Chapter 347 - Sunrise

[Minute before Heliot arrived in the old mansion]

"My death is all part of the plan. Didn't I tell you? Keep your eyes closed and mind open and don't trust me so blindly. I know you will get hurt once you figure out the entire plan Fabian and I cooked up behind everyone's back."

There was a long moment of silence between us. All I could do was stare at him, barely blinking as he planted his palm on the mattress, sitting up lazily.

"I had set up the stage for a beautiful theater act; poured out my artistic passion into the script and its noble ending. The death of mine will end those monstrous Barrett Brother. My wife would have to see it and weep, unleashing some sort of power that will also kill her. A night of terror caused by Samael; his last fight for freedom... he would finally attain it.. Death." My lower lips trembled as I listened to him, lungs contracting as my chest moved in and out heavily.

"It was perfect until the mishap. The wife who had witnessed it was my actual wife. My actual wife is smarter than what she thinks she is. So, instead of falling into a swamp of raging emotions, she bottled it and changed her ending." Sam ruffled his hair in irritation. "Because of that development in the fucking story, I awoke without her by my side. Instead, I awoke to see that she is plotting to kill everyone, including herself!"

His eyes shifted on me, glinting menacingly. I held my breath, biting my lower lip as I couldn't look away from those pair of fiery eyes.

"Lilou, you should've listened to Fabian and head to the eastern borders. If you did, you will meet five dwarfs and they will take you to my body. I already apologized knowing you will have to wait for me for a little while." Sam's voice shook and I couldn't trace the slightest insincerity in his voice. How could I? Fabian's last words to me back then were about 'those five dwarfs.'

It was impossible for others to know that detail. I balled my hand into a fist as my jaw tightened.

"Get out of here," I ordered coldly, making him frown. "Heliot will be here any moment — Klaus too."

"So, what? Why would I leave you again? I need to ask for your forgiveness and --"

"Out." I cut him off. This time, my tone was more stern.

"Oh, come on, Love! You can't do this to me! I will kill that Von Stein guy and Klaus if that means staying here!"

"Sam!" my voice thundered, stomping my way to him as I clutched his shoulder. "We will talk about this next time. I will listen until the end. But for now, you have to listen to me. In a week, go back to Grimsbanne. I'll meet you at that place."

I looked at him straight in the eye, nodding encouragingly. If what he was saying was true, I couldn't let him reveal he was alive. If I had a plan, I'm certain he had his reasons to fake his death. However, this wasn't a good time to talk about this.

"Fuck..." He ground his teeth as he nodded reluctantly.


Sam complained, but I chased him out and warned Rufus to drag him and Fabian away. They didn't listen immediately, though, so I had to threaten them. Only after I did, they listened and went away until Heliot came, followed by Klaus.

After giving out my order, I and my people went high and low, searching for the three of them. We sighted the three of them and we had a long chase, shooting arrows and weapons. However, those three were strong enough to escape — that was child's play for them.

In the end, we returned empty-handed.

"Your Grace," Klaus came up to me as I stared at the cliff where we cornered one of the 'felons', and where he had jumped off. "I will look for them. You should return to Grimsbanne and rest."

I remained silent, staring down coldly. "No need," raising my head to see the sun peeking through the horizon. "We will retreat."

"But Your Grace! I can't let them drag your honor --"

"They will come back, Klaus," I cut him off, facing him squarely. "The next time they return to Grimsbanne, make sure they will never leave."

Klaus stared at my eyes before hanging his head low, "Yes, Your Grace."

"It's alright, Klaus. You know I use everything at my disposal, giving my body to have an advantage is nothing." I planted my hand on his shoulder, tapping it lightly. "Tell our people we will return."

"Yes, Your Grace." Klaus left while my eyes shifted to Heliot.

Throughout our search, Heliot's eyes never left me. He was an intuitive person, so lying thoughtlessly wouldn't help. To deceive him, I must throw a bit of some truth. Sam surely had the perfect time to show up... it made my blood boil.

"You're retreating?" Heliot tilted his head to the side, brows furrowed. "That is unlike you."

"I don't think you know me so well, Your Highness." I took a deep breath, turning around to face the horizon. "I had faced many mishaps and failed multiple times in the past eight months. However, I didn't let that become the face of my rule. No matter what, I will always pick myself up to finish what I had started."

There was a moment of silence between us as Heliot stood on my side. We both watched the sunrise, announcing that another day had come.

"I wanted peace for my people even if I will have to die receiving the world's hate," I remarked, casting him a side-eye and smiled. "Until then, no matter how life fuck me, I'll just moan."

"Strange word of choice." He cast me a brief look. "It confuses me if you're doing this because you have something to hide, or you were simply being your usual self."

"Think whatever you like." I chuckled, relishing the fresh air blowing past us. "Sunrise... it's been a while since I've seen it."

"It's beautiful, isn't it?"

"It is." The world felt a little warmer today as a subtle smile resurfaced on my lips. "It's been a while since I've seen the sunrise."

"It's my first," Heliot uttered, making me look at him in surprise.

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