Chapter 660

"What... what is that?"

Lucinil could not hide her astonishment as she gazed at the magical star that suddenly appeared in the sky above the gathering of the Vampire Lords' mages.

It was a form of magic she had never seen before, and she couldn't comprehend what it was.

"It seems our adorable scribe has caused quite an accident," Antirianus chuckled as he looked at the enormous sphere.

Lucinil glared at Antirianus as he cast a large-scale destruction spell.

"Harriet? What is that thing in the first place?"

"I don't know."

"Why do you act like you know something..."


But before Lucinil could finish speaking, a flash of light shot from the massive magical sphere and struck the midst of the monster horde.

It was simple.

A single beam of white light.


However, the result was anything but simple.

An explosion more extensive than a falling meteor wiped out the monsters.

Lucinil's face drained of color at the sight of the overwhelming destruction.

"Who could have known this would happen with an unknown magic?"

"What on earth...?"

They might have been the inspiration, but they couldn't have possibly predicted that it would be completed in this manner.

The flash of light wasn't a one-time event.


The blue magical star was firing its destructive light not only at the ground but also towards the sky.

"What is that thing, using an unknown destructive magic at that speed?"

"Is anything impossible in magic?"

Antirianus' words were nothing more than a fantasy held by novice mages or those entirely ignorant of magic.

Mages knew all too well what magic could not do. Therefore, the Vampire Lords, who could be considered the oldest mages in the world, knew better than anyone what magic couldn't accomplish.

So Antirianus' statement was nothing more than a malicious joke.

But that joke had become reality.


The sparks shooting from the magical star intercepted the flying monster swarms and unleashed flashes of light.

It wasn't just that the scale of the large-scale destruction spells had increased more than before; they were also being cast at an immeasurable speed and in countless numbers.

"Living for so long..."

Antirianus smiled.

"You get to see so many things."

Even a lunatic who enjoyed the heat of battle couldn't help but purely admire the miracle achieved by a single star.

The Immortals were gone, but inexplicable things were happening on the battlefield.

Meteors rained down, sweeping away monsters, the Demon King appeared and pushed through the monster waves, and an unidentified giant star provided support fire from the rear.

Not only destruction spells, but a blue barrier also appeared around every charging soldier.

It provided both destruction and protection.

Though they couldn't understand the situation, everyone knew it had appeared to help the allied forces.

The crumbling morale of the allied forces was barely maintained, and even the retreating soldiers began to feel they needed to find their place.


On the other side of the battlefield, a presence that could fully restore the collapsing morale began to reveal itself.

As the space opened up entirely, a massive figure appeared.


The Titan is here!

At the sight of the colossal weapon that could be seen anywhere on the battlefield, despair seemed to disappear, and the entire allied forces began to cheer.

"Ho… The Titan is already being deployed."

At Antirianus's words, Lucinil bit her lip.

"This isn't a good thing."

"I suppose not."

The Titan was originally planned to be summoned after the allied forces had made some progress.

However, it had been deployed earlier than planned out of fear that the allied forces might collapse before even reaching Diane.

Deploying the Titan to boost morale meant that it wouldn't be able to play a significant role when entering the depths of Diane.

"Will it be alright…?"

Adelia asked, to which the Archduke shook his head with a stern expression.

"It probably won't be."

The Titan should have been used later.

However, it couldn't be helped given the situation where, if not used now, the allied forces might destroy themselves.

But when it was truly needed to destroy the warp gates deep within Diane, the Titan would be recalled.

At that moment, when the Titan disappeared, the allied forces' morale might hit rock bottom once again.

Whatever happened, today was the last day.

Whether it would be the destruction of the continent or the end of the monsters.

Everything was at stake in just one day.

The Archduke looked at the blue star floating in the distant sky above the battlefield.

It was a massive miracle with an inexplicable meaning.

A miracle of destruction that shouldn't exist in a time of peace.

Following the Titan and the Immortal, there was now even this.

It was an era where all talents were used only for destruction.

Everyone wished for the end of that era today.


With the eerie laughter of the phantom horses, the Death Knights' army swept across the battlefield.

Riding the irregularly moving phantom horses, the Death Knights trampled over the monsters as if defying the laws of the world.

The Death Knights and the Death Paladins, who ran wildly, leaping over the giant monsters as if they were mere obstacles, were too fast and unpredictable for the monsters to reach.

It was a terrifying sight to any human, but that terror now belonged to the humans.

And at the very front of them, Olivia Lanze, wielding a massive spear, pierced, smashed, and crushed the monsters.

To save her Tiamata for Reinhardt, who would face the most challenging battle, Olivia didn't use it.

However, for Olivia, who had already mastered the power of the divine, Tiamata's power wasn't that important.

As she swept through the battlefield and raised her hand towards the sky, a vast light poured down from the heavens, enveloping the wide battlefield.


The wounds of the injured and the dying began to heal.

The warm divine light itself was a healing light and the source of life.

The power of purity.

Olivia, now more potent than when she was called the Saint of Eredian, scattered healing light across the entire battlefield in an instant, healing everyone.

The dramatic healing was spreading unbelievably far and wide.

To those who experienced this miracle of life, the matters of the Demon King or the Emperor didn't matter.

Such a sacred presence.

Such a beautiful presence.

A being that manifested such a warm light in the world.

The very existence that had chosen to follow her could not possibly be evil, could it?

In fact, wasn't she the very embodiment of purity, a manifestation of the divine within?

However, Olivia Lanze was not interested in the thoughts of such people.

As if to deny the changing thoughts of those people, her right hand, which had been riding the phantom horse through the battlefield, was suddenly filled with dark, murky shadows rather than the power of purity.

Atop the phantom horse, Olivia stood as if performing acrobatics and soon leaped towards the monstrous creature, as tall as a bell tower.


Compared to the massive creature, the spear in Olivia's right hand was nothing but a toothpick.


However, the black energy pouring out of the spear exploded like lightning, slashing through the gigantic monster.


As the monster seemed to be about to fall from the single fatal blow, it instead stood up straight.

But the expression in the eyes of the massive monster, which had been spewing flames just moments before, had changed.

It was as if something had contaminated it.

In the depths of the monster's huge pupils, a dark, murky darkness was smoldering.

Those who had been watching Olivia Lanze's battle finally realized.

The monsters that had been pierced and killed by Olivia Lanze's spear, which had been sprinkling the light of life, were not dying but rising back up.

No, they were rising up despite already being dead.

And they were now charging towards the other monsters.

As if controlled by something, the giant monster turned its body away from the human army and towards the other monsters, spewing forth blazing flames.

She had sprinkled the healing light of life and wielded the corrupting power to control death.

The saintess of life and death.

Olivia Lanze had raised the dead monsters to kill the other monsters.

Climbing back on the phantom horse, Olivia ascended the massive monster's back and made her way to its head.

She didn't stop there.


A giant dragon-shaped monster, which had been spewing flames to burn the allied force, began to dive down, claws bared, towards the head of the monster.

Olivia aimed her spear towards the dragon, from the ground to the sky.


With a sound like thunder, the dragon-like body was pierced by the spear she had thrown.


The falling dragon crashed into the ground, crushing countless other monsters beneath it.

Olivia, riding the phantom horse, raced towards the dragon pierced by her spear.

The dragon was already dying, but it was forcibly resurrected by the power of corruption.

A smile appeared on the lips of Olivia Lanze as she rode the phantom horse.


Until now, she had to hide her true self, unable to fully reveal her power.

But now, she had to do everything she could.

"I've always wanted to ride one of those!"

Riding the phantom horse, Olivia had leaped onto the back of the dragon, which was now covered in the power of corruption and rising back to life.

The phantom horse disappeared, and Olivia had gained a new mount.


With a gust-like flap of its wings and a single leap, the dragon, returned from death, soared into the sky.



The dragon spewed lightning and flames from its mouth.

Crash! Clang!

And on its back, Olivia Lanze, with the energy of death and healing in both hands, formed the shape of a spear and began to deliver death to the flying monsters.

The flying monsters that fell, dead, began to rise again before hitting the ground and took to the sky once more.

In her right hand, the light of healing.

In her left hand, the spear of death.

The monsters killed by Olivia returned from death to slaughter other monsters, while the humans touched by Olivia's sprinkling healing light came back from the brink of death.

The saintess of life and death.

Everyone on the battlefield could see the light of death and life being cast by Olivia Lanze, now mounted on the dragon.

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