The Duke's Passion

Chapter 527 - Trusting The Madam

Chapter 527 - Trusting The Madam

Jaime led us to a secret passage that only he in his family knew. Of course, by saying this, he was also admitting that he had more secrets hidden. But that wasn't important to me right now. What was important was that we got out of the estate without encountering enemies on the way.

But just when we exited the secret passage leading to the exit at the back of the estate, I instantly grasp Minowa's situation. Fire and smoke from the heart of Minowa ascended as screams, cries, sword clashing, and everything grew distinct in my ear.

I fixed my eyes on the thick smoke. The peaceful Minowa was no more. It was a tragedy, indeed.

I gripped Lakresha tightly as my jaw tightened. I had to make a choice right now; one was to lead this group to safety while the other was to rescue the children crying for help from a distance, but that would risk these people.

In this group, both my sons were here, but... my heart broke with the voices of the desperate calls of the innocent people.

"Mother." I raised my head at Law, seeing everyone's clear eyes staring back at me.

"Madam Roux, please don't worry about us. Let's save everyone and bring them to the Roux estate." Glory spoke while everyone nodded in agreement.

"We will fight alongside you," Lady Hazel added, making me shift my eyes to her, only to see Adam nod in agreement.

"You are all naive..." I argued, but this time, Jaime also spoke.

"We are not strong, but we can fend off for ourselves. The more this group grows, it may put us at more risk, but having more people who can fight and build sturdy walls is not a bad idea too."

Right now, the people protecting this small circle weren't enough, and if the group grew bigger, it would be riskier. But just as Jaime said, we would also gain more people who could fight. Surely, Jaime was quick to know that sticking with me was safer. Still, I was reluctant to risk that.

"Madam Roux!"

Suddenly, I heard the familiar voice of the knight who I ordered to pass the message to the other knights. To my surprise, it wasn't just him, but he brought abled and injured knights.

"The order is already being done, and the knights were falling back in their own discretion. These were the injured ones, but they can still fight after some time of rest," he said as soon as he stopped two meters away. "I know Madam Roux will not be able to turn a blind eye once she sees the current situation of Minowa. So, I brought them with me."

My mouth opened and closed seeing the large group of determined knights. All I could do was chuckle as I scratched my temple with my index.

"You guys..." I muttered as they amused me in a way.

"Mother, let us help Minowa as well." This time, Law voiced out, catching my attention. "We may not be as strong as you, but we can help the people find refuge."

"Law is right, Mother!" Adam backed up, making me dart my eyes at my sons.

With everyone's unity, I felt helpless as I shook my head. I took a deep breath, scanning their determined countenance. Since we all felt the same, I nodded lightly.

"You might get hurt," I said firmly, treating everyone as soldiers. "Worse, lose your life."

"We had been living a lie and a funny life of knights. Dying while doing our proper duties for once will be our atonement for our sins," the knight replied, glancing at the other knights, and they all nodded.

"Knight, what is your name?" I asked, and he looked at me solemnly.

"Omar, Madam Roux."

"Very well, Omar. I entrust their safety to you, knights. Prepare yourself to die protecting Minowa and its subject." I nodded encouragingly, as I didn't sugarcoat my words. "From now on, every single one of us had our foot in the grave. The women will protect the children, while men will protect them. Rescue everyone who needs help. Jaime, Glory, and the rest of the council will fight while you create a path to the Roux estate."

"Yes, Madam Roux!"

"Then, let's get moving." I turned around, holding Lakresha tightly. "Let's go."


Just as I ordered, we dauntingly went in the heart of the downtown of Minowa, helping the knights, on the verge of death, in the hands of some rebels. Townsfolk trying to flee with their family also joined our group, and we also helped some stray children who were crying in the middle of this chaos.

It was a disaster.

As we did so, our group kept growing with refuge and knights. We couldn't save everyone, but we saved as many as we could while some knights made sure the path going to the Roux's estate would be free of the enemy. So far, we only encountered a few rebels on the way, which the knights were able to defeat.

Thanks to some knights, they prepared a wagon and some steed so we could reach the Roux estate faster. On the way, their yells and invitation for those in need resounded along with the other noises in the air. I looked at the procession of people heading to our house and only then did I realize how our group grew ten... thirtyfold.

All these people were the ones I must protect, I told myself while riding a steed on the back. Good thing our estate had a vast lot and it could occupy half of the town's people.

"Fabian isn't still here. I wonder who was keeping him from going to me," I wondered under my breath. At this point, I already knew there was something wrong. "I hope he is fine... even when he is strong, I can't help but worry."

Soon, our house came into sight. The only good thing about the location of our house was, it was far away from the downtown. Hence, the closer we got to the estate, the lesser the enemies. It didn't take long when we reach the Roux estate, so I rode to reach the front.

"Open the gates!" I yelled and the second the guards saw me, they opened the gates wide without question, letting everyone enter the estate.

At this point, I stopped on the side while still saddling my horse. Everyone's faces felt relief as they stepped foot inside the estate, but I kept my stoic expression while watching the long procession enter.

"Madam Roux!"

Suddenly, the butler of our house approached me, making me gaze down at him. He was wiping his forehead, looking at me with worry.

"Are you and young master alright?" he asked worriedly, gazing at the people entering our estate.

"I'm alright. Law and Adam are within the group. Take them and the children inside. Tell the maids to prepare food and hot drinks for everyone. Also, bandages and medicine for the injured," I ordered in one breath, startling the butler as he looked at me blankly. "Now."

"Ye — yes, Madam Roux." The butler hurriedly walked to the side of the driveway to execute the order while I stayed outside the gates.

"Madam Roux, we can stay behind so you can rest." This time, it was Glory who approached me with Omar. The knights were ensuring everyone would enter the estate safely.

"I can't, Glory." My eyes veered at the end of the long line. "Tell all the knights to gather once everyone was inside. Just leave a few ones who can guard the gates. It's not over yet."

I narrowed my eyes, seeing further than a normal person could. Not that I could see everything clearly, but I could feel some powerful aura heading in this direction. My eyes darkened, discerning the auras I never felt before.

"They will soon ransack this area," I murmured before shifting my eyes to all the knights near me. I took a deep breath and cleared my throat.

"Everyone! Hurry inside. Prioritized the children, the elderly, women, and those injured. My people will help you with everything they could. For those knights and able men who can fight and are willing to die to protect their families..." I paused as the men — commoner or peasants — stopped to look at me.

".... meet me outside the manor."

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