The Divine Doctor and Stay-at-home Dad

Chapter 826 - The Headquarters of Angel Pharmaceutical

Chapter 826 The Headquarters of Angel Pharmaceutical

Qin Haodong was overjoyed. He had two goals in coming to M Country. One was to establish a branch of the Tang Sect Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the other was to eradicate Angel Pharmaceutical.

He had gotten the approval of the FDA to establish a medical company, while the headquarters of Angel Pharmaceutical remained unknown. But now, Donnie Randall told him the good news.

It seemed that their intelligence information network was really powerful and the Deep Web was almost everywhere. Xuanyuan Pavilion did not find any information about Angel Pharmaceutical, but the Deep Web located their headquarters within a few days.

He asked, “Where is their headquarters?”

“At Mickey Amusement Park in downtown N City,” said Donnie Randall. “The entrance is in an escape room.

“After investigation, we found that many people entered the escape room, but few came out. They also often bring in some daily necessities.

“And after further research, we’re sure that it’s the headquarters of Angel Pharmaceutical.”

Qin Haodong asked again, “How certain are you about the information?”

Donnie Randall said without hesitation, “100% certain.”

They had now completely determined the headquarters of Angel Pharmaceutical. Qin Haodong didn’t waste any time. He left Barns’s house and immediately began to arrange the attack.

Mickey Amusement Park had been completely closed by nightfall. The park was particularly quiet in the night.

Toward midnight, a group of people appeared at the door of the escape room. They were the Marvel heroes who had been the topic of dinner-party conversations.

What was different was that there were two more heroes, Lev, the Wolf King with Golden Hair, and Chekhov, the Werewolf.

This was Qin Haodong’s plan. Although Ma Wenzhuo and others had strong cultivation, they were no match for Werewolves in attack and destruction, so he asked Lev to be the vanguard of the attack.

Everything was ready and Lev roared at the full moon in the sky with Chekhov. The two of them completed the transformation in an instant and rushed to the escape room from both sides.

Lev punched toward the game room. He was now as powerful as the cultivators in the Holy Stage. With one heavy blow, the game room, which was made of steel and reinforced concrete, suddenly collapsed.

Chekhov did the same. His cultivation was a little lower than Lev’s, but he was also good at destruction. The game room on the other side was torn apart within a few minutes.

All the guards in the game room of Angel Pharmaceutical were killed by the two Werewolves in an instant. They didn’t even have time to sound the alarm.

After the house was torn down, a passage to the basement appeared in the middle of the room. Lev rushed into the passage first, followed by the others.

After walking a dozen meters in the passageway, they came across a steel door with a keyboard.

For ordinary people, it was impossible to enter without a password.

But Lev, the Wolf King with Golden Hair, was not ordinary people. He scratched the door with his claws.

The door, which was made of stainless steel 10 centimeters thick, could not even be broken by a mortar shell, but it was instantly torn apart like a piece of paper by Lev.

But their violent way of breaking through the door also set off an alarm at the underground base, which went blaring for a moment.

Klinsmann and Mora, who had almost fallen asleep, jumped up from their beds and rushed to the monitoring room of the command center after hearing the siren.

At the sight of Lev, who was rushing into the base, they were stunned at first and then ordered the gunmen over the interphone, “Kill these invaders at all costs.”

Lev ignored them and rushed straight in. But he soon came across a group of gunmen with AK-47s.

The gunmen followed the orders of the higher-ups and pulled the trigger without hesitation. All the bullets were whistling and sweeping toward Lev like lightning.

But Lev showed no fear, and the golden hair on his body stood on end. After he transformed into the Wolf King with Golden Hair, he boasted astonishing defensive power. These bullets could not hurt him at all; only heavy weapons could pose a threat to him.

The whistling bullets touched his body but then fell to the ground with a clanging sound as if they had hit an iron wall. Lev was unhurt.

Lev let out a long howl and jumped into the gunmen. With a sweep of his arms, all the gunmen were killed and fell to the ground.

Klinsmann, who was standing in front of the big screen, was so scared that he collapsed on the sofa and shouted, “What the f*ck is that? Why hasn’t he been killed?”

Mora cried in horror, “Boss, this seems to be a Werewolf of the western Dark World.”

Klinsmann then got angry. “Damn it, we’ve never offended the western Dark World! Why did they come here?”

Mora shouted, “Boss, look! Those walking behind are the ones who attacked our Angel Building some time ago.”

Klinsmann also saw Spider-Man and Iron Man walking behind Lev. “Bastard, when did Qin Haodong hook up with the western Dark World?”

“Boss, what should we do now?” asked Mora in panic.

Klinsmann slowly regained his composure. A ferocious look came into his eyes as he said, “Kill them!”

Then he gave another order through the interphone. “Kill all these invaders as soon as possible. You’ll get 100 million dollars for killing any of them.”

Where there’s a generous reward, there’s a brave man. Upon hearing the reward of $100 million, the gunners, who had been in a panic, forgot their fear of the Werewolf and rushed at Lev with their weapons drawn.

But courage is not strength. They were just ordinary gunmen. How could they do harm to the Wolf King with Golden Hair?

In just a few minutes, all these gunmen lay weltering in blood, and none of them survived.

Seeing that all his men had been defeated, Klinsmann pressed a red button. “Send those genetically modified men to fight against Qin.”

Mora looked worried. “Are you sure, Boss? Genetically modified men are not under our control. It will be troublesome if they were to be spotted outside our base.”

Klinsmann had gone crazy. “I don’t care. I must kill all these invaders. They are sent by Qin Haodong. I can’t let them succeed.”

Klinsmann pressed the red button and a steel door was slowly opened. About 10 bizarre men rushed out of the room with a roar.

But they didn’t even look like human beings. Some were serpents with human heads, some were covered with octopus tentacles, and some were crawling forward like spiders, and from time to time they would spin weird silk.

They were the newest Cyborgs developed by Angel Pharmaceutical. Each of them was as powerful as the human warriors at the Supreme Power Realm level. But Angel Pharmaceutical hadn’t figured out a way to control these monsters, so they had never been put to use before.

But now, Klinsmann wanted to kill Lev and his companions at all costs. So he let the 10 monsters out.

But he still underestimated Lev and the others. Although each of these monsters was as powerful as a grand master, their enemies were much stronger. None of the staff of Daddy Security Company was below the seventh level of the supreme power realm while Lev had already reached the Saint stage after he transformed into a Werewolf.

In the beginning, these monsters looked fierce and rushed at their enemies without fear, but they were soon killed by Lev. The rest fled in panic and were killed by Ma Wenzhuo.

“Bastard, who are they?”

Seeing that he had failed again, Klinsmann went crazy. He had seen Werewolves before, but they were all at a lower stage. He had never seen such a powerful Werewolf like Lev.

Those standing behind Lev were not so powerful, but they were all grand masters. The Spider-Man, for example, could kill the monsters with one blow.

Seeing that they were rushing to the base center, Klinsmann pressed another orange button after a moment’s hesitation.

A group of guards rushed out. Each of them was wearing the Warrior’s Garments, which were as valuable as an aircraft carrier. They were now at the ninth level of the Supreme Power Realm with the garments.

They were the final trump card of the underground base, and they could only be used only once. Maybe the Warrior’s Garments would remain intact, but the soldiers that were carefully groomed would all die from the backlash of power.

But he didn’t care. He had to kill all these invaders and race against time or he would be finished.

But he soon realized that his trump card, which he had high hopes for, was not so effective against Qin Haodong’s army.

Although these guards could obtain the speed and strength of a ninth-level grandmaster with the help of the Warrior’s Garments, they were not real grandmasters. They had no experience and didn’t know how to fight against their strong enemies.

The battle began. Lev roared and scratched a Warrior’s Garment, and directly tore the man’s hearts apart.

They were no match for real masters.

The guards were all killed by Lev and Ma Wenzhuo. A few minutes later, the bodyguard team, which Klinsmann had spent millions on, was completely destroyed.

Looking at the strong enemies on the big screen, Mora said in a trembling voice, “Boss, we should go now, or it will be too late.”

Klinsmann was depressed. He had no way to resist Qin and his men at this moment. He pressed the green button, and the floor under his feet cracked, revealing an underground passage that was only big enough for one person.

They ran out of the base through the passage.

The escape passage was built during the construction of the base. But Klinsmann thought that the underground base was so strong that no one could get in, so the passage would never be used.

But today, the underground base was completely destroyed, so he could only escape from here.

The passage was very long, and the exit was directly outside the amusement park.

20 minutes later, in a bush, a small green tree slowly moved to the side, revealing a black hole.

Mora soon got out and then helped Klinsmann out of the hole.

Then they closed the exit of the passage once again.

Klinsmann breathed a sigh of relief. Looking back at the amusement park, he was depressed and said gloomily, “It’s over, it’s all over! The underground base I carefully built is destroyed, and my Angel Pharmaceutical is also finished.”

Mora said, “Boss, don’t be too sad. As long as we are alive, we will definitely make a comeback in the future.”

Klinsmann gnashed his teeth and replied, “You’re right, we survived. I’ll tear Qin Haodong to pieces someday.”

But they suddenly heard a shower of applause and someone said in a clear voice, “He sounds ambitious. Unfortunately, you’ll never stage a comeback.”

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