Chapter 569: The Brain is a Good Thing

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Zhuang Peng spoke mysteriously, “I’ve recently been following a ‘big brother’ who has made connections with many powerful and influential people in the county town.

“But the last time this ‘big brother’ met with Jiang Lu, he was nodding and bowing to him!

“It was Jiang Lu who ordered my ‘big brother’ to take action against your brother, Xia Chen!”

“Why are you telling me all this?” Xia Wan raised an eyebrow, “If your ‘big brother’ finds out, it won’t be good for you!”

Zhuang Peng humphed before saying, “I just can’t stand the way he grovels in front of that kid Jiang Lu.

“I want to ruin Jiang Lu’s plans and get revenge for my ‘big brother’!”

Hearing Zhuang Peng’s words, Xia Wan couldn’t help but think: The brain really is a good thing!

However, since Zhuang Peng had said so, the news was probably not wrong.

So, someone really was planning to target Xia Chen!

“How is your ‘big brother’ planning to target my brother?” Xia Wan asked tentatively.

Zhuang Peng shook his head, “I don’t know about that!” Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

“My ‘big brother’ probably knows I go to the same school as Xia Chen, and didn’t want to put me in a difficult position, so he didn’t involve me in this operation!” Zhuang Peng sounded sincere, but it only made Xia Wan more worried about his intellect.

Just then, Xia Wan heard someone calling her name.

Both Xia Wan and Liu Hua turned to see Linda waving at them from the entrance of the cafeteria.

Xia Wan and Liu Hua immediately ran over, “Linda, what are you doing here?”

“Yeah, Teacher Lin, why are you here? Aren’t you part of the team welcoming the foreign guests?” Liu Hua also asked.

“I’m a training teacher, not a member of the reception team,” Linda waved her hand. I just came because a friend of mine is here today.

“I wanted to see and maybe grab some of that delicious braised fish from your school’s cafeteria, but I didn’t expect it to be so crowded I can’t even get in!” Linda said with a grimace.

“Come on, I’ll treat you two to a nice meal!” Xia Wan said, sighing at the two sulking figures beside her.

Liu Hua and Linda, though still not in high spirits, were tempted by the offer of good food and set aside their unhappiness for the moment.

Since the afternoon was free time, the trio headed to the commercial street near Dongxing Pavilion.

Several new shops had opened on the street, not very large but quite popular.

As it was lunchtime, when the three of them arrived at one of the shops, there were already a few people lining up waiting for seats.

“Who would have thought our small county town would have such shops!” Liu Hua couldn’t help but exclaim.

“This place looks like it must be delicious! Let’s go in and try it!” Linda was eager to go in.

Xia Wan glanced at the wooden sign standing by the door and then at the mere

six tables inside..

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