The Duke's Passion

Chapter 331 - Warning Shot

Chapter 331 - Warning Shot

"How can I fucking calm down if Grimsbanne... reeks of Lilou's blood?"

Samael's pupils constricted as his entire body trembled in anger. The three of them could discern the scent of her blood because her blood had this distinct scent, and they could smell that even from their vantage point.

"Even so, we had reached this far, Your Grace. We can't recklessly take unnecessary actions." Rufus held his breath as Samael grabbed him by the collar. "My apologies. I simply didn't want to ruin everything that is left."


"Lord Noah is also here.." Fabian chimed in, staring at Grimsbanne and the almost faint barrier around it. "I've been familiar with his ability and I know he monitors all entry in Grimsbanne. Although his ability can detect threats that enter Grimsbanne, he wouldn't be able to discern who exactly it is."

Fabian slowly peeled his eyes away from Grimsbanne and set them to Samael. "If you enter Grimsbanne, I'm certain everyone will be on their guards and approaching Her Grace — if what Rufus said that Klaus became her chief knight — it will be more impossible to approach her without being found out."

"Your Grace, we also don't know who is inside Grimsbanne. I heard prominent individuals had been coming in and out of Grimsbanne. Shall we take the risk?" asked Rufus, who was still being held by the collar.

Samael let out a shallow scoff, letting Rufus go. He took a step back, rocking his head as he diverted his focus back to Grimsbanne. The more he thought about it, the more his heart raged.

"What is she thinking?" he ran his fingers through his argent hair, laughing as choler preside. "For Grimsbanne to reek of her blood, just who are the people she was feeding?"

"I presumed she had bigger plans." Rufus guessed, tugging his cloak and cleared his throat.

"Vengeance." Fabian crooned, eyes dropping. "Her Grace is not the person who will sulk in the corner after losing a battle. She will get back on her feet with her head held high — that is what her ladyship is like."

"Her motives are clear, but what comes afterward is what's concerning," Rufus spoke this time as they could not think what were Lilou's plans. "Your Grace, do you think Her Grace wants the throne for herself?"

Fabian and Rufus shifted their attention to Samael, furrowing their brows as the latter wore the hood of his cloak. It seemed to them that their lord had already decided while they conversed.

"My lord?" Rufus called, and Samael turned his head back to them. What they first noticed was Samael's dark hair. It had been centuries since Samael bothered with his hair.

"My lord, you don't mean to tell us..." Fabian trailed off as it seemed what they thought was Samael's plans were their lord's plans.

"There, Fabian." Samael erected a finger, pointing a certain direction. "Throw a pebble over there."

"I will go visit my wife." He turned as he had decided. "Don't worry. I won't cause trouble."

'You are the trouble yourself!' was what they wanted to tell him, but knowing Samael, no one could stop him. They might as well just start accepting that all these planning and dying would be all for naught once Samael announced he was alive.

"See ya!" With that being said, Samael jumped from the hill without a second hesitation while the two left, standing on their spot.

"Shall we assist him?" Fabian turned to ask Rufus. "You believe he won't cause trouble?"

"Shoot the pebble. His Grace had chosen this game. I don't think he will act recklessly since he had reached this far." Rufus took a deep breath, bending over to pick up a pebble, and tossed it to Fabian. "If the three of us enter Grimsbanne, Klaus will mobilize more men. But if it's just one person, it will be alright. Let's just keep those people distracted."

He jerked his chin towards the guard towers. Fabian nodded in understanding.

"Alright." Fabian picked up a handful of pebble, tossing a piece and catching it midair. After catching the pebble for the third time, Fabian flick it in a certain direction.


My brow quirked as I sensed something that was coming in our direction. I glanced at Heliot calmly while we stood on the side of the training grounds while the knights trained.

"Move closer to me," I said, catching his attention as he turned to me. "I will hate it if you die before I do."

Heliot smiled, taking a step closer to me. Three seconds later, the wall behind him exploded from the impact. Every knight stopped from shock, as I could feel a lot of eyes on us. I ignored them.

"Did you plan on catching it?" I asked, shifting my gaze at the hole as if someone strong punched it with all their might. "It will leave a hole in your palms. That's quite a powerful throw, after all."

"Am I getting targeted because I was on a date with you?"

"Maybe?" I pursed my lips, eyes still on the hole left on the stone wall. "I had a few crazy suitors, you know?"

"Then that narrows down the people who threw a..." He trailed off, turning his head to where the thing landed. "... pebble at me."

"I wonder who had the audacity," I smirked, staring at the pebble that wasn't the same materials as the rumble from the wall. "Funny thing is, whoever it is, they are outside Grimsbanne. How scary."

"You're rather calm." He pointed out, and I set my eyes back to him. "Is it because the target is me and not you?"

"Who knows? But if something like this kills you, that saves me some time to find and replace your role."

"You hurt my feelings."

"People are easy to replace, Your Highness." I shrugged nonchalantly, turning my gaze to Klaus, who was rushing in my direction.

"But not him?"

"Except him." I smiled as Klaus approached and I faced Heliot. "Sam is irreplaceable."

"Your Grace, are you alright?" Klaus inquired in worry, bobbing his face to inspect me.

"I'm not the target, Klaus, it's His Highness," I explained, nodding in reassurance. "Anyway, since this happened, please ask someone to escort his highness back to the mansion."

"You're leaving?" Heliot asked, tilting his head to the side.

"Your safety is my priority. While you are in my territory, I care about your safety. I will excuse myself first." My smile remained and curtsied. My eyes then sharpened as I met Klaus's eyes and started walking away.

"It feels nice to be protected," Heliot murmured as another knight approached us.

I looked back, smirking. "We will still have dinner later," and then laid my palms open. "Bow and arrow, and a letter telling them not to mess with me."

My eyes narrowed into slits as I looked in the direction where that pebble came from. Shortly after, Klaus handed me a bow and arrow, which I gripped tightly.

"If I was correct, this direction..." I trailed off, pricking my thumb with the tip of the arrow, and smeared my blood from its tip to end while pulling the string, and took a stance. I had my one eye closed, smirking.

"... this is a warning," I whisper and let go of the arrow. A deep exhale escaped my nose, shading my eyes from the sun.

"Wow..." I heard some knights awed while I handed the bow and arrow to the knight who was standing right beside Klaus.

"Prepare my steed. I gave them a warning shot, but I think they are the type of people who likes this kind of game." My order snapped them back to reality. "I will deal with them myself."

"Yes, Your Grace."


Meanwhile, Fabian snapped his eyes and tilted his head to the side. He slowly turned his head back. His eyes landed on the tree behind him that had an arrow and a letter wrapped around it.

"That arrow smells like the Duchess... oh, it had her blood on it." Rufus chuckled in amusement, a bit shocked at how fast her response was. "... she had truly changed. That's a warning."

"Amazing..." Fabian's eyes glistened with admiration as the corner of his lips stretched into a smirk. "Such courtesy... it will be impolite if we don't respond!"

"Fabian..." Rufus let out a deep exhale as it seemed this tickled Fabian's violent tendency.

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