The Duke's Passion

Chapter 403 - I Will Run Away

Chapter 403 - I Will Run Away


The young master's voice was soft, with a touch of determination in his tone. I was mind-boggled by how he addressed my husband. Myriads of questions flew in my head, but all I could do at the moment was to listen to the long silence in the room.

"I will run away," said the child, making me mentally raise my brows. Who in the world would announce they would run away from home?

"Oh?" Sam's reply was also not good. "Is that all?"

Silence descended into the room once again. What kind of conversation was I hearing? No, that wasn't important. My husband had a child?! Does that mean I slept for a long time? The young master sounded like he was around four or five. Did Sam remarry during my sleep?

My heart sank into my back while I stared at the ceiling. I wouldn't blame him for seeking a companion while waiting for me, but... it hurt. I wasn't dead yet. No matter how long I slept, he should have waited for me. I know I was being selfish, but he promised.

My vision blurred as tears pooled behind my eyes. What a way to wake up. First, my husband ignored me, and now this young master. Can I just sleep for a thousand more years?

After a prolonged silence in the room, the child spoke once again. "I will take Mother with me."

"Say that again."

"I will take Mother with me!"

"Do you want to die?" Sam's tone dropped as if winter suddenly came in the middle of summer. The temperature in the room was enough to know it was around that time of the year.

"I will take Mother and run away from here." The child repeated, and I frowned. Even though Sam was his father, if he wanted to run away, just do it. I guessed he took after his father.

No... did he say mother? Who was his mother?

The sudden thought crossed my head, thinking of ladies who captured my husband's heart. I couldn't think of anyone, though. Wait. Sam didn't indulge in debauchery and had a child with just anyone, right? It wasn't impossible, as his tone with his son was distant.

"Go. If you wanted to run away, you don't have to tell me about it. Just do it." Sam advised, and I nodded mentally.

That would be my plan. I would run away from this place and curse Sam all my life. How dare he?

"The last time I ran away, you brought me back in here. So, I'm asking for your permission so you won't chase after me."


"Thank you, Father."

I heard the sound of light footsteps, followed by the creak of the door as the young master left. What a strange conversation to listen to. It messed with my feelings, and I couldn't even go full-blown sentimental.

"I don't know what to do with him," Sam murmured from the distance. I could imagine him sighing and shaking his head lightly.

"He is so stubborn. I can't even count how many times he runs away only to return or get brought back in here. Just who did he take after?"

My goodness... my husband. I mean, I didn't even know if I should call him that, since I was unsure if he got remarried or what. The younger Lilou's silliness must have rubbed on me with all these silly thoughts hovering over my head. My mind was just jumbled, just like my emotions.

"I wonder what he plans to do next. I can't even let my guard down for a second since he plans to take away my wife."

Sam's voice sounded closer as he returned to the side of the bed. When he said 'wife', a surge of emotion swelled up in my chest. He got remarried, huh? And it sounded like he truly care about his wife now.

I didn't know whether to get mad about this or just cry. But I ignored him and just stared at the ceiling. This was unfair.

"Lilou," he called, but I continued to ignore him. His thumb wiped the tears that rolled down my temple.

"Were you sad about that?" he inquired in a melancholic tone. "It'll be alright. He is just like that."

That wasn't the reason I was sad, but never mind. I couldn't even make a sound, much less tell him to leave me alone. This was frustrating, and it was steadily increasing with his gentle action. Sam was acting like a devoted husband, but he now had a child and a new wife.

Sam let out a deep sigh. "I don't even know how to make you feel better."

'Just leave!' was what I wanted to tell him. I needed some time and space to organize my thoughts, but I couldn't with all these overwhelming surprises the moment I regain consciousness.

"Goodness," he murmured and drew away before reading the book he got from the shelves. Sam read the story as if he had read it a hundred times.

The story sounded familiar as I guessed some parts. I didn't know how long he was reading, but he covered the story from beginning to end. After finishing the story, he tucked me in and placed his palm over my eyes to close them.


"Good night, love," he whispered as he bent over, planting a kiss on my forehead. "I will bathe and come back."

I kept my eyes closed on instinct, and all I heard next was the door opening and closing before silence followed. When I knew Sam left, I slowly opened my eyes.

'Did he just close my eyes and decide for me to sleep?' I wondered, recalling his actions. It was already strange that he ignored the fact that I had my eyes open, but him, closing them, was even stranger.

'Oh, my goodness... I need to move or at least try to.. I couldn't be in this state for a long time.'

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