The Duke's Passion

Chapter 397 - [Bonus ]Adventure With Mister Fabian~!

Chapter 397 - [Bonus ]Adventure With Mister Fabian~!

Once morning came, the state of the once glorious imperial palace was overwhelming. The cold palace in the west wing was nothing but rubbles. Some parts of it were still caught on fire, and piles of corpses scattered the silent hallways and outside. It appeared more like a result of a large-scale war.

The scent of blood loomed in the air that could reach even the border of the country. And yet, the casualties in the capital were surprisingly low.

Everyone in the capital walked outside their homes just to gaze upon the imperial palace. It had fallen overnight. Be it commoners or nobles, the fear of uncertainty crept into their hearts. Children who would innocently ask the adults what happened to the palace were silenced and dragged inside their homes.

Some had packed their luggage to flee, while others prayed to whoever they worshiped. They might not know the details of the ruckus that kept them awake last night, but one thing was for sure;

The king had fallen.

Stefan's reign was over.

And a new king shall arise.

Whoever it was, they didn't know. That was the most terrifying of all; no knowing a thing. After all, whoever usurped the throne with such wicked means would leave a good impression on no one.

"Mister Fabian!" Charlotte called in high spirits, leaping from one roof tile to another. She didn't even exert some effort as she rushed to Fabian, who was sitting on a chimney.

Fabian was gazing down at the capital's plaza, resting his leg over the other. He didn't even cast Charlotte a glance as he just observed the capital from the roof of one of the noble estates.

"Mister Fabian, what are you doing here?" asked Charlotte as soon as she stopped beside him.

"Good morning, Charlie. If you can just please lower your voice, I will truly appreciate it."

A pout immediately turned up on her lips. "Mister Fabian, did we lose? You seem to have woken up on the wrong side of the bed."

"I didn't, Charlie. I hadn't had a wink of sleep." Fabian let out a deep sigh as he glanced at her briefly. "And no, we didn't lose nor win."

"Huh? Is it a draw, then?"

His lips parted but decided to shut his mouth. Fabian set his eyes back on the Capital's plaza where a lot of people had gathered.

"What is the purpose of winning, anyway?" he inquired after some time of silence.

"Hmm. Winning is winning? I don't know why you don't know that, Mister Fabian."

'Just how many times would she disappoint me?' he wondered, as it was better talking to himself since he made more sense.

"Winning is reaching the goal, Charlie. However, not all goals are considered winning since our losses are far more severe." Fabian explained in a solemn tone while staring in the same direction. "That is why there is this thing called a losing victory."

"Ohh." Charlotte's lips formed a circle while nodding.

"Humans and Vampires alike are complicated beings." A shallow breath slipped past his lips. "Or rather, a person's heart is always complicated."

"I guess Mister Fabian doesn't have a heart since you're not that complicated."

Fabian glanced at her with what she had said. Many people had told him he was a complicated lad, so she was the third person to tell him that.

Noticing the doubt in his eyes, Charlotte grinned mischievously. "Mister Fabian kills when he feels like it and not when he doesn't."

"Well, I will take that as a compliment."

"Hehe! So, why are you here?" she inquired, changing the subject while holding her hand behind.

"I am thinking whether I should go back to Grimsbanne alone or stay."

Her brows furrowed at his answer. Charlotte assessed Fabian's side profile, and it seemed he was serious.

"There's nothing to do in here anymore," he explained with the same disinterest in his voice. "Also, I don't feel like helping in cleaning that mess in the palace."

"So, you're just simply running away from cleaning? Mister Fabian, I thought you like cleaning and gardening? What happened to you?"

He had heard her question, but ignored it. Fabian just looked at the Capital's plaza in silence, deep in thought. Fortunately, Charlotte could read his sullen mood, so she went silent and gazed in the same direction.

"Sir Knight will have a lot of explaining to do," she murmured, noticing some noble head clans finally showing up. "I wonder if His Grace and Her Grace were fine. I can't feel the duchess' presence."

"They are not," Fabian whispered, making her look at him. "I've never felt his soul this shaken."


"Charlie, go help in the palace." Fabian slowly stood from the chimney and dusted off his clothes.

She tilted her head, watching him prepare himself to leave. "You're going back to Grimsbanne? Won't His Grace get mad?"

"No," His answer was quick, setting his pair of sharp eyes on her. "I'm going to borders."


"Yes, so stop asking and do something more productive." Fabian nearly rolled his eyes as he turned, but stopped when she leaped a step closer. He glanced over his shoulder, raising a brow.

"I think what Mister Fabian plans is more productive than cleaning the palace." The side of her lips stretched into a wide grin.

"You just also want to get away."

"Of course not! I'm just into more adventures. What will happen in the palace today and for the next few months is already predictable." She giggled, following Fabian's footsteps. "Also, Mister Fabian does nothing out of the ordinary if it is not important!"

While Charlotte followed him, she kept talking nonstop. Fabian let her and it was surprising how she could be quite accurate at times. The reason Fabian chose to do this 'chore' of going to the borders was that it was more important.

Rufus would be busy for the time being, and Samael didn't seem stable. Those two needed someone who would make sure they could have time to do what they had to do. The last thing they all wanted now was unwanted visitors.

"Adventure with Mister Fabian~!" Charlotte cheered with her hands up in the air. "I finally became his disciple, yeey~!"

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