The Duke's Passion

Chapter 474 - Rufus Important Decision

Chapter 474 - Rufus' Important Decision

Meanwhile, in the imperial palace, Rufus held two letters. One on his right and one on the left. He kept darting his eyes from the letters from Samael... or so what he believed.

"Captain, is there something wrong?"

Rufus raised his head at Kristina, who was leaning on the shelves, arms crossed. Her long beautiful hair was now cut short like a man, and yet she still looked stunning. Although there was a huge scar on the side of her neck up to her jaw. Just like her, Rufus also had a huge scar across his cheek, which didn't bother him.

These scars on them and all the scars underneath their uniform all came from the war. Rufus had been active in the war since Samael's reign with Kristina. They only get to rest in recent years when Samael's power stabilized.

"It's strange," he pointed at while staring at the letters. "Why would His Majesty send two letters at the same time?"

"Well, why don't you open it to know, Captain?" she arched a brow and tilted her head to the side. "I don't understand why you are idling."

"Because my gut feeling tells me I will have to make an important decision."

"Haha. That's understandable, then." Kristina chuckled as she shook her head lightly. She had been with Rufus almost at all times. Although her feelings towards her captain remained, Rufus was akin to an indestructible wall; immovable, dense, and just plain. Thus, their relationship stayed platonic.

The longer she stayed with him, the more Kristina realized he would never reciprocate her feelings. Not that she had her hopes up from the beginning. She was already aware of who held this man's heart. And that was... the beautiful lady in the east.

"Captain, now that I think about it, I heard Her Highness in the east had been receiving a lot of marriage proposals." Kristina broke the silence, waiting for him to raise his head.

"So? What's that got to do with me?"

Kristina smacked her lips as she already expected such a weak reaction. "Nothing, Captain. I just thought you might get jealous." She shrugged nonchalantly.

"Why would I get jealous? The Marchioness in the East is amazing. Of course, a lot of men will line up to get her attention. Not only does she hold a beauty of a goddess, but she is also smart and has political influence." Rufus explained with a tone of disinterest, darting his eyes on the letter once again.

"Captain, are you this calm because you know she rejects all of them? Or are you only that confident that you have a good hold on her heart?"

Rufus paused and blinked ever so slowly. "Neither."

Kristina frowned as she studied Rufus. He already picked which letter he should open and grabbed a paper-knife to open it.

"There's another option; are you calm because you simply accepted that she is someone you will never reach?" once again, she raised a question out of plain curiosity.

This time, Rufus raised his head once again and scanned Kristina. "You are always interested in the matters of my heart, Dame Monroe. I should be the one asking you. Why hadn't you gotten married yet? I heard you received a couple of marriage proposals in the past months."

"That's right. I think I did and burned them all."


Kristina scrunched her nose up as she looked at him in dismay. "My Captain, are you asking me because you don't know?"

"I don't." He shook his head, sporting a clueless, stoic look.

"It's because Captain had a good hold of my maiden heart as well." She peeled her eyes away and answered along with a deep exhale. Although she sounded joking, she wasn't.

Rufus nodded in understanding. "Is that so?"

She could only roll her eyes at his reaction. See? That was why she didn't find the need to keep her feelings a secret. Rufus wouldn't take it to the heart.

They kept quiet after that as Rufus opened the letter and then the other. Once the letters were in his hand, held both of them and read them. Kristina studied his expression and quirked a brow, seeing how Rufus's stiff expression relaxed, but then he frowned.

"Captain, that's a strange reaction. Is your gut feeling correct?" she asked, intrigued by what could make this man smile gently and frown a second later.

"My gut feeling never failed me, Dame." Rufus cast her a quick look. "I, indeed, need to make a critical decision where I had to put my life on the... line."

He trailed off when the door of the office suddenly busted open. Kristina and Rufus could only blink as they watch Beatrice pranced her way inside his office.

"The capital is so... boring~!" Beatrice exclaimed in distress, taking a seat on the settee inside Rufus' office. She raised her brows and darted her eyes from Kristina and Rufus, narrowing them suspiciously.

"Say, you two." She raised a hand and pointed it at the two of them. "Are you two in that kind of relationship? I mean, it would surprise no one. So, you don't have to keep it a secret."

"Your Highness, I will appreciate it if you do not put malice in my relationship with the Dame." Rufus's tone remained calm and unbothered. By now, he was already used at Beatrice barging into his office whenever she pleased. She was that bored.

Beatrice let out a sigh before shaking her head, arms crossed. "General, you are being heartless with Dame Kristina. How can you be so dense when it's obvious who her heart yearns?"

"Your Highness, my heart is now pulverized. You do not have to worry." Kristina humored, pressing her lips and faking a smile. She was also used to Beatrice's personality by now. Well, she somehow could understand this princess from another kingdom.

Beatrice had the palace all to herself, after all. Everyone was busy while she was here, withering away in the luxury of the imperial palace alone. She was slowly losing her mind at this strange peace in the empire.

"You seemed to be in a good mood, Your Highness." Rufus pointed out, making Beatrice's face brighten up.

"I sent Yulis a letter and I'm sure by now, he had received it already."

"And I'm also certain he had torn it before reading everything." He guessed in the same nonchalant tone, but Beatrice chuckled loudly. Her laughter echoed across the four corners of the office, sounding more evil by the second.

"I know!" she exclaimed, heaving a deep breath while biting her index finger. "It makes me wonder how many times he tore my letter. Oh, Yulis..."

Kristina cringed, feeling sorry for Yulis for catching this woman's eyes. 'What a pervert.' she thought, shifting her eyes to Rufus.. The latter also shook his head lightly before diverting his focus on the letters.

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