The Duke's Passion

Chapter 370 - [Bonus ]Back To Hell

Chapter 370 - [Bonus ]Back To Hell

"It seems you have many things to tell her."

"I do, but she died before I can berate her." Cameron shook his head as he gazed at the tombstone once again. "She chose death because she knew the clan council will nag her. Until the end, she is selfish to the bones."

"No wonder she gets along with Sam." I chortled, recalling what was Lara like. "Do you hate her, Cameron?"

"I do." His answer was quick, but there was not a trace of malice in his voice. "I just wished she could've stayed a little longer, or let us know what she had planned instead of dying just like that."

"You love her.."

"She is like a mother to me... of course, I do."

I glanced at Cameron, sprawling my arms to him as I patted his shoulder. "She is very proud of you, Cameron."

"Thank you for saying that, Your Grace." Cameron faced me squarely. "Lara had died selfishly. I won't let history repeat itself."

"Sam is alive and I'm not planning on dying."

"But we still have Prince Heliot and the clans coming after you from the mainland." His soft eyes suddenly sharpened. "You have more enemies ahead and this is just the beginning, Your Grace. Even if His Grace is with you, from today onward, things may or may not go according to your plan."

I nodded, patting his shoulder lightly. "I know that. But I will correct you, Marquess. Sam is not the only one on my side." My lips pressed together as I withdrew my hand, shifting my eyes back to the tombstone.

"I have more people who will risk a limb for me, and I would risk my life for them. We are still playing by the rules of the game, but just a different strategy."

"I wish you the best, Your Grace."

"Thank you," came out a sincere whispered while I squatted down. I placed my hand over the tombstone.

"I will be gone for quite some time, but I will make sure to visit you again..." A subtle smile appeared on my lips as my eyes softened. "... I promise, Mother."

We stayed there for a while until Klaus came, telling me we should depart. I left a few notes to Cameron as he sent us off.


We traveled for four days without making stops. This was the fifth night as the sky slowly grew darker.

"We're almost there." Yul pointed out, stretching his neck to see the gates of the capital. "After a year... we're finally back in here."

"Mhm." I hummed. I couldn't explain the bubbling emotion in the pit of my stomach.

"Nervous?" his question snapped me out of my trance. "Scared? It's fine if you feel all that even though you've prepared yourself for this day."

"I'm not." I shook my head lightly, taking a deep breath as I cast my eyes outside. "It's just... it's already a year. I feel like it was just yesterday when we left this hell. It seemed it also changed."

"Mhmm. It looks more like hell now. Imperial Capital, hah... who would have thought."

"You should watch what you say from now on, Yul." I glanced at him, eyebrow raised. "The imperial capital is not Grimsbanne anymore."

"Right... it's the hell that the devil manages, right?"

"And sadly, that devil you're talking about is someone who is obsessed with me. You will have a hard time." I shrugged and Yul rolled his eyes. His rest would surely be limited, as he had to look over his shoulder at all times.

"Yul," I called, standing up as I sat beside him. He raised a brow, arms-crossed. I looked him straight in the eye.

"Promise me you will survive." My brows raised, nodding encouragingly. "Among all of us, you will be in the most terrible situation. Call for my help if you need me."

"Don't treat me like a child, Lilou. I know the dangers when I agreed to this setup."

"Still, it won't hurt if you rely on me, just like how I relied on you."

Yul pressed his lips together. I knew what those eyes wanted to say, but instead, he let out a sigh as he nodded.

"I will ask for your help if it's necessary," he said, but I knew they were lies. He was simply saying the things I wanted to hear.

Only now have I realized that I was actually a little nervous. Not for me, but for the lives of those who had sided with me. I wouldn't simply lose my life in this place. My death was the last thing Stefan wanted.

But not them. Stefan could dispose of them if he so wished.

I couldn't let that happen. I kept my thoughts to myself and stayed silent. Stefan was watching as soon as we entered the capital. I couldn't trace where he was, but I knew he was watching.

"Yul." I turned to Yul, offering him my palm. He looked at me for a moment before sliding his fingers in between the gaps of mine.

"I will protect you," I expressed under my breath, but he said nothing. Instead, Yul assisted my hand to his cheek, closing his eyes.

"I can imagine a lot of people chewing their handkerchief," he murmured, making me chuckle as his acting was always on point.

Despite his disgust at acting like a lover to me, he never failed to hide his personal feelings about this at the perfect time. This action was basically his way of diverting most of the attention to him.

I felt sorry for him. "Are you cold?" I asked, only to receive a low hum. "I'll keep you warm tonight, then."


Meanwhile, in one of the towers of the palace, Stefan narrowed his eyes. The second Lilou's carriage entered the capital, a subtle smile appeared on his lips as he had finally set his eyes on her after a year.

"You're back, sweetheart," he whispered, but his smile immediately vanished when she held hands with Yul and acted intimately with him.

"Yulis..." Stefan's voice was low and menacing as his eyes glinted. "... you are still bold to touch what is mine in the land I owned."

The corner of his lips curled into a smirk as he turned around and walked away.

"I will kill you."

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