The Duke's Passion

Chapter 350 - I Promise, My Friend.

Chapter 350 - I Promise, My Friend.

"Heliot, I wish that there will be a day when you smile for no reason, feel sad for an unknown reason, get angry in someone else stead, and feel fear with just a mere thought of losing something important. I hope there will be a day you feel alive."

For the past eight months, Heliot had been an excellent ally and a friend. I knew Heliot would kill me, not because he hated me. He would kill me because it was necessary — no more, no less.? There was no reason for me to live that long without Sam. That was why I agreed. Now, it made me wonder if I tell Heliot I changed my mind, would he let me go?

"Feel alive...?" Heliot let out a low chuckle as if he found my words silly. I couldn't blame him if that was what he thought; my words being silly because they were silly.

"You always say unexpected things," he said, letting out a sharp exhale before sipping from his wine. "But it feels... nice, strangely."

"It's not strange. We're friends, aren't we?"

"Friends?" his brow raised, making me chuckle seeing the brief bafflement in his eyes.

"Yes, I think we are."

"But I didn't acknowledge you as one."

"It doesn't matter. If I think you are my friend, then that's just that." I shrugged nonchalantly before drinking my wine.

"That is just selfishness." Heliot gazed at me for a moment before looking away. However, I noticed his temple wrinkle, along with a subtle smile on his lips.

Didn't he have friends before? It would not surprise me if that was the case. Heliot was too stiff and too honest that it made him look arrogant. However, he was rational and simply judged people by their actions.

"Will there be a day that we will become enemies?" my question slipped past my lips without my permission, making me snap my eyes.

"I don't think so." He tilted his head to the side. "I don't have a grudge against you, nor do you have a grudge against me. We simply share the common goal."

"What if we don't share the same goal anymore?" since I had already asked about this, I might as well continue asking.

"We will always share the same goal, Your Grace."

"You can't say that." I chuckled as he sounded certain of his claims. "You don't know what tomorrow holds. Especially, in this world we walked in, anything can happen in a blink of an eye."

"I just know."

I gazed at Heliot as he pour himself another glass. If Sam was alive, I wouldn't want to die, obviously. What would Heliot do, then? Worst-case scenario, he would kill me by force and I would fight him with all my might; we would fight each other to death. Just thinking about it brought this bitterness into my heart.

'This world we walk in is truly cruel,' I thought, letting out a weak, ridiculing chuckle. 'Things like this make me wonder if this world was a little less cruel, would Sam and Lexx choose to be brothers instead of enemies?'

"You live in a sad, complicated world, Your Grace." I snapped out of my trance when I heard Heliot's sentiments. "Chaotic too, if I may add."

"I think I am very much aware of that, that's why I'm doing all this, isn't it?"

"Doing like complicate more things?" he tilted his head to the side, causing my brows to knit. "Aren't you here because you are frustrated about something... personal?"

"I'm here because I think I want a drink."

"You can deny it all you want. However, during my stay here, I had noticed how everyone here cared a little too much." He explained in a matter-of-fact tone. "Even when you acted cold and untouchable, you can never fake that you care for your people — especially those around you."

He was truly intuitive and noticed things others couldn't. His personality made me sigh heavily, sliding my empty glass to him.

"Can you pour this poor soul a drink?" I requested, and he smiled and nodded.

"You're right," I uttered, watching him fill my glass. "People in here care a little too much — maybe, due to heightened emotions? I don't know, but that's just how it is."

"Because that is what you are."

"Huh? Are you saying they care because I do?"

Heliot hummed a tune as he closed the decanter and slid the glass of wine to me. "I'm not saying it is bad or good. I'm simply saying the land and its people will always reflect what kind of person rules them. You're not as terrible as you believe you are, Your Grace."

"You flatter me."

"Believe me. If you die, this entire duchy will mourn just like how a mother will mourn for her child's death."

"It's nice to hear that, but don't exaggerate." I shook my head and then quirked a brow upon sensing his intent stare. "What?"

"I don't lie for a reason."

"And that reason is that there's no reason for you to lie."

"Well, that's correct. Same with exaggeration, I don't exaggerate because there's no need for me to do so. I am saying what I had seen and noticed, no more no less."

"Fine. I am great. Happy now?"

"Were you being sarcastic?"

"Can't you tell?"

"You are annoying." His last argument made me laugh loudly. That was hilarious, especially coming from him.

"And I don't think you should laugh about it." And that just made me laugh even louder. "This is aggravating."

I enjoyed how he looked at me with disdain, as I've never seen him sport a fresh look other than his practiced smile and laugh. Heliot... was a good friend and an excellent company. Even though there was a high possibility that Heliot and I could be enemies in the end. I still hoped I could share a drink with him again.

"Stop running away, Your Grace." Heliot tapped the table lightly. "Secrets are corrosive. Although I understand your reasons, your death will break their hearts already. Are you planning to break their hearts before that?"

"That's even more cruel."

Heliot placed his hand on the armrest, pushing himself up. He walked over to my seat, standing behind my chair before lifting me up by my shoulder.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I snapped my eyes, appalled as I stood.

"Go," He said, pushing my back lightly. I turned my head back to him, eyebrow furrowed.

"Settle your matters and stop inhaling my breathing space."

"How audacious to chase me out in my own garden." I clicked my tongue, lifting my skirt as I stormed away from him. As I walked away, I halted and smile.

"Thanks," I huffed before resuming in my stride.



Heliot smiled, staring at her back. His eyes softened before he turned around and looked at the flowers.

"We will always share the same goal." His subtle smile remained. "I promised, my friend."

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