The Duke's Passion

Chapter 502 - Happy Birthday, Law!

Chapter 502 - Happy Birthday, Law!

We finally arrived at the venue. Even when we already traveled earlier, the carriages from the local guests were already arriving one after another. Many told me that tonight's banquet was just as grand as the one held in the royal palace. I often laughed it off, knowing that those comments came from nobles who never even attended any party from the royal palace.

Not that they were wrong, though. I used all the knowledge I learned from the capital and used my experience as a former duchess to this event, after all.

"Hand." Sam offered me his hand as he stood outside the carriage. A large smile appeared on my lips as I clasped his hand and he assisted me out. We both helped Law right after.

"Father, don't let me go," said Law when Sam was about to release his hand. Sam's brows rose as he narrowed his eyes suspiciously, finding our son's request strange.

"My son, is the world finally ending?" Sam inquired, making Law frown.

"Sam, today is Law's birthday. So of course, our son wants his father's affection," I explained softly while gazing down at Law. I smiled gently at him, squeezing his little hand lightly.

"Well, since our son begged, no problem." The side of Sam's lips stretched into a taunting grin, making Law pull his hand away but to no avail. "Oh, come one, son. There's nothing to be embarrassed that you are now being a son to your detestable father."

'That sounds so wrong. Shouldn't it be the opposite?' I replied internally, but at this point, I already knew it was pointless. "Sam, Law, you two will behave, alright?"

"Mother, it's not me that you should..."

"Wife, tell your son..."

"Behave." I cut them off before they could point fingers at each other, widening my eyes for them to understand my point. "Understood?"

"Yes, wife."

"Yes, Mother."

A sigh slipped past my lips as they both frowned and hung their head low. My husband and son surely each other's version.

"My. What is this? The party hadn't started yet, but my uncle and my little cousin are already getting scolded?" Suddenly, Claude came from behind us. Before I looked back at him, my husband and son already glared daggers at him.

"Claude, please don't tease them," I said along with my breath, seeing him raise both his hands. Behind him were Klaus and Fabian; they waved at us. All I could do was smile at them, hearing the cracking of invisible fire from my husband and my son's spot.

"Please go in," I told them and gestured my hand. "I'll just have a talk with these two."

"We'll see you inside." Claude winked as a charming smile resurfaced on his face. Goodness, this kid. I could already tell he would catch every young lady's heart.

"Be kind to them," Klaus advised, as he followed Claude. Meanwhile, Fabian stayed on that spot as he would assist us. I didn't know why he was with Claude and Klaus, but I knew there must be a good reason for that. So, I didn't dwell on it as I faced my husband and son again.

Sam and Law were digging a hole in Claude's back, making me let out another sigh. "Sam, Law, please."

"That nephew of mine surely knows how to get on my nerves now," Sam spat out as he clicked his tongue, peeling his eyes away from him to me.

"Agree." Law nodded. Surely, these two only agree on people to dislike.

"I want you two to loosen up a bit, alright?" I frowned as I was now unsure if they would enjoy this if they kept hating on anyone who approach me. I don't need to be guarded.

"Mother, I am already enjoying it," Law coaxed as he smiled sweetly while Sam brushed my cheek with his thumb.

"You're the one who is worrying too much, wife. Loosen up."

"Maybe," I muttered, letting out another sigh while casting them a look. "Let's go inside?"

"Sure." Sam nodded, and we headed inside, holding Law's hand; I was on my son's right and Sam on his left. With us together, it was obvious that the color of our clothes complimented each other. Fabian walked behind us, but he kept a safe distance.

I didn't know how many people were already inside the venue until we entered. The three of us stopped momentarily, gazing at the crowd inside. There wasn't anyone announcing our arrival, but the light chatterings filling the air gradually subsided as they shifted their attention to us.

"Uh..." My hands and feet went cold at the attention I thought I was prepared. I snapped my eyes when Law squeezed my hand lightly, making me gaze down at him.

"Mother, you look beautiful," he said as if telling me to be confident enough.

"Thank you," I whispered with a smile, lifting my gaze to Sam and catching his smile.

"Very stunning," he added while nodding encouragingly.

"You two..." I chuckled as we headed in with everyone's eyes still on us. My nervousness soon disappeared when I saw Adam not far away from us.

"Law!" he called and was about to jog when he stopped. I secretly chuckled as Adam waited for us to approach instead. Gosh... this other son of mine had learned to keep his image in the eyes of the public.

"Greetings, my lord," we greeted. I performed a small curtsy while Law and Sam beckoned a neck bow. "Thank you for gracing us with your presence and for offering us this place to celebrate this auspicious occasion."

"The pleasure is mine, Madam Roux."

I nearly squealed at Adam's formal reply. I stared at him and studied his demeanor. Adam now carried himself with confidence and his eyes were clear. I gazed up at the person behind him and my eyes drooped.

"We are also honored that you accepted our humble invitation, Count Malum."

Jaime forced an awkward smile as he laughed awkwardly. "Of — of course, Madam Roux! The young master Roux and the Earl are great friends, after all!"

"That's right, Count Malum. They are great friends and more like brothers," Sam chimed in, but his tone instantly sent a chill down my spine. Others might not feel it, but Jaime and I, who were close to him, felt that.

"Ha... ha ha, yes!"

A shallow breath slipped past my lips while staring at Jaime Malum. He was already breaking out in sweats. It must be very difficult for him to carry our secret on his own. But this had helped Adam have a normal life in the Crowell estate. I would kill him myself if they maltreated Adam.

"By the way, Law, I have a lot of things to tell you." Adam hopped a step, grinning as if to invite him to play. Law gazed up at us and we released his hand.

"Don't go too far," I whispered, seeing them nod. "We will still greet our guest later."

"Yes, Mother!"

With that, Law and Adam snuck away from the adults. I watched them go to one table so they could chat. I was certain they had many things to talk about.

"You — your Maje --" I shifted my eyes at Jaime Malum as he stuttered.

"Yes?" Sam cocked his head to the side, fluttering his eyelashes. "Count, there were many people around. It'll be suspicious if you look so scared."

Sam smiled brightly while I shook my head. How could Jaime Malum calm down if he kept teasing the count? Surely, my husband held a deep grudge against this man for what he had done to Adam.

"If I am not mistaken, is this the Madam Roux everyone is talking about?"

Suddenly, my eyes dilated as I heard a familiar voice from our side. I instantly turned my head in his direction and my face brightened up.


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