The Duke's Passion

Chapter 438 - How He Became Emperor XI

Chapter 438 - How He Became Emperor XI

Samael gathered everyone in the meeting room. Standing at the end of the table, he scanned all the faces gathered around it. From his right was Heliot, Beatrice, Klaus, Claude, Silvia, Yulis, Ramin, Kristina, Noah who came after receiving a royal invitation, Cameron, Dominique and Jayden fresh from their cells, and then Rufus.

"You must have heard it already," he spoke, breaking the thick silence that reigned the meeting room. "I planned on taking the throne. If you have any objection, speak now."

His tone was low and calm, but one couldn't tell what he would do if anyone object. Not that any of them planned to — even Dominique and Jayden remained silent.

Samael nodded in satisfaction before he continued. "I want to succeed the throne as soon as possible. I know the empire is still unstable and many people — especially the aristocrats — are protesting and giving everyone a hard time. Invite them all in here. Everyone who wants an audience with the person in charge, I will deal with them all at once."

Silence followed his remarks, as they could only stare at him. Despite his placid tone and demeanor, a sense of dread crept into their heart.

"What happened to Stefan?"

Suddenly, Dominique finally regained his voice. He didn't care much about Samael's plans, but he was more concerned about his king.

"Who knows? You're with him all the time, Dominique," Samael answered nonchalantly, casting him a distant look. "How come you aren't included with the previous emperor's plans?"

Dominique pressed his lips while his shoulder trembled in anger. He glared at Samael but held his frustration at the former's insinuation.

"Instead of inquiring about things we have no answer, aren't you curious why you are here?"

"Why?" this time, Jayden raised a query. "What are you thinking of letting us join here without restraints?"

A brief chuckle slipped past Samael's lips as he darted his eyes between Dominique and Jayden. They weren't restrained and they could freely do what they pleased if they dared.

"I will reinstate you titles and bring you back to duty," Samael explained, keeping it short and simple. This time, not just Jayden and Dominique were surprised, but everyone as well — except Heliot.

"You will reinstate them?" asked Klaus in disbelief, casting his other brothers a conflicted look. "These fuckers are loyal dogs of Stefan."

"Hell, I don't want to question your decision, but please reconsider." Silvia voiced out with worry in her voice.

Each and everyone raised their concerns and Samael listened to them in silence. Once they were done, he scanned them once again, planting his palm on the edge of the table.

"I understand all your concerns, and I am fully aware that Dominique and Jayden will never swear their loyalty to me," Samael remarked while glancing at the two men he mentioned. "But I will still reinstate them."

Samael paused, pushing himself away from the table. "As you all know, we are short of hands and we need more people, so this palace and the capital can recover quickly. I don't want to send my people out on missions where they can die during these tough times."

As soon as his last remark registered in their head, their frown was replaced with surprise. Even Dominique and Jayden couldn't help but scoff. But Samael only took a momentary pause as he faced his two brothers.

"If you want to know where in hell is Stefan, hear his reasons, and so on, I advised you to accept my sincerity." A weak smile resurfaced on his face, but the other two simply chuckled in ridicule.

"And if we refused?" asked Jayden with eyes bearing with malice.

"Then, that's a shame. You will die not knowing a thing." Samael shrugged nonchalantly, peeling his eyes away from them. "Moving on, since you're already in here, there are things I want you to know."

"First is, I will only stay in the palace for a month or two to settle everything in the palace and the capital. I don't plan on staying here with my wife and raise my child inside this damn hellhole." Samael continued, and this raised concerns from Cameron.

"Your Grace, how can the emperor leave his palace —" Cameron was cut off as Samael raised a hand. He immediately pressed his lips and lowered his head.

"I know it's a little crazy for the king to leave his throne empty, but I will not change my mind. I will deal with all important documents and state of affairs in my dwelling outside this place. Once I'm gone, I will leave Rufus in charge of this place," Samael explained and glanced at Rufus, who had his brows furrowed.

"But... how about when you needed to accept an audience? Will you travel back and forth from Grimsbanne to the Capital? Why don't you just move the Capital to Grimsbanne, if that is the case?" this time, it was Yul who raised a question. "Grimsbanne is set to be the new capital, after all."

"You didn't understand, Yulis. When I said I don't want to raise my son inside this damn hellhole, what I mean is I don't want to expose my son to the palace rules or being a royalty." Samael's tone grew adamant and moved on from the topic when no one argued with him about this. "Also, I will assure you no one will request a private audience with me, and if it's very important, Rufus will hear it in my stead."

"Second, not many of you will stay in this place as well," Samael added, causing them to look at him in confusion. This time, even Heliot raised a brow as he stared at Samael's rear.

"As you are all aware, the seat of the Earl in Monarey of the North is empty and Grimsbanne as well.." His eyes slid towards Klaus and then to Claude, who was sitting beside his uncle. "Claude, will you accept the title of being the new Earl of Monarey?"

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