The Duke's Passion

Chapter 659 Everything has a pattern

Chapter 659 Everything has a pattern

The Karo Kingdom was a liberated country. Although it mostly sheltered vampires, there were a few humans mixed. Unlike the dystopic world of the Heart's Kingdom, the air in this place was... freer.

Lilou smiled as she carried a bag of goods she bought in the market, now on the plaza of the capital in Karo, to roam for a bit before heading back. She could not help but remember the first time she stepped foot in this place.

"It's really different from there," came out a whisper, gazing at the neat stalls nearby. "I wonder if everyone was alright. Old Olly will surely get worried."

Her lips pressed into a tight slash, breathing out heavily. She shook her head to forget the mild longing that reached her eyes. It was useless now since Lilou was with Stefan; she was accompanying him because she was 'apparently' an important character.

"I should make Lexx something — ack!"

Just as she turned around, Lilou dropped the bag of goods she was 'securely' hugging when someone bumped into her, consequently losing her balance. All she saw was a large hand reaching out to her, pulling her wrist back. But alas, he unintentionally used more force than intended, causing her to crash against his firm body.

"Ah --" she winced as if the fall was better than hitting her forehead against his study chest. Lilou unconsciously patted his chest, grinding her teeth as she glared at him.

"Can't you see there's a person in here?" bellowed Lilou through her gritted teeth. But what she saw was his eyes only, wearing a shawl around his head that covered most of his facial features except his eyes.

Even so, his thick and naturally long curled lashes on his hooded eyes were enough to captivate a maiden like her. His eyes seemed to pierce through her soul, making her hold her breath while holding his spellbinding gaze.

"Apologies," his voice was deep and monotonous, the complete opposite of his claim. "Are you alright?"

When he inquired about her, Lilou finally blinked back to the current lapse. Her frown resurfaced before her gaze fell on the goods on the ground.

"Good lord," she breathed out, clicking her tongue as she picked them up while wiping some apples with the bottom of her palm. 'Lexx will get angry again and will nag that I'm being too rotten... spoiled. Tsk!'

"Should I help you?" she paused when she heard the culprit behind her inquire something he shouldn't. She turned to look at him with a glare.

"What do you think?" she replied sarcastically.

"Goodness. Are the younger generation always asks others what they should do now?" Lilou grumbled in dismay.

Although the young lad with a fairly tanned complexion and a deep-set of deep blue eyes looked the same age as her. His towering stature and strong-looking arms told her he was young. But since she always plays with the children in the field and was surrounded by the elderly, Lilou felt extra young at heart, but older than her actual age.

'I can't believe I was distracted by his eyes moments ago,' she scolded herself internally, shaking her head before continuing to pick up the goods. 'Although his eyes were undoubtedly beautiful, don't forget the dread if Lexx heard about this! Oh, good lord! Is Lexx my father's incarnate?'

She froze at her silly thoughts. But then again, her face grew ashen as she held her breath, wide-eyed.

'Is that the truth Lexx was keeping all this time?' she gasped in horror, raising her eyes with her mouth still ajar when the man she bumped into squatted down in front of her. She watched him help her pick up her goods, putting them back in the cloth sack.

Noticing her gaze without moving a muscle, he glanced at her, only to see her looking at him with strange eyes. He cocked his head, studying her even more.

Lilou knew she was watching him and he was now staring back at her with genuine wonder in his eyes. However, her mind was too distracted by the 'theory' she came up with. It bothered her... very much.

"Put them inside," she snapped her eyes, and they fell on the cloth sack in front of her, moving them up at the stranger's inexpressive eyes.

"Those apples." He pointed with his chin.

"Ah, right?" Lilou shook her head and dunked the apples inside the cloth. When she raised his head once again, the anger on her face had already disappeared, replaced with a smile.

"Thank you," she expressed, grabbing the opening of the cloth sack so nothing would fall again. She paused when the stranger spoke.

"For?" he asked genuinely, unable to understand this shift of mood. Wasn't she peeved just now?

"I helped you because I was careless and bumped into you, causing your goods to fall on the ground. Therefore, helping you pick them up is a given to express my sincerity," he explained in one breath, his tone was still the same. "Forgiven was the word you must say, not gratitude."

Lilou blinked twice, trying to understand this abrupt argument. "Did I hit your head?" she inquired, reviewing whose forehead bumped into who? As far as she could remember, she should be the one demanding! Also, why was he making a big deal of her words of gratitude?

"I did not, but you did."

"Exactly!" she bobbed her head, doe eyes blinking almost innocently. "Why are you spewing all that nonsense? I thanked you because I feel like it and I'm not angry any more because I'm not. Do you want me to continue getting angry?"

"But that is quite a quick shift of mood."

"Life is short!" That was her only reply, shaking her head whilst sighing. Vampires, they wouldn't understand her words.

She gazed back at him once again when she stood, hugging the sack. Her mouth opened, but she ended up closing them. All she did was huff and shake her head, grumbling as she walked away.

"What a strange guy. He speaks as though everything has a pattern. Although I cannot fully disagree, life would be very boring if we keep dwelling on such things." Lilou continuously grumbled, hoping to use the stranger's odd complaints to get her 'theory' about her father incarnate out of her silly head.

As she did, the stranger fixed his eyes on the lady's back. She was mumbling, but with his keen hearing, he heard everything she was spewing. Even the worries about someone being her father incarnate.

She was correct. He had lived his life following a constant pattern. And he could argue for days to prove that everything in this world had a pattern.

"For some reason," he whispered, pulling down the shawl covering his head from his cheekbone. "She feels familiar."

As the shawl fluttered in his grip, the man's deep blue moonlight hair shone under the blazing afternoon sun. His tantalizing eyes that shared the same color as his hair fastened with fascination.

"How can such an odd girl survive this world until now?" he wondered, bothered by this riddle that seemed impossible or challenging to crack. "She must be very lucky and is blessed."

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