The Duke's Passion

Chapter 525 - Why Are You All So Weak And Stupid?!

Chapter 525 - Why Are You All So Weak And Stupid?!

On our way to where Adam was, the smell of blood permeated in the air. It was too strong; it prickled my skin. But what alarmed me the most was the aura that was full of killing intent. I looked back at everyone, raising my hand to stop them.

"Glory, Knight, will stay with them," I ordered as we stopped outside the manor. I looked up at the window above, grinding my teeth as I felt that the strong aura was close to Adam.

"Madam Roux..." someone in the group called in a shaking voice, afraid of being left behind.

"Just stay here. We won't reach the Earl in time if we..." I trailed off as my heart suddenly thumped against my chest. I didn't talk anymore as I bent my knees, jumped up towards the window on the second floor and crashed into it. As soon as I had a glimpse of what was happening inside, I acted on instinct and stopped the sword from coming at Adam.

Thanks to my fast reflexes, I managed to step on the end of the sword and hooked Lakresha around the person permeating with killing intent.

"Whose son do you think you're pointing that sword at?" my voice shook as I gazed down while lifting my chin up.


I glanced at Adam and the second I saw his pale complexion, all I saw was red. I would kill this man. With gritted teeth, I tried hooking his neck to slice it, but he got away by pulling out another sword. Everything happened so fast, but my eyes were fixed on the knight, hopping several steps back.

"Hah... and if I am not wrong, you are Madam Roux?" he snarled, sizing me up warily. "What a surprise that someone like you can stop my sword."

"Jaime, what in the hell?" my eyes didn't leave the man, but I felt Jaime's gaze on my side. "Why are you all so damn weak that you did nothing when this man was trying to kill the earl?"

"Ma -- Ma --"

"The knight in Minowa surely never ceases to amaze me. I've seen more knights in my life and not a single one of them would exchange their honor for this so-called power." — I was a bearer and a knight of the third squadron. Hence, I was with the knights more than I was with my husband back in the palace.

"This, Jaime, is your creation," I remarked, so he was clear about that. "The knights who are supposed to protect the earl and Minowa is your creation."

"Tch." The knight before me snickered, swinging the swords in his hands. "That's right. We are the monsters he created -- "

Before he could finish his sentence, I already appeared in front of him and the crisp sound of metal resonated in my ear. He was quick to block my attack right on time but until when?

"No, Sir Knight. Jaime is a lowlife, so his creations were no monsters," I corrected firmly, staring into his dilated eyes.


I didn't let this man rest as I launched attacks one after another, leaving him with no other choice but to block my attacks. At the eighth time he blocked Lakresha, I lifted my knee, and it landed on his abdomen. Without idling, I elbowed the back of his head. I felt a part of his skull crack as he was left with no choice but to slump on the floor.

As soon as his palms touched the floor, I stood behind him and hooked Lakresha near his throat. It was over, I thought. Even though I couldn't see his expression, I knew he was flabbergasted at how things turned out.

I glanced up and my eyes instantly fell on Adam. He was barely blinking, holding his breath with his eyes on me. My heart ached at the thought of doing this in front of him, but letting this man go would only be a problem later. I traveled my gaze to the other people around, making me chuckle at their pathetic front.

"Haha...! I see Madam Roux can't kill --"

His voice was no longer heard, replaced by the sound of his head rolling. I didn't bat an eye in executing him, knowing mercy in this situation was naivety. These people were out to kill Adam. It was a kill or be killed situation and I'd rather kill than let my son I treasured die right in front of me.

"Mo — mother..." Adam called in a shaking voice, making me grit my teeth. Instead of speaking, I stormed in Jaime's direction. He panicked, taking hurried steps back, but to no avail.

I sprawled my arms towards him, grabbing him by the collar as I seethed. "My son is being assaulted in front of you and you were just watching?! Just how pathetic can you be?!" my voice thundered.

Jaime's lips opened and closed like a fish, but no words came out. If I didn't need this person right now, he would be the first person I would kill.

"You all!" I shouted, gazing at everyone with eyes glinting. "Why are you all so weak and stupid?! Your people are dying and your job is to plan on how to stop this madness! And yet, even in here, you will only let yourselves be killed?!"

I panted as I wanted to scold everyone for not keeping it together. If I was a second late, Adam's head was the one that was on the floor, not that chief knight's. Or worst, their blood already flooded this room.

"I can't believe Adam had to deal with clowns like you," I scoffed, pushing Jaime away while I ran my fingers through my loose, tousled hair. Everyone in this room acted dignified and all, but they were just a bunch of cowards and weaklings.

"We'll leave here," I said once I calmed down, letting out a sharp exhale as I scanned them all. "Right now, this place is being surrounded and their aim is the Earl and the Malum's."

I grabbed Jaime's collar again and dragged him near the table. When I stopped, I let him go and planted my palms on the surface of the table. Underneath my right palm was Lakresha. My sharp eyes scanned every single one of them again before I exchanged looks with the Earl.

Right now, in my mind, Adam wasn't just my son, but he was the Earl. A young man who required equal respect.

"My lord, please allow me to take charge in Minowa," I requested solemnly, staring at him straight in the eyes. "I may be asking for too much, but I need your help to save Minowa and its people."

There was silence. Adam wiped his eyes with his little arm before looking up at me once again.

"Please help us, Madam Roux." My eyes softened for a split second, detecting the desperation in his voice despite maintaining his brave front. This time, I couldn't help but extend my hand and ruffled his hair.

"Thank you for trusting your mother, son."

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