The Duke's Passion

Chapter 107 - A Tit For Tat

Chapter 107 - A Tit For Tat

My body felt sore even when I try to deny it. I could barely move a muscle. However, I had to follow my instructor's orders.

I even refused Sam's offer to carry me all the way to the training grounds. Alas, why were they following me?

I looked back. Sam, Cameron, and Fabian were walking behind me. They all bore worry in their eyes, as if they were looking at a pitiful, wounded bird.

It made me feel as if that was the only thing they could do while I walk towards my death. Was this my funeral?

A sighed escaped my lips as I dragged my feet forward. I'm doing this as a preparation for the capital.

I was too na?ve to think nothing dire could happen. It was foolish to even consider the King would just permit us to get our happily ever after that easily.

We're just halfway through our journey, but I nearly died without spilling blood. That ability alone terrified me.

Considering Sam was strong, they would target me first. I'm the easiest target.

It was obvious they didn't care about the outcome. The purpose was to hurt Sam. If he lost control because of it, I'm afraid he wouldn't just sleep for hundreds of years.

Sam would probably just enter eternal slumber.

Whenever I recalled it, my heart clench. Cruel. They disgust me to the bones.

That's why no matter how hard this training was, I had to make them regret trying to use me against Sam. My eyes glinted as my resolve grew firmer.

Ignoring the soreness of my muscles, I reached the training grounds. To my surprise, Rufus was already in the middle, checking a wooden sword.

I stood still momentarily. My eyes fixed on towering Rufus' figure.

He was merely holding a wooden sword up, caressing its blunt edges. But Rufus made the wooden sword appear like a real sword.

When he raised his gaze to me, his eyes glinted as the side of his lips curled into a smirk.


Before I knew it, the wooden sword flew past me. It didn't graze me, but I felt how close the sword's edges from grazing my cheek.

If this was before, I would've trembled and collapsed to my knees. However, I couldn't even sit properly without aching.

If I went to my knees now, I wouldn't be able to stand. Also… the effect of his action surprising gave the opposite of what I would usually feel.

I didn't feel fear. It… excite me, instead. That precision… he's the man I would learn from.

Suddenly, that same wooden sword went past me again from behind. This time, I stiffed at the dangerous aura from behind me.

Despite the fast speed of the flying sword coming at Rufus, he stopped it by clipping his fingers in between it. Rufus didn't even bat an eye, nor did it appear he exerted effort from stopping it.

Slowly, Rufus put the wooden sword down.

"What the bloody hell are you thinking, Rufus?" From behind me, Sam's words were hundred times colder. It was as if he was talking to an enemy.

So Sam was the person who caused the wooden sword to fly back at Rufus? Heh… what was Sam saying, though? Didn't he do the same?

"I'm just showing her what to expect in the Capital, my lord." Rufus politely explained. "If it is one of your brothers, it wouldn't be just a wooden sword. And it wouldn't miss as well."

"So what? I'd just had to severe their arms even before they can lift it."

"Why haven't you done it yet, my lord?" Rufus was quick to respond.

Silence. The tension between Rufus, who was ahead of me, and Sam, who was behind me, grew thicker.

Uh… I discreetly stepped aside, darting my eyes from Rufus to Sam. The two stared at each other in silence. It was as if at any moment they'd engage in a fight.

Strange, I thought. It seemed Rufus was challenging Sam with his gaze. What was he so displeased about? Am I just seeing things?

Was Rufus that mad he had to leave Grimsbanne for a short while just to train me? Well, it must be.

"I haven't done it yet…?" Suddenly, Sam's tone lowered as the side of his lips tilted into a twisted smirk.

"Are you sure?"

I shuddered at the sight of his small canine tooth. I gulped down at Sam's aura.

"No, my lord. I'm just confirming it." Rufus backed down as he beckoned a neck bow.? Rufus then shifted his head to me. I nearly jolted upon meeting his gaze.

"My lady, shall we start with your training?"

"Oh…" I awkwardly nodded and glanced at Sam.

Sam was smirking proudly, darting his eyes from Fabian to Cameron. The two were looking at him suspiciously.

"Hah," I'm relieved and quick chuckle slipped past my lips. I guess only Rufus knew Sam too well.

Rufus and Sam had their own language that only the two could understand. Should I see Rufus as my love rival as well?

Even with that thought crossing my mind, I smiled. I'm just glad that there's one person who truly understood Sam.

It might not be me. But that's alright. I'm still in the process of understanding Sam's layers.

"Here, my lady." Rufus tossed me the wooden sword.

I caught it with both my hands and smiled. "Thank you?"

Rufus just shot me a distant look and turned around. Yet my smile remained.

To earn Rufus respect would be an achievement. Hence, I stared at his broad back with a grin.

My first target was the strongest knight and human in this kingdom, Rufus. If this man before me acknowledged me, that only meant I'm ready to face Sam's family.

Obviously, I knew no matter how easy it was to say; it was hundred times harder doing it. But I had set my mind on this.


While Lilou was busy receiving instruction with Rufus, Samael had a smug grin on his lips.

"Your Highness?" Cameron called out awkwardly. "What did Sir Rufus…"

"My lord, isn't that a little reckless? I didn't consider it since you said you didn't want to be misunderstood."

While Cameron was puzzled, Fabian's words sounded as if he knew what Samael did.

"My brother humored me. Isn't just right to humor him back?"

Sam's grin grew more evil; rather pleased that Rufus now exposed his secret in the open.

"Don't worry. How would the King misunderstand a very harmless joke? I only did what they did in here. A tit for tat — my brothers will understand that."

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