[Please re-check chapter: 309 and 310, they have been fixed and rearranged. Thankyou for your understanding and patients]

The way Liying referred to him as her 'FRIEND' in front of another man felt like a dagger in Yitian's heart. Was he now just a friend to her? Was everything really over? ​​

After Carl left, Liying looked at Yitian. "You were saying something."

Slowly shaking his head, he awkwardly cleared his throat. "Nothing, I was just worried about you." Without waiting for her reply, he asked, "So you are going out for movies?"

"Yes, Jack wanted to watch a new movie—ummm I don't even know that name—"

"Hmmm." Letting out an affirmative sound, he inquired, "So who is this Jack, your cousin or—"

"Oh no, he is our neighbor. His parents are out of station so he is staying with us right now," she answered.

"S-Staying with you in a sense, in your place? Like in the same house?"


"Ah I see, I guess you are having fun then. When are you coming back?"

Keeping quiet for quite some time, she hesitantly answered, "I don't know."

"What do you mean?" he frowned.

"I am not sure when I will come back, maybe a day before the exams or—"

Cutting her off, he gave her a weak smile, "Seems like you don't wanna leave that place. Do you like it a lot?" Before she could say anything, he added, "Jack's jacket looks quite good on you."


"You might be getting late for the movies, right? You should go and have fun," he added.

"Yitian, Jack and I—" Before she could complete her sentence, Jack arrived.

"Are you still talking? We will get late for the movies," he remarked.

Without saying anything, Yitian hung up the call and threw his phone on the floor in frustration. He wasn't liking how suddenly some Jack was acting close to her and also taking her for movies.

Was it a date? Were they going out on a date? Did she wear his jacket quite often? Was she close to him?

With several questions revolving in his head, he groaned in frustration. He hated the helplessness that he was feeling. How could she go for movies with some other guy? Didn't she always go out with only him?

Helplessly shaking his head, he sighed. He seriously ruined everything and now he had no idea what to do. Yes, he thought he wasn't ready to be in a relationship but he was also not ready to see her with some other man.


Around midnight.

Ning and Yichan's room.

Rotating her neck, Ning sighed, "I am glad everything went smoothly today."

Massaging her shoulder, Yichan frowned, "I told you not to work so hard, but you never listen to me. Aunt Lin could have helped you in the kitchen but no, you wanted to make everything on your own and now you tired yourself out."

"Remember how I used to cook for everyone on my own in the past and not get tired?" When he nodded his head, she sighed, "Yi, do you think I am getting old?"

"Wait what? Where did that come from?" he chuckled.

Leaning against him, she complained, "I feel so tired easily these days and my back hurts a lot, my feet turn icy cold very easily and I don't feel like eating as well."

Kissing the top of her head, he assured her, "You just got yourself checked last month and the reports were normal. But to be on a safer side, tell the doctor about these things when you go to the hospital. I wish I could accompany you but this meeting is so important."

"It's alright, you can't neglect work all the time. You are the incharge of such a big empire, you have to be responsible." Snuggling closer, she added, "And it's just a routine check up, it's not something important. Roger is accompanying me anyway and Meili is going to be there too, I'll manage."

"Are you too tired? Do you want me to give you a nice massage?"

"Just hug me for a while, it feels nice."

Pulling her closer, he lied down before wrapping his arms around her. Gently caressing her back, he contemplated for a while before saying, "I asked the lawyer to review all our property papers the other day."

"Hmm did everything go well?" she asked.

"Yes but—" Hesitating for a while, he added, "There are several properties which have been transferred to your name in the last ten years."

Lifting her head, she scrunched her brows. "What do you mean?"

"There are many properties under your name which you are unaware of," he explained.

"How is that even possible? Is grandpa going around buying properties in my name?" When he shook his head, she frowned, "Then what do you mean?"

Taking a deep breath, he answered, "Your mother visited me in the office the other day. She was already there so I couldn't send her back. No matter what happened in the past, she is still the woman who gave birth to you, I will forever be grateful for that." Without waiting for her reply, he explained, "She gave me a file which had many property papers. When I got them checked, I found out that she had been buying many properties for you since the last twenty-seven years."

Without saying anything, she placed her head on his chest and wrapped her hands around his waist.

Keeping quiet for quite some time, he further explained, "Not just your mom, I found out that when your dad bought Walique, he bought it under your and Chen's name. In addition to that, Mr. Weilong is also doing the same thing your mom has been doing for years."

Caressing her hair, he sighed, "I am not saying this because I want to fix your relationship with your parents. Like I told you before, it is completely up to you and no matter what you decide, I will always support you. I just thought that you should know this."

"I will ask someone to get the papers here, okay? You can do whatever you want with it," he added.

Keeping quiet for quite some time, Ning hesitantly asked, "How does she look?"

"She looks just like you, except for the eyes," he smiled.

"Yes, I have grandpa's eyes," she chuckled.

"I wouldn't dare to argue over that." Pausing for a while, he asked, "Do you want to meet her someday?"

"I don't know, what will I say to her or what will we talk about? It's gonna be so awkward," she sighed.

"Well, of course it's going to be awkward but you can at least take an initiative if you want to. Only if you want to, I am not forcing you or anything."

Looking at him, she curiously inquired, "When you met her for the first time, how did you talk to her? I mean, what did you call her?"

"Of course I can't call her my mother-in-law or something like that so I played safe, I referred to her as Mrs Yang," he answered.

"What do you think I should call her?"

"I don't know, what do you wanna call her? Mrs. Yang?"

Thinking for a while, she frowned, "That wouldn't sound appropriate, don't you think?"

"Hmm it will sound a bit weird."

Helplessly shaking her head, she sighed, "I will end up overthinking again, I will just take a nap instead."

"Alright come here." Pulling her into his embrace, he smiled, "I will let you take a proper nap today."


Next day.

After Yichan left for his office, Ning was about to leave too when aunt Lin approached her along with a black file.

"Young madam, someone from young master's office bought this over."

Taking it from her hand, she thanked her before opening it. The file contained all the property papers which her mother had given Yichan the other day. Gently caressing it, she contemplated for a while thinking whether she should return it to her or not. And if she would, how was she supposed to do it?

When Weilong approached her when she was in the hospital, she thought the truth wouldn't change anything and it didn't but things weren't as normal as they were before. Knowing that her real parents were around her, she felt a bit weird and no matter how hard she tried to ignore the fact, she couldn't. Though she declared she didn't want to have anything to do with them, why did she still feel this way?

Contemplating for a while, she grabbed her phone and called Chen.

"Hey little sister, are you missing your big brother early in the morning?" Without waiting for her reply, he added, "Before I forget, do you have any leftovers from yesterday dinner?" Groaning in satisfaction, he exclaimed, "I think that was the best dinner I had in years."

"Yes there are leftovers, you can come over whenever you want to but that is not why I called you."


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