The Duke's Passion

Chapter 384 - Uncle, So Cool!

Chapter 384 - Uncle, So Cool!

Meanwhile, in the towers near the cold palace. Claude raised his head at the person who entered his room. He clutched his teddy bear closer to his side, flinging his legs forward and backward while sitting on the chair.

"What is it that you need, Uncle, the sixth prince?" Claude inquired in a tiny voice. "Does Father know you are here?"

"Why would he need to know?" Alistair inquired, leaning his side against the jamb of the door, arms crossed.

There was a moment of silence between them. Alistair cocked his head to the side while assessing his little nephew.

"Do you want to play with Uncle Ali, Claude?"

Claude shook his head lightly. "No. Thank you. It's not fun to play with you."

"Oh? But you enjoy your time with Klaus?" Alistair chuckled in mockery. "I guess you only like spending time with fools."

"Uncle Klaus is not a fool. He may be reckless and hotheaded, but Uncle Klaus is not as foolish as everyone thinks he is." Claude argued calmly, sporting a subtle smile on his adorable face. "But I think Uncle Ali is the foolish one."

"Oh? Pray tell, my nephew. Why did you say such hurtful words?"

"You switch sides and sold your strongest ally for temporary power. If that is not foolishness, then I do not know what you call this treason."

Alistair chuckled upon hearing Claude's explanation. "You think I am a fool for temporary power?"

"Auron will never listen to you, Uncle."

"How can you say that when we haven't even tried?"

Claude pursed his lips into a thin line, gazing at him in pity. "Do you know the actual reason Father kept me alive instead of killing me along with my biological parents?"

His question caused Alistair to quirked a brow. Wasn't it because of his ability to stop time Claude inherited from Lucia, the child's mother?

"Well, Father must have told you the other reason about my mother's ability, but that is not it." Claude let out a shallow breath before jumping out of the chair. "My biological father had put his last remaining power inside Auron. It will shatter along with every divine weapon if I died because of it."

Alistair furrowed his brows at this information he hadn't heard before. Stefan trusted him, so he would hear about this if it was true.

"Father didn't trust you as much as you think he did. He is not the person who will trust just anyone." Claude smiled, enjoying the confusion in Alistair's eyes. "Also, it's not like keeping secrets in this place is news to you. You've had your fair amounts of secrets, after all."

"Well, it's not like having pandora had been useful." Alistair shrugged after a minute of contemplation. "Not having the divine weapons lying around might just work well for us."

Claude pressed his lips together, studying his uncle's demeanor. He knew Alistair came to take his life to get Auron from him. His jaw tightened and his breathing slowed down.

"Did you kill Auntie Cassara?" asked Claude out of curiosity.

"Does the truth about who killed Cassara mattered?"

Claude nodded, closed-lipped. "I'm just curious."

"Well." Alistair raised his brows, pulling himself away from the jamb, and sauntered towards his little nephew. "Apparently, I'm not sure who did it, since I don't care if that wench dies. Oh, actually, I care since I will silence her if no one does."

Alistair lifted his arm up, taking out the ax clinging across his back. His eyes glinted as the side of his lips turned up into a smirk.

Claude looked up and hugged his teddy bear. "You will really kill me?"

"Yes." Alistair gazed down and chuckled. "Shall I ask for any last words?"

"Please, don't."

The sixth prince burst out in laughter, unsure whether his nephew was trying to humor him. It was funny for him, though.

"Well, I hope I can just do this without killing you, my nephew." Alistair sighed after he recovered from laughing. He rested his ax on his shoulder, clicking his tongue.

"Pity. Just close your eyes. I'll make it quick instead."

"Alright." Claude closed his eyes and hugged his teddy even tighter, waiting for the quick pain.

Alistair arched his brow at how obedient Claude was. He shook his head before lifting the ax up.

"Farewell, my nephew." There was not a trace of pity in his eyes, as his tone was colder than ever. "You will finally reunite with your parents."

After a beat, Alistair swung his gigantic ax down that could slice through someone in half without a problem. He stopped inches before hitting Claude's head, causing him to furrow his brows.

"Uncle, what are you waiting for?" Claude inquired as he slowly opened his eyes, and they crossed, seeing the gigantic blades in front of him. He raised a finger, pushing the side of the blade away.

"Can't move?" a wicked grin slowly appeared on Claude's bubbly face. "Didn't I tell you, Uncle? You are the foolish one."

The window behind them suddenly shattered as a figure crash into it.

"Claude!" Klaus called in hurry, searching for his nephew, only to see Claude looking back at him in dismay.

"You're late, Uncle. Just when I was expecting to see you in a different light. I rescued myself in the end." Claude sighed deeply while shaking his head in disappointment.

"What?" Klaus gasped in confusion, darting his eyes from Alistair and Claude before nodding in understanding. "I see. You want me to appear while that numskull strikes you?"

Claude just frowned in response. This uncle of his was too slow even after being a chief knight of the Duchess of Grimsbanne's knighthood brigade.

"Then, let's do it again. I'll jump back out while you reverse the time." Klaus suggested, with his fangs glinting proudly.

"Alright." Claude nodded and took a deep breath, reversing the time to redo the scene for the second time.


"... you will finally reunite with your parents." Alistair swung his ax down without a second hesitation.


As soon as Klaus crashed from outside the window, he didn't waste a second and blocked the gigantic ax with the body of his sword. Alistair narrowed his eyes, meeting the burning pair of eyes that were glaring back at him.

"The last time I know, you are not qualified to send anyone to heaven, little brother," Klaus smirked and then turned his head to Claude. His expression literally screamed 'how about that?'

A broad grin resurfaced on Claude's adorable face as he raised his thumb. "Uncle, so cool!"

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