The Duke's Passion

Chapter 363 - That Would Be A Good Ending

Chapter 363 - That Would Be A Good Ending

There was a long silence as my question caught everyone off guard — even Sam seemed perplexed. So, taking advantage of the silence, I summarized the tales of Soran and the lost history of this kingdom.

"I can't see my husband playing as King; the kingdom and its people are done for if that happened." I cast Sam a look, and he shrugged nonchalantly. "Same thing will happen if I sit on the throne. I am not qualified. Among everyone, Rufus had shown all qualities of a wise king."

Again, silence ensued as I turned my head in Rufus' direction. He hadn't said a word, arms-crossed.

"I approve of this." The silence broke when Fabian raised a hand, catching everyone's attention. "I don't want to move to the capital permanently.."

His reasoning may sound shallow, but a mutual agreement was what we needed. I didn't want to shock everyone, as my people had been pushing me to take the throne.

"Soran, huh?" Klaus mumbled, scratching his chin. "He sounds like the combination of Rufus and Fabian."

"This is a lot," Sam voiced out, placing his hand behind his head as he rocked his chair. "But I think we can all agree that we will follow whatever my wife wants."

"Well, pushing someone who doesn't want the throne is proven a hassle and stressful." Silvia shrugged, casting Sam a knowing look. "That is the lesson we learned in a hard way, right? Hell?"

"Correct." Sam nodded approvingly.

"I will support Her Grace and Captain." Kristina chimed in, gazing at the third squadron. "What do you think?"

"Well... I think I should start sucking up to Captain." Charlotte commented, cupping her cheek as she smiled.

"It's something I didn't expect, but it's not actually bad. The captain is a good leader." Ramin spoke, shrugging his shoulders as if he didn't have a choice, anyway.

"The Duchess' decision will always be my will. So, I have nothing to say about this." Yul also relayed his thought about this. "I'm already glad that we are being informed about the entire plan beforehand."

"I think we all agree with this." Noah cleared his throat, setting his eyes on Rufus. "What about you, Sir Knight? What do you think about it?"

All eyes veered to Rufus, waiting for his answer. Rufus' lips parted, gazing at me intently. I knew what he was about to say; the answer was written in his eyes.

"You don't have to give us answers now, Rufus," I said even before he could refuse. "We had to face tons of enemies — dangerous enemies and tricky situations. This won't be over easily. Until then, please consider it."

"No rush, Captain. Whatever your decision, we will all respect it. We still have Marquess Cameron, after all." Charlotte giggled happily, keeping the atmosphere in the room light. Everyone nodded in agreement with her, including me.

"We will figure it out once this is all over." I smiled at Rufus.

"Alright. Since that is settled, why don't we have an outdoor banquet?" Noah clapped, grinning from ear to ear. "We should celebrate the return of His Grace and Sir Knight."

"How about Mister Fabian?" asked Charlotte, but everyone feigned ignorant of her question.

A deep sigh slipped past my lips as I glanced at Fabian. He was smiling despite that no one wanted to celebrate his return. They must've feared him more than they hate him. Well, I knew Fabian wouldn't take this to the heart and it would only annoy him if they all acted sweet towards him.


"Sir knight," I called, strutting towards Rufus, who was sitting on the short stair in front of the house with a drink in his hand. "Can I join you?"

Rufus nodded, creating a space so I could sit beside him. He had been silent even after the meeting and kept his distance.

"I can't," he said, making me look at him while he peered at Klaus and Ramin, who were singing around the bonfire. "I had overseen Grimsbanne for a long time, but compare to your accomplishments, mine only kept it stagnant. You've lived the life of a peasant, and you know more than anyone how tough it was to live under my rule."

"I know."

"So, why?" his eyelashes fluttered, turning his head to me. "Why do you think I should sit on the throne? Is it because of Soran?"

I shook my head, chuckling lightly. "Soran had nothing to do with this decision. I only mentioned it because it gives you more right to fight for it. Good stories don't die easily."

"Hah..." he chuckled, giving me a brief look.

"Rufus, you kept Grimsbanne stagnant because that is what you want, isn't it?" The side of my lips curled into a weak smile, staring at the people around the bonfire. "You were afraid to touch, to change, or to overstep because you wanted the people to wait for Sam to return."

"I won't lie that living as a peasant was hard, but that is just life. There is not a perfect ruler. Even if we say Sam didn't go into his slumber, my life would still be hard either way." I continued in the same gentle tone, setting my eyes to his side profile. "The more I think about it, the more I believe you are the best person to rule this land. After all, if not for you, Stefan would have conquered Grimsbanne long ago. However, all he could do was pressure you for years. That alone is enough to let others see you're not someone to mess with."

"You had honed your choice of words. It's scary, Your Grace."

"I'm simply stating facts. You fought for Grimsbanne in your own way, and I fought for Grimsbanne in my own way. I had resources, you don't." I shrugged nonchalantly.

"That didn't make you less worthy, nor was it enough to discredit your accomplishments. You had turned Grimsbanne into a metropolis, and that is something no one can deny."

"I'm not saying I am less worthy, nor I am denying it. I'm saying you will do better if you have the same privileges and support just like what I had," I replied in a knowing tone. "The decision is yours, nevertheless. We still have to stay alive so we can hear your decision, after all."

"Hah..." he chuckled, keeping that subtle smile on his lips. "What a day."

"I know, right?" I laughed weakly as I set my eyes on the ruckus around the bonfire. Sam and Fabian were tying Klaus to a large stick to roast him over the bonfire — or what it seemed. Had they become cannibals? It didn't surprise me when Klaus managed to escape by brute force, and chaos ensued.

"They're like children," I mumbled as my eyes softened. "But... it's been a while since they all looked so laid back."

"I hope it would last forever," Rufus whispered, and I glanced at him to see the gentleness flickering across his eyes.

"We will do this again, Sir Knight." I set my eyes back to the bonfire, seeing that even Noah had joined the party. "Someday... once this is all over, we will throw a large outdoor banquet."

"Mhm. That would be a good ending."

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