The Duke's Passion

Chapter 360 - What A Lively Picnic

Chapter 360 - What A Lively Picnic

Meanwhile, in the location where there were people having this strange picnic, the air surrounding them grew thicker by the minute. Although they weren't saying anything, their eyes held contempt, glaring daggers at each other enough to build the tension between them.

"This is annoying..." Charlotte grumbled as they all sat down under the big tree, having safe distances between each other. "... are we being punished or what?"

"This is a punishment, that's for sure." Klaus nodded, taking a large bite of the sandwich. "Hey, this tastes weird! Did you put something in here?"

He chewed a bit more, feeling something burning inside his mouth.. Charlotte just glanced at him nonchalantly.

"I put some hot chilis inside a few sandwiches and see who is the lucky one. I guess you're lucky."

"You — ah, shit!" Klaus hastily rummaged through the basket to drink a beverage.

"He's not a fan of spicy food," Silvia commented, watching Klaus wash down the burning sensation in his throat. "This is why I told you to help. I can't trust these people to touch my food."

"By the looks of it, he is truly not a fan of spicy food." Ramin chuckled in glee until his nose scrunched up, feeling something burning in his mouth. Now, there's two of them who were drinking all the beverages without a care for others' ration.

"I guess those two are lucky people," Charlotte mumbled with disinterest. "You will live a very long life."

"Did you mean a short life?" Yul arched his brow, checking the inside of his sandwich so as not to share the same fate as those two. "Well, those two will die anyway, even if these snacks won't kill them."

"I don't think we can all survive this picnic. I'm not even looking forward to the barbeque for later." Kristina murmured. She hadn't touched her food yet, as she didn't have an appetite to eat.

"I'd rather scout Grimsbanne and see what are those rats are doing," she added, sighing heavily as this picnic was more suffocating than the palace.

"This is the reason we should stick together." Silvia cast Kristina a knowing look. "You're not the only one who is curious about what Her Grace is up to. We have to watch each other before we break the trust she gave us."

"As much as you hate being stuck with us, we abhor it as well. However, Silvia has a point and Lord Noah had already prepared the party." Yul backed up, still checking his sandwich meticulously.

"I said the rats we all let walk around Grimsbanne, who was reporting to your damn brother. I never probe on Her Grace's movements and I respect her decisions."

Silvia and Yul snapped their eyes, shifting it to Kristina. The latter shrugged nonchalantly, as what she said was true. Stefan was their brother. Even if they weren't on the same side, the blood that ran through their veins was the blood of the La Crox.

"You are right. The king is our brother, that is why we are going against him because we know he is in the wrong." Silvia's tone grew colder. "Don't misunderstand. We don't hate you four, but I still think, for Her Grace to keep your existence a secret, the problem is obvious."

"Kristina, that's enough," Ramin commented, as he had noticed how Kristina, who was often mature enough to stay unbiased in an argument, verbally attacked them at every chance she got.

"Inciting an argument will not change the fact that we will have to work together," he added, wiping the sweats on his forehead, still feeling the slight burning in his mouth.

"Inciting an argument?" Kristina scorned, shaking her head lightly. "Is it wrong for me to be hostile to them? I mean, what did they do?"

Her eyes scanned the three La Crox with contempt in her eyes. She slowly stood up, raising her finger, moving it to the three.

"You three, what did you do to deserve a life?" she asked, brows furrowed. "How come they are dead and you three are alive? I mean, this world will be a better place without the La Crox in it."

"Hell is a La Crox." Klaus also stood up from the opposite direction, facing her squarely. "Are you saying his death is just?"

"Klaus, calm down." Silvia looked up at his brother, but the latter didn't take his eyes off of Kristina.

"I don't care what is the true source of your grudge against us. However, you're not the only one who lost someone important." Klaus's tone dropped, raising his chin. "You're a hypocrite. Don't act as if you've done something to prevent their deaths as well."

"I know I did nothing to prevent his death. That is why I don't want to make the same mistake." Kristina smirked, pulling an aura on him. "I will never trust Her Grace's life to any of you."

"We don't need your approval, Miss Monroe. Even if you think having us on her side is wrong, Her Grace's safety is what we also want. Same with you, I can't entrust her life to any of the Bearers of the Order. Especially now that your weapons were corrupted by the King's Will." Klaus also exuded a stifling aura as silence ensued.

The air between them told the others that a duel could happen any second. However, neither of them made a move. The rest of them also stood up, creating distance as they prepared to stop the two of them clashing.

"Labyrinth," Ramin whispered, darting his eyes from Klaus to Kristina. He had to prepare to stop these two from killing each other at any second he felt they would attack.

"Mace," Kristina muttered, while Klaus held on his sword and the ground underneath him cracked.

Just as Kristina's and Klaus' eyes glinted and took a step forward, they froze upon hearing Lilou's voice. Not just the two of them, but everyone froze before shifting their eyes toward her voice.

"I knew this would happen. Goodness, how can I leave you all without getting worried you will kill each other first before our enemy does?" Lilou chuckled, walking into the scene.

"Your Grace, it's..." Klaus trailed off as his eyes veered towards the three figures walking behind her. That second, he unconsciously dropped his sword — same with Kristina dropping her Mace, while the rest dropped their jaws.

"What a lively picnic," Fabian commented, smiling from ear to ear.

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