The Duke's Passion

Chapter 539 - The Promise She Made

Chapter 539 - The Promise She Made

I had almost gone used to the sounds of deafening shouts and clashing of metals as everyone roared at the top of their lungs. Even I yelled as I faced multiple rebels, helping anyone I could. With Fabian and me joining the battle, our people gained their momentum, fighting fiercely.

No guilt or remorse at the deaths under our belt. No mercy each time we swung our weapons. We didn't have the leisure to waver because we were all aware entertaining those emotions would not only cost us our lives but also the lives behind that gate.

Although we inflicted minimal casualties, we were gaining the upper hand. And yet, no one was happy about it. The pilings of bodies on the ground, voices once being heard along with the metals would fade in a second, and blood coloring us... this was no doubt a painful, bloody war.

A war no one could hide or run from; a night full of uncertainty whilst holding our breaths of whose voice would fade the next second.

This was the sound of war.

And to think the night had just begun...

I felt restless myself — breathless, even.

"Your Majesty!" I heard Omar yell, and I looked back, only to see Glory slaying a rebel attacking me from behind. I glanced at Glory and nodded, but I didn't have the time to thank him as we blocked the other incoming attacks.

"Damn it!" I roared through my gritted teeth, deflecting five swords all at once. "Fabian!"

Just as I pushed the five men, Fabian suddenly appeared on their back, eyes glinting as he slashed their backs in one swing. Even our dear butler, whose eyes were often barely seen with his usual bright smile, couldn't smile anymore.

As soon as he stood before me, he glanced down at the new corpses between us. My grip tightened, nodding at him as I faced more rebels coming at us. These people weren't as strong as those four we faced earlier, but because of their numbers, they were troublesome.

"Wipeout all these rebels!" I heard Jaime yell from somewhere, but instantly shut up when a burning arrow landed near my foot. I stepped on the fire to diminish it. These several arrows slightly put a pause for everyone, while some didn't stop fighting.

We were all battling at close combat since no one could shoot an arrow aside from me. Also, because the bows and arrows we had were limited in numbers. If the rebels had great archers, our casualties would be grave, especially since they were burning arrows.

They would set us all on fire.

"Fabian, stop all the arrows and never let a single one land in here," I ordered in a low tone before taking advantage of this brief silence on the battlefield. "Everyone! Don't be afraid! Continue fighting! We won't let those arrows burn us!"


I nodded, satisfied at the level of trust these people were giving me. I glanced at Fabian. He just nodded once before he jumped in the air, swinging his spear that instantly killed the fire at the tip of the arrow. The arrows clang on the ground, giving relief to those who witnessed him stop multiple arrows and making them look powerless.

"Everyone! Attack!"


Everyone was quick to fight once again, knowing Fabian would stop those arrows that startled us. Hence, the fight resumed as the deafening noises filled the air once again. Meanwhile, I walked back to the estate to grab the bows and arrows we brought near the gates.

As soon as I picked them all up, I jumped and landed at the top of the wall where the gate was attached. From this vantage point, I could see everything. The countless rebels running to join the battle, our people fighting, looting weapons from the diseases, Fabian standing on the front line, and some who were dragging those injured ones on our side to safety, since they could no longer fight.

The sight of it was... horrible. It made my stomach churn.

Although we were gaining the upper hand with minimal casualties, one injury or death meant a minus on our side. Meanwhile, ten deaths on the rebels meant nothing. Their numbers on the battlefield were just growing as well. If this continued like this, we would all reach a point of exhaustion and get killed by our enemies.

I took three arrows at the same time, placing them on the bow, pulling them back with the string. I had to reduce the number of entering the battlefield.

I released the arrows and aimed at the rebels with precision. Each bow pierced through their heads and I didn't miss a single one. Each arrow was precious right now. If I had fifty, that means fifty deaths. I didn't even bat an eye at that number of lives I had to take.

There was no right or wrong, immoral or ethical in here. We were all fighting for what we believed, for the things we wanted to protect, for our lives.

"Men! For our sons! Families! Friends! For the lives that had been lost! For the voices, we can no longer hear! No remorse in those who wanted to harm them!" I roared my lungs out, followed by my people's growls, before taking out more arrows to take more lives.

"Give your all!" I took a deep breath, grinding my teeth. "Show no mercy!!"

My hands had long been soiled and here I was, tainting them red and black even more.

But I had no guilt nor regret because I also had people to protect.

A tale I wanted to tell.

A family to go home to.

A life to return to.

And we... would all return to our families, to our lives; that was what I promised to these people and I would fulfill it as much as possible. For sure… we would all live a handsome life once this all ended.

That, I promised. To Law, to Sam, to the families and friends waiting and praying for these men to return to them.

Again, I released the arrows with my eyes blazing with determination. This heaviness in my heart… I would carry it all to hell.. Until then… I would be the devil born to deliver all these people to where we all belong first.

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