The Duke's Passion

Chapter 323 - Did You Like The Flowers I Sent You?

Chapter 323 - Did You Like The Flowers I Sent You?

"This is overkill…" Silvia raised her brows awkwardly, gazing at the horde of maids lined up in front of the mansion with us.

"He is a luxurious man, Sivi." I chuckled seeing her reaction. "I told you, you don't have to welcome him with me. You could use this day to rest."

"Your Grace, you know the reason I had taken a day off. For you to prepare everyone for an entire week to have such a grand welcome to the prince of Karo, I need to see it myself."

"There's nothing to see, Sivi." I shook my head, setting my eyes on the carriage that was heading towards us. "I just want to impress his highness. Prince Heliot gifted me all the rare gems to build my wealth, after all. How can I show him such discourtesy when, thanks to him, Grimsbanne recovered and is doing better now?"

Silvia cast me a side glance, couldn't conceal the doubt in her eyes. "You're getting better and better at making logical excuses, Your Grace."

"Well, I am not making it up, unfortunately. I only speak the truth." The corner of my lips curled up into a smile. "I simply want to impress him, no more no less."

"It feels weird, Lil. Sometimes, I think you really like Prince Heliot, but there were also times like right now that I don't think you do."

"Well, it's a complicated feeling and also, I don't get ahead of myself. No one will accept a widow like me for someone like the prince, isn't it?" I raised a brow and cast her a knowing look.

"Even if they are a lot of opposition, with your current power, people will die just to get you on their side." Silvia shrugged nonchalantly. "You just didn't master the art of twisting words, but you have also mastered diverting the focus of the subject."

"Someone told me in the past, Sivi." I took a deep breath as the carriage finally reached us, stopping in front of us. "Some answers can be complex and things can have multiple truths. I like Prince Heliot. It doesn't matter if it's romantically or something else because I like him — that is the truth."

Silence followed my last remarks as Silvia only looked at me. Soon, the door of the carriage opened and my eyes caught the familiar midnight blue hair that glowed under the midday sun. His tanned complexion looked darker, but it only added allure to his contrasting cold, deep blue eyes.

"Welcome to my humble home, Your Highness," I greeted with a curtsy. Mildred and Silvia, who stood a step behind me, also curtsied while the servants bowed.

When I raised my head, I saw him just looking at me. "I appreciate your warm welcome, Your Grace."

"I am pleased to hear that. I hope you will find comfort during your stay here."

"I will…" He trailed off, staring at me straight in the eye. "… try."

Heliot and I smiled at each other warmly. With our silence, we understood each other.


After welcoming Heliot in the stronghold in the grandest way I had ever given anyone, I personally escorted him inside. Since he had been traveling even before arriving in Grimsbanne, I emptied our schedule today so we could just sit in the drawing room to chat.

"Mildred, I will call for you if we needed your assistance," I said, casting Mildred and the other maids who were on standby to leave.

"Yes, your Grace. We will be outside if you need us." She bowed and beckoned everyone to leave.

We didn't speak until they shut the door closed while Heliot and I stared at each other. Once I knew there weren't any ears that were listening, my smile disappeared as I leaned back.

"Did you like the flowers I sent you?" he asked unaffectionately, breaking the substantial tranquility between us.

"I liked the colors. Did you arrange it yourself?"

"I thought of exerting an effort as your suitor." He nodded, picking up the cup of tea to his lips. His eyes hovered over the cup as his gaze never left mine.

"That's so sweet." A warm smile appeared on my lips. "I like them even more now."

"I'm glad to hear that."

"They withered, though." My eyes veered towards the window, tapping my finger against the armrest.

"I can always give you new ones," He proposed, making me shift my eyes back on him. "Flowers bloom and wither when their time has come. That is the cycle of life."

He was correct, and I couldn't argue with him with that. I just stared at him, studying his complexion.

"You don't look sick now." I pointed out, nodding approvingly. "I was worried that I will see you in a much worse state, but it seemed you've been doing great."

"Working with you has been a great help. Although I had been busier than ever after negotiating with you."

"Speaking of negotiation, how was your stay in the Capital?" I inquired, not really interested in these unnecessary flatteries.

Heliot remained quiet, planting his hand on the armrest as he pushed his chair away with his feet. He strutted around the table, stopping behind me with his hand on my shoulders.

"See for yourself," he uttered, making me close my eyes as I've seen his memories in his perspective of what happened in the Capital. I gasped for air when he raised his hands, and the memories stopped coming.

"Just like you, your enemy is growing stronger." He commented, offering his hand, which I clasped as he assisted me up. "The king and Princess Beatrice will get married sooner than you expected."

As soon as I stood, Heliot spun me around and then planted his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. "A dance for that information."

My expression remained the same, staring at his eyes that were akin to the depth of the ocean. Heliot had been my informant; the person who gave me the information about Zero and Tristan's actual relationship and all other useful information.

"Heliot," I called as we slowed dance without a presence of an orchestra, leaning the side of my head on his chest. "You have a strange way of making your way to my heart."

"I appreciate it… although you don't have a heart, duchess."

A weak smile appeared on my lips. "Just pretend that I do."

"Those flowers I sent you…" he trailed off, resting his chin over my head. "Do you like them in your coffin?"

"Mhm." My eyes softened as I closed my eyes. "They smell just like Sam.. They made me happy, thank you."

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