Chapter 536 - 536: Blocked

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation      Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Brother Cheng!” Chen MO looked at Zhang Cheng in surprise. ‘Why are you here?”

Zhang Cheng had a smile on his face, “I just happened to have a friend here, so I came to have a look.”

Zhang Cheng spoke casually, but Chen MO knew he had come for him.

Before Chen MO could speak again, Zhang Cheng turned to face Lin Chao, his smile unchanged, and nodded slightly, “Long time no see.”

Lin Chao looked somewhat uncomfortable.

He hesitated for a long time before saying to Zhang Cheng, “Brother Cheng, long time no see.”

“Hmm!” Zhang Cheng responded, then turned to Chen MO and glanced in the direction of Xia Wan, asking, “Who is this?”

“This is the doctor I mentioned to Brother Cheng yesterday, the one I invited to save someone, Xia Wan,” Chen MO introduced her to Zhang Cheng.

“Oh?” Zhang Cheng looked at Xia Wan, his eyes betraying mistrust.

Lin Chao stepped forward again, “Brother Cheng, this person is just here to cause trouble!”

“I was about to kick them out!”

Grinding his teeth, Lin Chao said to Chen MO, “If it weren’t for the fact that you know Brother Cheng, I would have let someone beat you up first! “This time I’ll let you off! Take your woman and get out!”

Chen MO was about to retort, but Zhang Cheng pulled him aside.

“Stop!” Lin Chao glanced at Zhang Cheng, then approached Chen MO and Xia Wan, “I’ve decided to let you off for Brother Cheng’s sake. If you’re stubborn, don’t blame me for throwing you out right now!”

Chen MO was about to speak, but Xia Wan pressed her hand against his.

She tilted her chin up slightly and asked Lin Chao, “Are you sincerely seeking medical help, or do you not care if he wakes up?

“Nonsense! Of course, I’m sincerely seeking help!” Lin Chao replied matter-of-factly.

“If there’s a chance to wake him up, why refuse?” Xia Wan asked calmly, unaffected by Lin Chao’s rejection.

She was well aware that their purpose was not just to wake the patient but also to save Zhao Chang’s life.

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t believe me, but if you’re not in a hurry to save someone, then let Chen Mo’s friend go,” Xia Wan continued in an even tone.

Lin Chao frowned, seemingly pondering seriously.

Zhang Cheng spoke again, “Alright! Let her try! If you had a better option, you wouldn’t have called them here, right?”

“But she’s a woman…” Lin Chao was still reluctant.

“So what if she’s a woman? Can’t women be skilled in medicine?” Chen MO retorted, dissatisfied.

Xia Wan didn’t say anything.

She was already accustomed to such doubts about women. Not just now, but even when she had become known as a “miracle doctor,” she was not immune to skepticism.

“If you want to save him, stop wasting time!” Xia Wan no longer gave Lin Chao time to hesitate, “If you want to save him, let us in, or else release Chen Mo’s friend, and we’ll leave immediately!”

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