The Duke's Passion

Chapter 533 - [Bonus ]Two Against One

Chapter 533 - [Bonus ]Two Against One

There was silence in the crowd after Fabian's remarks. A few seconds passed, Fabian finally turned his back against them and faced our four opponents, who were clapping at his speech.

"Your Majesty, I will fight Acheron." I glanced at him at his suggestion, nodding as soon as I caught his solemn expression. "One thing why these people want to separate me from you is that they won't regenerate from an injury from Maleficent."

On instinct, my eyes feel on Acheron's bicep where Fabian stabbed him. The bleeding stopped, but the wound was still there. It was still just as big as earlier and it didn't heal in the slightest.

"Ahh... that is why." I nodded in understanding. Maleficent was created by the soul of vampires Fabian slewed in the past. So it was only logical that the Undead who sucked soul instead of blood were wary of Maleficent. No wonder Acheron was hurt with just a stab from Maleficent but didn't even flinch when I severed his limb.

Among these four, Acheron was the most troublesome, and even when I could fight him equally, it was more efficient if Fabian fought him.

"Fabian, we don't have much time. Just in case you can't finish them off in time..." I trailed off as I glanced at the torches from the distance. The rebels were getting closer. If worse came to worst, we could only force these people to a safe distance so they wouldn't wipe out our people.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty." I cast Fabian a side-eye, catching him holding maleficent with both his hands. "It's been a while since I was forced to do this. Fortunately, I only wore inexpensive clothing when I thought of going to the fort."

"That is your concern?" I chuckled weakly, swinging Lakresha until it made a swooshing sound. "Among us, you are the cleanest one here."

I felt him gaze at my side as if he only realized that now. "How dare they put you in such a state?"

"I was the one who tore my dress, Fabian."

"I will not forgive them."

Benedict scoffed as they only listened to our petty conversation. They didn't attack us, knowing carelessly stepping into our vicinity would mean death. Also, I was certain they were waiting for Acheron to recover.

"Then... be careful, Fabian." My eyes darkened as I gazed at Benedict and Maxine. The latter was the best fighter among the three, aside from Acheron. I couldn't let Fabian take two formidable opponents at once.

"You too, Your Majesty."

For a split second, silence enveloped us as I felt my fangs grow. It was painful as if my tooth was being extracted, but I ignored the pain. I couldn't even stop them from showing because of the emotions that were swelling up in my heart. It was as though the information of Zero and Stefan prowling the disastrous street of Minowa touched a special part of my brain.

I kept thinking about it and the more I did, the more the outcome of this situation grew blurry. I didn't want this uncertainty; it wasn't welcomed. We had to end these people before those two decided to appear. If they did in the middle of this battle, we would be in a hell of trouble for sure.

I reached for my earring that was dangling in my ear, took it off, and whispered. "Catharsis." It didn't take long when Catharsis overwhelmed my left hand with its aura that reeked with bloodlust.

Unlike Lakresha, Catharsis made me embrace the overwhelming emotions in my heart. It was forcing me to release everything: viciousness, bloodlust, death, blood, violence. Once I embraced those emotions as part of me, I felt relief as the side of my lips stretched into a sinister grin.

"Let's start."

As if a sound of a gong rang in the air, I disappeared from my standpoint and so were the four enemies. A loud, maniacal laugh slipped past my lips before the piercing sound of metals rang in my ear.

"Oh, Maxine, dear." My eyes glinted as I stopped her and George from going after Fabian, who was now clashing sword with Benedict and Acheron. "Do not disturb our dear butler. You're mine."

"What strong bloodlust," she muttered through gritted teeth as she grinned until her teeth showed. "I am honored to be in your presence, Your Majesty."



Jaime held his breath as soon as those people outside the line clashed. This time, the gust of wind they created was stronger than it ever was. When Lilou was fighting all on her own, they were already overwhelmed. But now that more people joined the party, they all felt suffocated.

Some of them couldn't handle their aura even from that distance, and their knees gave way. Yet, they couldn't look away from their agile figure and quick movement that made them all appear like shadows. If not for the spark of their weapons every time they hit each other, they wouldn't be able to follow.

"This is insane." Jaime breathed out, barely keeping his knees from giving away. "These people... even that butler... how can... how can such people step foot in Minowa?"

Omar swallowed a mouthful of saliva, feeling his lips go cold. He wanted to ask the same. Minowa never produced such talented knights. These sorts of people with their caliber were only those people they heard in the capital. He had never seen this kind of fight, so it was overwhelming. Not just to him, but to everyone who was witnessing this fight.

"Two against one..." Glory's voice was low, holding his fist tightly. "I never felt so pathetic in my life." — he was a champion, or rather, he had always believed if he became a knight, even the military general would acknowledge his strength. But to think the empress and that mere butler could fight two powerful opponents each at once without making it look like they were at the disadvantage, everything Glory believed shattered like a fragile glass.

Just like him, everybody felt pathetic and useless in this fight. However, although these feelings were surging in their hearts, and their beliefs were turned to dust, it wasn't entirely bad. If anything, watching those two fights fueled their determination to fight.

It only solidified their resolve.

Suddenly, Glory saw someone coming at him at full speed. But instead of stepping back, he fought the urge to take a step back.

"Oy!" Omar yelled, but the stubborn Glory gritted his teeth.

"I am! Within the line!" he growled until his voice shook, trusting that no one could harm them for as long as they didn't cross the line Lilou created. Because if this person killed him, that only meant it was over for them. But he trusted Lilou and they all needed to believe in her, not because she was the empress, but because she was Lilou Roux.


"Good job, Glory." Glory didn't even blink as Lilou appeared to deflect the sword away. He slowly shifted his eyes on her, staring at her back that felt like it was an impregnable wall that no one could infiltrate. With a scythe on her right and a large sword on her left, she didn't look back as she leaped forward towards her two opponents.

Everyone fixed their eyes on her and her now silver hair flowing back beautifully. She hadn't realized it yet, but Lilou's hair had turned argent; like a moon giving light in this seemingly eternal darkness.

"Your Majesty...." Jaime murmured in relief before he yelled to cheer Lilou. "Your Majesty! Minced them all alive!"

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