The Duke's Passion

Chapter 395 - [Bonus ]Almost Is Never Enough

Chapter 395 - [Bonus ]Almost Is Never Enough

Back in the throne hall, Samael took out Alphonse's heart just to make sure he was dead. God knows how this pained him that he had to do this just to make sure that his brother was dead.

After doing so, Samael turned his head in Lilou's direction. "Lilou."

He sprung to his feet, rushing to Lilou's side. His bloodstained hand stopped before touching her, gazing at Alphonse's blood on his hand.

"Lilou," he whispered, gazing at her that made his eyes soften. "Whatever..."

Samael exhaled sharply and checked her neck to see if her vein was still pulsating. His brows furrowed as he had to press harder to feel her weak pulse.

"No," he uttered under his breath, bending over and placing the side of his head on her chest.

Her heart was still beating, albeit faint. Was she dying? Samael was not sure as her blood flow was in turmoil, a sign to him that wasn't the case.


Suddenly, Beatrice's grunting reached his ear along with rubbles falling. She dragged herself to sit up, wincing in pain as some of her joints were dislocated from Alphonse's brutal action.

"That fool..."She paused upon noticing the lack of event in her surrounding. Her eyes scanned the throne hall, noticing Alphonse from a distance.

"Alphonse...?" came out a soft call before shifting her gaze to Samael and Lilou. The latter was unconscious, while Samael was picking her up in his arms.

"How sweet," Beatrice mumbled before gritting her teeth, fixing her dislocated shoulder. "So you still ended him, after all that stalling."

She couldn't fix all her broken bones all at once. So she leaned against the wall to rest for a bit. Her eyes fixated on Samael's figure with Lilou in his arms, walking away without saying a word.

"My brother-in-law, won't you help me?" she inquired, making Samael pause in his steps. "The Duchess and I are friends, after all. She will appreciate it if you help me a little."

Samael slowly turned around and his pair of cold eyes fell on her. "Beatrice, stop being so dramatic. I entrust my wife to you, and look at what happened to her."

"Is she dying?"

His grip around Lilou's bicep tightened slightly. The silent answer was enough for Beatrice to nod in understanding.

"You'll turn her?" she inquired without beating around the bush.

"Her heart is faint and it might stop soon." He took a deep breath to calm himself. "You are an expert in this area. If you are sincere in this friendship you speak of, I will need your help."

Beatrice chuckled just by staring at his menacing pair of eyes. "How can these words sounds more like a threat, Your Grace?"

"Because they are, Princess. I will kill you if Lilou's transition kills her."

"What a man, indeed." She let out a short chuckle, glancing at Alphonse. "We might have a problem, Your Grace."

Samael frowned at her last remarks. Wasn't this enough problem? Just how many more problems would arise?

"That guy over there. That selfish man who dies without waiting for me to see it for myself says she is pregnant." Beatrice peeled her eyes away from Alphonse, then back to Samael. "I don't think he is lying."

She had been with Alphonse for a long time. Although their relationship was complicated and too far from being considered lovers. Beatrice had picked up the habit of knowing whether Alphonse was telling her the truth or hiding something.

"Pregnant?" he repeated and gazed down at Lilou. Different emotions pooled in his eyes with this news.

"My... I hate to break your bubble, but it's impossible to turn her if she has a child in her womb," said Beatrice, feeling a bit sorry for Samael. "You will have to choose between the two of them, Your Grace."

What she had said was akin to a powerful slap of reality. He could not move momentarily, thinking how could he choose between his wife and child?

Samael gazed at her blankly. His lips parted, but no words came out.

A sigh slipped past Beatrice's mangled lips before she shook her head. "Don't decide, for now, my brother-in-law. Even if you naturally choose Lilou, I'm afraid you have to reconsider her opinion. It doesn't matter even if your intention is good. There is nothing more painful to a mother to live by sacrificing her child."

Her tone was laced with sincerity and bitterness. He looked back at her, studying her solemn expression.

"Trust me, Your Grace. I've been there, so I know the pain and guilt of losing a child for this pathetic life I have." Beatrice expressed, nodding encouragingly at him.

Samael heard his own swallow as he nodded. He didn't speak anymore as he turned around to leave. Beatrice was right. Lilou loved children, and the face she made every time they spoke about starting a family hovered over his head.

The news that should be celebrated turned into a dreadful nightmare in a blink of an eye. Although he had already decided, he was afraid that this would put a strain on his marriage.

While Samael walked away, Beatrice reached for her ankle. She could not help but wince and grunt in pain as she fixed her broken knees and ankle. She panted for air, tilting her head back to rest for a bit.

"Is this over?" she wondered under her breath before cocking her head in Alphonse's direction. "Al..."

Beatrice assisted herself up in great difficulty. Although just standing brought her a lot of pain, she still dragged her feet towards Alphonse. Her knees gave way and slumped beside him.

"Al," she called softly, cupping his cheek with a subtle smile on her face. "You look at peace, darling."

There was a hole in Alphonse's chest and his heart was just lying near his body, but the faint smile on Alphonse's lips was evident. They had been together for a long time, and she never once saw him smile candidly.

"I'm sorry for betraying you," she said, but her tone didn't sound alike. "You had been a great companion until the end. You don't blame me, do you?"

Their relationship was complicated, knowing that they had their own hidden agenda. Despite all those dark secrets and schemes, Beatrice never felt more honest with anyone than Alphonse. He expected nothing from her, and she likewise. So, her betrayal was something that would surprise no one. It would be the same if Alphonse betrayed her.

"We were almost there, Al..." Beatrice bent over while closing her eyes, planting a soft peck on his lips for the last time. "... but almost is never enough for us."

She had loved him, but this love was not enough to erase the pain in her heart. She was aware it was the same with Alphonse. They loved each other, but it was not enough to change their view and motives.

"Let me stay with you for a while, darling." Beatrice laid beside him, covering the hole in his chest with her palm. A second later, she started humming a lullaby until she closed her eyes.

"You had lost your war, but mine is just about to start, Al."

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