would use these abilities at will and could control it. But I had no choice. I had to get out of it alive and fight.

"Die," I muttered, and even without using my scythe, bodies collapsed one after another, as the hands dragged them all down. The sight of it was akin to a literal hell, but I didn't even flinch at the red mist ascending in the air as blood flooded my feet. To help the darkfield, I also moved and slew anyone until the bodies piled up into a mountain.

Before I knew it, I stood at the peak of this mountain while holding the last remaining one on the neck.


I let go of it and its body stumbled down, joining the pile of bodies underneath me. The darkfield then disappeared as if it was exploding, making me feel the distinct auras of our powerful opponents and the slight quietness of the surrounding. Those undeads and abnormal who didn't enter my darkfield were still alive, but none of them approached me.

"Fabian will be angry for having to look after those fools." I ran my fingers through my hair, staining it with red streaks while tilting my head back. I then cocked my head in the mansion's direction, locking eyes with Zero from this distance. Zero's smirk was clear to me, seeing him leap away when Fabian sent someone flying to the former's standpoint.

"I wonder what idiotic words Zero said to make Fabian that angry," I wondered under my breath, as Fabian's aura was stronger than ever. This time, our butler was pissed. I have never seen him lose it, so knew Zero must have pressed a button he shouldn't. But I didn't dwell on it for too long as I gazed around.

'Those fools can handle these little numbers,' I thought, thinking that if those people fought three at once, they could do it. Of course, I knew it was dangerous. But it would be even dangerous if I didn't keep Zero busy.

With that thought in mind, I disappeared from the peak of this rotten mountain and skipped back to the mansion. Small numbers of undead and abnormal followed from behind, but I didn't care anymore. With my speed, I quickly reached Zero and Fabian's vicinity.

Aside from Zero, there was an unfamiliar person standing from several meters away. I glanced at the ground and noticed two figures lying on it, wearing the same cloak as that person. Fabian was always reliable. He immediately downed those two, whom I knew were powerful individuals.

"My, my former fiance! That is quick!" Zero clapped as he set his eyes on me. "No wonder my heart only yearns for you even though you broke it multiple times!"

I only stared at Zero from head to toe, confirming he had grown stronger. This wouldn't be easy anymore, I thought. I shifted my eyes to Fabian, distinguishing he wouldn't let off Zero that easily. But I had another worry in mind.

"Fabian, I will handle this person," I said, making Fabian frown as he finally peeled his eyes away from Zero to me. "Go back inside and check Law. Stefan isn't here and I don't like that this man is acting like a clown."

Zero's eyes lit up as he laughed out loud. "Oh my, darling! Are you saying you will fight me all alone? Aren't you amusingly brave?"

"Fabian, go." I jerked my chin in the direction of our house, casting Fabian a quick look. "Law's safety is more important. These people can fight those incoming rebels while I keep this person busy."

Fabian wasn't pleased, but his shoulder relaxed as Law was also important to him. "Yes, Your Majesty."

But just as Fabian was about to go, Zero let out another loud laugh once again while clapping in delight. I furrowed my brows and fixed my eyes on him. Zero and that one soldier of his didn't show the slightest sign that they would follow Fabian, but that was even more strange.

"My former fiance, you're always so slow..." Zero wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes as he recovered from his laughing. "Didn't your son tell you about meeting his beloved uncle on his birthday? Ah! Right... he wouldn't remember, so how can he tell you?"

I instantly froze as my heart paused for a moment. Even Fabian halted, staring at Zero, wide-eyed. What did Zero just... say?

"Oh, my! You all looked surprised! I mean, aren't you sleeping with Stefan every night lately?" Zero snickered while staring at my pale face. "Oh, right! You don't know since he was in a body of a six-year-old."

"Fabian..." my voice shook, unblinking. "... I'll go myself."


Meanwhile, inside the Roux estate, everyone stared at the door in fear, staring at the man standing in front of it. Although his hair was argent and they initially thought he was Samael, they were wrong. This man... even though he had done nothing yet, gave off a very dangerous aura.

Stefan scanned the faces of the women inside, searching for someone. His eyes fell down on Law, who stood beside Adam. The corner of his lips curled up into a smirk.

"Greetings, my nephew."

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