Chapter 536 - Ugly


Fabian stared at Maxine curiously, sizing her up in silence. Although the latter couldn't see anymore, she was aware of how he gazed at her intensely.

"It is nice to fight you again, Fabian the Butler." She smirked, taking off her blindfold. "Remember this? My eyes still ached every time I remember you."

He stared at the deep scar from her temple across her nose bridge to the other side of her eye. It was a horrendous sight to behold and ruined her face, but he didn't show a bit of remorse in it despite that he was the one who gave that scar to her.

"I blinded you since you're already blinded," came out a calm explanation from him. "Sometimes, not seeing things can make you see clearer. But alas, it seemed the effect is opposite to you. I didn't consider that you will stay blind and took my generosity for granted."

"Tch." Maxine snickered. "Generosity? Sure, Butler. You are the most generous person in the world."

She swung her sword, producing a swooshing noise. If there was one person she would never forgive, it was Fabian. Not because she couldn't see anymore. Actually, the irony of losing her sight was she could see clearer — not literally, though. Her other senses all heightened and she would know if a person was just taking advantage of her.

"I didn't ask to see it, Butler." Her smirk faded as she took a deep breath. "This generosity of yours... I will return it!"

As soon as she dropped those words, Maxine disappeared from her vantage point, only to reappear in front of him. Although she was just as fast as a blink of the eye, Fabian's expression remained the same.


He blocked her attack with ease. Maxine continuously attacked him while he just blocked each one of them, taking steps back at the same time. Her eyes were already closed, and yet her precision was impeccable. She wasn't leaving any openings for him, so he just let her release her pent-up frustration.

In the midst of their battle, Fabian's lips finally parted. "Are you in love with the previous emperor?" his question ceased her attacks as she hopped back just in case he attack her, but he didn't.

Instead, Fabian studied her curiously. Even before she could answer, he already guessed it. Maxine didn't just look up at Stefan. She was in love with him deeply and following his orders was her way of showing it. Surely, this thing called Love was giving Fabian the wrong impression.

To him, it was a terrible thing that made people stupid.

"Do you despise me because being blind helped you realize that he is merely using you?" he asked again, tilting his head to the side. She didn't need to answer, as he already knew this far, but he still asked to make her upset.

"Was your pain for letting yourself get used to his flowery words too painful that you cannot accept it? Since you're in denial, it must be." A sigh slipped past his lips, batting his eyes ever so tenderly. "I don't sympathize with you, but your decisions to let yourself get used to him whilst knowing the truth is... stupid."

"You don't know a thing, Butler." She scoffed, grinding her teeth while holding her swords tightly. "You know nothing... so don't talk as if you knew everything."

Fabian nodded, closed-lipped. "I know nothing and I don't know everything, but... I had been observing everything from the side. Hence, I can speak with certainty. How about you? Don't you regret turning yourself into a monster for someone who sees you as a pawn?"

Maxine hung her head low as her chest moved in and out heavily. A brief, bitter, and weak smile appeared on her lips, which no one had seen.

"Why would I regret it?" she whispered that only she could hear. "My king is innocent and kind. He just... he just loved the wrong person. If the third prince didn't wake up from his slumber, my king will be happy with her... and this place, this empire, that child's life, would be the place for my king's child. They had stolen everything from him. My poor king... he deserves none of this..."

Fabian finally reacted as he skipped several steps back until he reached the line. He simply glanced over his shoulder before keeping his eyes on Maxine.

"It is just a matter of time before the rebels come. Her Majesty and I will be a bit busy for a while. Can you handle them without dying immediately?" he asked in a solemn tone, waiting for just anyone to answer. To his surprise, it wasn't just one, but every one of them roared in unison.

"Leave it to us, Butler!"

"You and Her Majesty don't need to worry about us! We will watch each other's back!"

"We will make them regret marching in here!"

"Yes!! Just trust in us! We are already prepared to die!"

"It's only better to die fighting than die doing nothing...!"

The corner of Fabian's lips stretched into a smirk, then followed by a low chuckle. There wasn't even the slightest regret in their voice, although there was a mix of fear in it.

"Fools," he muttered, playing with Maleficent with his fingers. "Then don't die so easily as much as possible. The first one who dies is... ugly."

Their expression instantly turned blank as Fabian hopped away to clash with the terrifying monster named Maxine. Ugly? Was that something they would need to be concerned about? Their appearance? Their silence and confusion only stopped when Jaime shouted.

"I am not ugly!!" Everyone turned their dilated eyes on him, seeing him ground his teeth as he glowered at the approaching rebels. "I'm not the first to die in here. I will survive this night and live as a handsome man!"

"I will live a handsome life after this as well." Glory cracked his knuckles while glaring ahead. After that, every one of them shouted to stay 'handsome' and survive. As they do, Fabian chuckled whilst clashing, as those fools were so easy. And yet, he somehow didn't dislike them, nor did he think they were a burden to Lilou anymore.

"I don't know what she told them, but… Her Majesty always had her ways to touch the people's hearts."

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