The Duke's Passion

Chapter 468 - Do Not Worry About That

Chapter 468 - Do Not Worry About That

I didn't sleep throughout the night. But Sam did. We were still in the chair behind his desk, facing the window. I let my husband take a rest, as it seemed he barely had any in these past years. Meanwhile, I watched the sun slowly engulf the sky and devour the darkness of the world.

My eyes softened as a subtle smile appeared on my face. "What a beautiful day."


A light knock came from outside the door before it slowly creaked open. I peek over the high-back chair, seeing Fabian enter. He looked around and his brows creased in irritation.

"Your --" Just as he raised his head, I shushed him by placing my lip in front of my lips. Fortunately, Sam turned the chair around so Fabian wouldn't see us naked. But Fabian was quick to read the situation.

"I'll come back with a robe," he said in a low tone, bowing before leaving the office.

I smiled as I looked at the shut door. Fabian didn't change a bit. He was still that person who would get totally annoyed when things were disorganized and messy. That was why he rarely enter Sam's workshop in Grimsbanne; that part of the mansion was a total mess.

Shortly, Fabian returned with a robe for me and for Sam. He handed it over to the desk while I reached out for it. Since Sam was holding me in his arms and I didn't want to leave him like this, I used his robe as a blanket instead.

"Is my son awake?" I asked, raising my head at him while Fabian stood in front of the desk.

"The young master is still asleep. He normally wakes up an hour from now."

"How about the young Lord?"

"The young Lord is still asleep, Your Majesty."

I nodded, closed-lipped. I looked at Sam lovingly, brushing his lean cheek. "Sam fell asleep last night. I don't want to interrupt his rest since it seemed he barely got any for the past five years."

"Is that alright, Fabian?" I lifted my head back and set my eyes on Fabian once again. "His Majesty had been working day and night. This sleep is what he deserved. Although it pains me he is sleeping on a chair instead of resting somewhere more comfortable."

"I understand, Your Majesty. I will let everyone know not to go in here."

"Thank you, Fabian." I smiled and Fabian sported a polite smile. When he was about to take a leave, I called him once again. I waited for him to turn his head back, seeing his eyebrows raised.

"I'm really glad that you stayed beside Sam and my son, Fabi."

Fabian's brows and shoulder relaxed, shaking his head. "I am glad that His Majesty kept me by his side. Also, I'm relieved that you finally returned to us, my lady. Not just me, but everyone had been praying for your return."

My smile stretched wider as I knew who was that "everyone" he was talking about. Fabian let out a sharp exhale.

"I will return with a cup of hot chocolate and some bread while His Majesty is asleep," he said before bowing for the nth time and left.

Just as Fabian said, he returned with a hot chocolate and bread to enjoy the morning. I sniffed the hot chocolate, licking my lips before taking my first sip. My brows furrowed, as the taste was a little strange.

"I added a bit of ingredient so you can still enjoy it," Fabian explained as he didn't leave immediately, as if he saw this coming.

"You added something?"

"I added some blood in it since vampire's taste differed from normal humans." He clarified, furrowing his brows while seeing the conflicted look on my face. "My lady... His Majesty didn't tell you yet?"

"N — no." I shook my head and gazed down at the hot chocolate. "But I already had my suspicion. Charlotte told me I died during childbirth. Why I am still alive and breathing is obvious, but I didn't ask Sam, nor did he have a chance to tell me about it."

There was a moment of silence in the room as Fabian kept quiet. I glanced at him and chuckled. He looked as if he said something he shouldn't.

"Don't worry. It can't be helped, right? My husband loves me so much that he wouldn't accept my death and I'm glad he held onto me." I looked at Sam and smiled, resting my cheek against his head. "If he didn't turn me into a vampire, I will not meet our wonderful son. I'm glad to be alive, Fabian. Don't make that look as if you feel sorry for me."

"Apologies, Your Majesty."

"You shouldn't apologize too. I know you just know that I prefer being a human, and that is correct. If possible, I want to stay human. But as I've said, it can't be helped. Also, being a human and a vampire doesn't matter to me now. As long as I can be with my family, that's good enough for me." I glanced up and saw Fabian smile subtly. "Humor me for a while, Fabi. I know talking like this can be distracting, but I have a few questions."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty. You can ask me anything."

I nodded and sipped an ample amount of hot chocolate. It tasted strange still, but I could taste the chocolate. I thought if I kept drinking it, I would soon get used to it.

"About Law," I cleared my throat, keeping my voice down so Sam wouldn't wake up. "Is he human? Vampire? or Half?"

"The young master is a pureblood vampire, Your Majesty. Since you have the blood of the Bloodfang and Crawford, the young master had become a pureblood."

I nodded in understanding before throwing another question. "Does he know?"

"No." Fabian pressed his lips into a thin line and glanced at Sam's side, although he couldn't see him because of the high-back chair. "His Majesty wants to keep it a secret until he has come of age."

I frowned and gazed at Sam. "How did you keep it a secret? Doesn't my son crave for blood?"

"The Young Prince's meals and drinks always had a small amount of His Majesty's blood just like your meals, Your Majesty. His blood is enough to quench the young master's and her Majesty's thirst."


"That is why Her Majesty doesn't find any blood enticing. His Majesty's blood is far more superior to others. It's the same with the young master. That is why he can stay as a normal child just like everyone."

"Is that so?" my eyes remained on Sam, sighing faintly.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty. The young prince is smart and I'm sure he will understand why His Majesty kept him in the dark." I raised my gaze to Fabian, catching the reassuring smile on his face. "The Young Master took after his mother, after all."

"Fabian, you flatter me." I chuckled and shook my head.. "But I guess there's no need to worry about that for now."

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