Chapter 554 - 554: Relieved

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Alright then! Since Brother Cheng has given his word, I shall be forthright in my requests,” Xia Wan confidently stated, her intuition telling her that Zhang Cheng would accede to her needs.

“The sanatorium is currently facing some operational challenges, and I would greatly appreciate it, Brother Cheng, if you could lend a hand in resolving these issues.

“Moreover, there have been some suspicious individuals monitoring our family’s new shop lately, and I suspect Jiang Lu might be involved. I’m hoping you could address this matter as well.”

“Little girl, you’re quite…” Zhang Cheng began, adopting a serious demeanor, “You’re certainly not holding back!”

Yet, Xia Wan maintained her smile. “I presume, Brother Cheng, that you wouldn’t prefer the information we’ve gathered to be made public. That could get quite complicated…”

Upon hearing Xia Wan’s subtle implication, Zhang Cheng’s expression grew even more solemn.

He had initially intended to lightly jest with Xia Wan, but he recognized that her request was genuine and irrevocable.

“Alright! The issues you’ve raised are somewhat intricate, but they’re manageable,” Zhang Cheng reassured, gesturing with his hand. “Once Shi Yu recovers, rest assured, I’ll ensure the safe return of your parents.”

“Thank you so much, Brother Cheng!” Xia Wan’s face brightened with gratitude, and she gave Chen MO’s hand a reassuring squeeze.

Chen MO immediately grasped Xia Wan’s intent.

“Brother Cheng, Xia Wan is feeling quite weary. If there are no further matters, we’ll take your leave now,” Chen MO said, guiding Xia Wan towards the exit.

Zhang Cheng watched their retreating figures with narrowed eyes, contemplating, “This young lady is far from ordinary. It would be wise to stay on her good side in the future.”

“You mean the new contract your family just secured?” Chen Mot s expression grew serious as well.

“Indeed, military procurements are significant affairs. The sudden approach to our family does seem rather peculiar,” Xia Wan couldn’t hide her concern.

“However, I’ve checked the credentials of the colonel that Zhou En met, and nothing seemed amiss.” Chen MO, too, sensed an anomaly but couldn’t pinpoint its exact nature.

“Let’s head back to the shop first. I need to verify a few things with Zhou En,” Xia Wan suggested, making calls to Xia Feng and Xia Chen.

With Zhang Cheng’s commitment, Xia Hai and Yan Han’s return seemed imminent.

Despite Xia Chen and Xia Feng’s apparent calm over the past few days, the stress was evident in their lack of appetite.

For youths in their teens and early twenties, maintaining composure under such strain was no small feat.

Listening to Xia Wan comforting her brothers over the phone, Chen MO felt as if she bore the wisdom and experience far beyond her years.

Yet, she was merely a teenager!

After ending the call, Xia Wan noticed Chen MO sneaking glances at her as he drove. “What are you looking at?”

“How beautiful you are?” Chen MO exclaimed spontaneously.

Xia Wan, taken aback at first, soon burst into laughter.

Chen MO, seeing Xia Wan’s smile after several tense days, finally relaxed with a sigh of relief..

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