Chapter 562 - 562: A Lesson

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation      Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“I believe Miss Xia is well aware of my identity. As long as your request is legal and doesn’t conflict with my professional ethics, I will do my best to fulfill it!” Lin Chao promised.

Xia Wan thought for a moment, glancing in the direction of Chen Mo.

Then Xia Wan finally replied, “Okay! In that case, notify me when the blood test results are out.

“Also, I hope the hospital will fully cooperate with this treatment and follow my instructions completely.

“If you change my treatment plan again without permission, I won’t intervene in the treatment anymore!”

“No problem! I guarantee this,” Lin Chao promised without considering the hospital’s stance, committing directly to Xia Wan.

Xia Wan nodded in satisfaction and then left with Chen Mo.

Upon returning to the Xia family home, Chen MO received a call from Zhang Cheng.

“Brother Cheng says he will safely return your parents within an hour,” Chen MO relayed the message to Xia Wan after hanging up the phone.

Only then did Xia Wan feel the anxiety of the past few days finally easing.

Although she knew her parents were unharmed two days ago, she couldn’t be completely at ease until she saw them.

Xia Chen and Xia Feng, upon receiving Xia Wan’s notice, also hurried home.

The family stood quietly at the door, waiting.

Finally, a black executive car approached from a distance.

“I’m telling you, even your parents wouldn’t dare speak to us like that!”

“You little rascal, if I don’t beat you today, I won’t be a Xia!” Saying this, Xia Jiang raised his fist to hit Xia Chen.

Xia Chen braced himself for the blow.

He knew if he retaliated, his father would be criticized.

He was young and could endure.

But Xia Feng didn’t have the same patience and quickly stepped forward to stop Xia Jiang’s attack.

Unexpectedly, before Xia Feng could act, Xia Hai had already grabbed Xia Jiang’s hand.

Xia Jiang stared at Xia Hai in shock, incredulously asking, “Are you rebelling, boy? You want to fight me for these little brats?”

“I knew these kids were unruly, and now I see it’s because of you parents!”

Hearing Xia Jiang’s insults, Yan Han couldn’t hold back, “Don’t talk about Xia Hai like that! He’s your brother, not your servant to be beaten and scolded at will!

“You’ve caused trouble in our house several times, and we’ve never complained.

“And now you want to block our doorstep and start a fight?”

Yan Han’s retort left Xia Jiang and Song Yan shocked.

The situation was at a stalemate, and the younger generation found it difficult to intervene.

Chen MO stood by, unsure of how to react..

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