The Duke's Passion

Chapter 373 - Its Your Fault

Chapter 373 - It's Your Fault

Stefan was considerate enough to keep the third prince palace for me and my people to stay at. I was aware of his underlying reason, though. He wanted for everyone to be beyond reach once he claimed me.

So, they could hear, smell, and know I was his.

I scoffed as I sauntered through the hallway of the third prince's palace. They didn't offer me a butler to assist me in these quarters, as I stayed in this place for a long time.

"You can go to your chambers, Klaus. You don't need to walk me in my chambers all the way." I suggested, glancing over my shoulder as Klaus walked behind me.

"Dominique had lost an arm, but it didn't make him lose touch in his grip. It feels like all his strength shifted into that remaining hand of his.." Klaus uttered in a low tone, ignoring my suggestion.

"Well, Dominique is just as proud as you. Losing an arm will not kill his spirit." I shrugged indifferently. "Just like how you noticed his strength, I'm certain he also sized you up."

"You are right when you say they also got stronger. It's a surprise, though."

"What is?" my brows furrowed as I halted in my steps and turned around to face him. Klaus also stopped in his tracks, gazing at me straight in the eye.

"Vampires' progress is often slow because that's just natural for us. But to think they had prepared in a short amount of time, I don't think this will be easy." His tone was solemn, as his eyes darkened with resolve.

"I never said it will be easy." A weak chuckle slipped past my lips. "We came in here thinking we're at the disadvantage. There's no point in fretting. I trust my captain's judgment and skills."

I offered him a gentle smile, nodding encouragingly. He had been with me for the past year, and I trusted Klaus just as much as I trusted Yul, Silvia, and the third squadron. He wasn't a fool anymore, and he had proven that many times throughout his stay in Grimsbanne.

"That's very reassuring, but I still plan on walking you back." He chortled as the corner of his lips curled up into a playful grin.

"Goodness." I rolled my eyes as I shook my head and turned around. "You're just like Yul now. Both stubborn."

"It's my duty, Your Grace."

"Well, I believe your duty is to follow my orders, and I still remember telling you not to walk me all the way to my chambers." I sassed while I resumed in my strides, hearing him chuckle behind me.

"Anyway, plant more shadows in Yul," I ordered a moment later. "Stefan will not let him off easily after what I spout during the welcome banquet. I trust Yul, but he is stubborn."

"Already did."

I raised a brow as the side of my lips curled up. "That's my Captain Knight."

"Silvia will also keep a close watch on Yul. She's just as worried as you." Klaus added, making me nod my head. Having Silvia protect Yul in the shadows felt reassuring.

"Good. Don't let him know about it. I don't want him throwing a tantrum on me."

"Yes, Your Grace."

We didn't speak after that as we soon reached my chambers. I narrowed my eyes as we approach closer, noticing a figure standing in front of the door.

"Your Grace." Klaus walked past me, raising his arm in front of me while I stopped. "What are you doing here?"

I felt the figure standing in the dark, faced us. There was this sudden sense of dread that traveled down my spine. He or she was looking straight at me.

"I asked you, Cassara," Klaus called, while the figure crept out of the dark.

Cassara looked different from the last time I saw her a year ago. She had dark circles around her eyes, tousled hair as if it hadn't met the comb for a while now. Hasn't she been eating? How come she became this gaunt in just one year?

She looked to be in great distress as if she had lost her mind. The evident scars and wounds on her feet and sleeves proved that.

Klaus and I subconsciously looked at each other before setting our eyes back on Cassara. More than what happened to her, what was she doing here?

"Cassara, if you have important matters to discuss with Her Grace, you can always send a request for that." Klaus's voice sounded puzzled, but he still stood defensively before me. "Her Grace needs rest. Come and see me tomorrow. I'll arrange that meeting for you."

"It's your fault..." Cassara unsurprisingly ignored Klaus, as she had her eyes fixated on me. "Hell is dead, and that's your fault."

I pressed my lips together, assessing her from head to toe. Did she lose it because of Sam's death? I truly envied her because she could mourn without a care in the world.

"How can you come back in here when Hell already died for you?" Her voice shook with a strong abhorrence in her tone. Cassara took a step forward, which cause Klaus to wield his sword at his sister.

"Take a step further and I will not hesitate to take your life, Your Royal Highness," He cautioned coldly and Cassara stopped.

She shifted her eyes from me to Klaus, and the corner of her lips curled up into a wicked smile. She had truly lost it. The elegant and beautiful Cassara had met her downfall. How pathetic to lose her stand.

"You shouldn't have let her return, Klaus." Came out a muffled voice along with a scoff. "Hell's death will be in vain."

"Your Royal Highness, you should return to your chambers and rest. Thank you for your reminders, but we didn't have a choice but to return in here," I said sternly, gazing at her with no sympathy in my eyes.

"You don't understand...!" Cassara shook her head, making my brows furrow. "... you can't go back in here, Lilou. They will kill you."

I was very much aware of that, but Cassara didn't know we came prepared this time. Still, the more I looked at her, the more it baffled me.

Was she concerned? No, that was not it. She looked... terrified.

"Your Royal Highness, I will escort you..."

"Step aside, Klaus." I raised a hand, casting Klaus a look as he gazed back at me. There was reluctance in his eyes, but he still withdrew his sword and stepped aside.

I nodded approvingly, setting my eyes back to Cassara. I took a step forward, only to see her stagger back.

"Your Royal Highness?" I called curiously, tilting my head a little. "Shall we head inside to talk?"

"No." Her answer came almost immediately. Cassara clasped her chest tightly, looking around in fear.

Was there someone around? I couldn't feel another person's presence, though. To confirm, I glanced at Klaus, only to see him shake his head.

"Cassara, what do you --" Klaus was cut short when Cassara spoke.

"No, don't come near me!" Her breathing grew ragged as she tugged her hair, covering her ears. "They're back again. Shut up! I don't want to hear another word! Keep it down!"

Cassara suddenly grew hysterical, shouting as she staggered back. When she locked eyes with me, she shook her head in fear before running away. We couldn't even react on time, as what happened was something we didn't see coming.

"What... the fuck is that?" Klaus muttered in confusion as he gazed at me.

I stared in the direction where Cassara ran away. There was something in her eyes that bothered me. I couldn't tell what it was, but my gut feeling told me she wanted to tell me something.

"Klaus, follow Cassara. I don't know why she was acting like that, but I want you to plant a shadow on her." I ordered and faced Klaus.

He furrowed his brows before tilting his head down. "Yes, Your Grace."

Little did I know that would be the last time I would see Cassara.

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