To use a modern analogy, it seemed as though Harriet was considering the possibility of someone hacking into the warp gate server.

It wouldn't be impossible. If one had knowledge of the warp gate's design, they could create a private warp gate that would function identically to the existing ones.

Furthermore, all warp gates are interconnected.

Let's assume that someone could create a warp gate connected to another world.

If so, with just one gate, anyone passing through it could be scattered across the continent, and the conclusion is drawn.

There's also the possibility that they might not even have to create one.

If a single warp gate were turned into a gate connected to another world...

All the warp gates on the continent could pour out monsters from that other world.

It felt like walking on thin ice.

The method of opening a dimensional door connected to another world.

The method of hacking the warp gate system.

Knowing just these two things, the continent would be prepared to face a gate crisis at any time.

"So in the end, I think I'll understand the dimensional magic a little better if I understand the warp gate system more, but as you know, it's classified, so I can't know it... It's a bit overwhelming to try on my own."

Harriet sighed deeply. There was information, but it was the empire's top secret, so it was inaccessible. Harriet's status was very high, but what she wanted was a special secret of the royal family and the magic world.

"…Well, I think I can help you with that."

"You can?"

I took out the royal crest from my pocket.

"What's this? Why do you have it…?"

"I received it a few days ago."

The royal crest.

It allowed me to receive the empire's cooperation to the fullest extent and be treated as royalty wherever I went. Harriet was surprised and bewildered that I carried the royal crest.

"Shouldn't this be enough to help?"

It might not work, but it's worth a try.

I couldn't ask for the warp gate system itself, but perhaps they could share knowledge about dimensional magic.

Harriet's face, which had been drained of color, momentarily lit up.

"R-really? Will it really work?"

"I don't know that yet."

"Come on, let's try something quickly!"

Harriet was a magician.

She was more excited than I was at the prospect of gaining new knowledge.

It was uncertain whether the royal family would provide information on the warp gate, which was the empire's top secret, but there was always an open window for me.

Bertus seemed to be staying in the Winter Palace for the break, as he had business to attend to, while Charlotte had returned to the Royal Class dormitory.

Since her health could deteriorate at any time, she wanted to be as close to me as possible, who could handle her condition.

Naturally, for the sake of dealing with any emergency, Saviolin Turner also returned to her position as the Royal Class dormitory supervisor.

And so, naturally, the person that Harriet and I went to see was not Bertus, but Charlotte.

"Dimensional magic research?"

"Yeah, Harriet wants to study it for purely academic reasons. The Empire has a lot of knowledge about it, right?"

Of course, I didn't mention any nonsense about the other world to Charlotte.

"Hmm, the materials in the temple aren't enough?"

Charlotte is not a mage. That's why she seemed to not understand why we needed the royal family's cooperation in this matter.

I explained various things on behalf of the hesitating Harriet.

There would undoubtedly be a lot of research materials on dimensional magic in the royal family and the Magic Association, who developed the warp gate system. However, we couldn't access that information because it was considered highly confidential.

"If it's confidential, then there must be a reason for it. I can't easily decide on such matters, but I think I can request some cooperation from the Royal Magic Department."


Harriet was so happy that she almost jumped on the spot.

Even for the princess of the well-known magic Duchy of Saint Owan, accessing the royal family's confidential research materials would have been a dream.

Charlotte quickly wrote a document in the lounge and handed it to Harriet.

"I'll put in a word for you. Take this to the Royal Magic Department tomorrow, not today."

"Th-thank you... Thank you, Your High... Ah, no, Charlotte!"

"Huh. It's not a big deal."

Charlotte looked at me and gave me a subtle smile, as if she was doing this favor because of me.

"Reinhardt, come to see me later."


Charlotte said that, as if she had something to tell me.

Harriet, who had obtained the permission too easily, looked flustered all the way back to the A-Class dormitory. Staring blankly at the permit, she carefully folded it and put it away, then looked at me with a puzzled expression.

"But, now that I think about it, why are you close with the princess... I mean, Charlotte?"

It seemed that Harriet had just started thinking about this issue. There was no reason for Charlotte and me, who were in different classes, to be close. Moreover, we even planned to have a separate conversation.

But isn't it too late to ask that now?

"Because I'm handsome."

"…What am I supposed to respond to that?"

Harriet's expression turned genuinely disgusted.


She's really showing her true colors.

Harriet stared at me, urging me to stop joking and tell her the real reason.

"Hey, why did you and I become friends?"


At my counter-question, Harriet furrowed her brow, seemingly contemplating the past.

Numerous memories passed by like a revolving lantern.

It all started when I stood up to a crazy classmate who was bullying the seniors and got an earful.

After that, her nickname became 'Madcap,' running around wildly and eventually bursting into tears.

The memories that followed.

"That's... true…"

Harriet's complexion began to pale.

"Me... friends with... someone like you... How on earth did that happen?"

She found it absurd to think that she, who had a towering pride, noble background, and outstanding talent, had become friends with someone who was a street urchin and ridiculed her for her thickheadedness.

"There are people in the world who enjoy being tormented, perhaps you're one of them."

"No! I hate it! I hate it, you fool!"

At my remark, Harriet's face turned bright red.

"Really, how did it happen? How did I... how did I end up...?"

"Well, as you said, 'how did it happen,' right?"


To be honest, I never intended to become friends with Harriet. It was just one of those things that happened.

Teasing her made her look cute, and when she cried, I felt sorry for her and treated her well.

Everything doesn't always go as planned, and among those unplanned events, there are good ones as well.

"It's no different with Charlotte."

Just like how I became friends with you, my friendship with Charlotte also happened by chance.

When I concealed my identity as Valier and joined a different class, I had no way of becoming friends with Charlotte. It all started when she approached me to find Valier.

"...Is that so?"

Harriet murmured vacantly.

And a while later.

-Whack! Whack!

"Ah, I knew it, I'm so furious! You! Why did you do this to me! To me, why!"

"Ouch, you've been hitting me all the time lately!"

Harriet's face flushed red as she pounded on my shoulder.

It didn't hurt at all, but it was rather pitiful.

Harriet would continue her research on dimensional magic with the support of the Royal Magic Department. I'm not sure what she'll discover in the process, but since she's the type to learn ten things if she learns one in terms of magic, there's a possibility she'll find something useful.

Today's conversation alone had given us a few leads.

The Gate incident might be a dangerous lead, as it could be very easy to trigger if we know the method.

After some time, I headed to Class B's dormitory, since Charlotte had mentioned she wanted to talk.

"Are you here?"


Charlotte was waiting for me in the dormitory's lounge.

No one else was in the lounge, and I wondered what they were up to. The original plot had taken a significant turn.

Saviolin Turner had become a permanent resident, and Ludwig had opened his eyes to the desire to become stronger.

Therefore, Ludwig would normally have to go on a trip during this winter break, but it seemed he had decided to spend this winter break training with Saviolin Turner.

All things considered, this was better than the original plot. Charlotte poured me some black tea, and although I still didn't know the taste of tea, I sipped it down.

Charlotte savored the black tea while looking at the winter sunlight outside the lounge window.

"They said you met His Majesty. With Ellen."

"Yes, I did."

"And you received the royal crest too?"

"Yes, that's right."

Charlotte placed her teacup down and gently laid her hand atop mine, which was holding my own teacup.


There was a particular emotion in Charlotte's eyes.

It was a hint of sadness. Charlotte must have known well what it meant for Ellen and me to receive the royal emblem.

We grant you unlimited privileges, but in return, risk your lives in the battle against the Demon King.

That was the implication, and it was something that Ellen, Charlotte, and I all understood.

"I've been thinking that he might be behind all this."


Charlotte already knew that Valier was no ordinary person.

Yet despite knowing this, she didn't doubt him and cut off all contact in order to avoid any further suspicion.

If Valier was indeed behind everything, Charlotte, who knew of Eleris's whereabouts, could have attempted to capture Eleris whenever she wanted. Of course, it wouldn't be easy.

Charlotte silently gazed out of the window.

She continued to hold my hand without moving.

"If he truly is the surviving heir of the Demon King, what should I do?"


Charlotte looked at me.

Tears welled up in her eyes.

"I really hate the thought of you having to risk your life fighting against him."

Charlotte's sorrow had its roots in a place I hadn't anticipated.

Both Valier and I were precious to her.

As the owner of Tiamata, I had been chosen along with Ellen to stand against the Demon King.

Charlotte, who didn't want Valier to get hurt, had still kept the whereabouts of Eleris a secret. She could have attacked her at any time if she suspected him of being the mastermind, but she hadn't.

But now, the situation had changed.

Since I had been chosen as the one to stand against the Demon King, there was a growing fear of the possibility that I might die in the process of fighting for my life against the Demon King.

Valier and me.

She thought she stood at a crossroads, having to choose between the two of us.

Her sad dilemma was reasonable, as she couldn't know that we were the same person.

She believed that she should find Valier for my sake. At least to determine whether or not he was truly involved.

But Charlotte hesitated, afraid that she might learn an irreversible truth.

Eleris had to leave the imperial capital or find refuge elsewhere.

At least, that much was certain.

I trusted Charlotte, but her faith in Valier was wavering.

Because of me, the same being.

"I'll tell the magician to run far away."


"Then it will be fine."

Charlotte appeared stunned, as if she had heard something unexpected.

"I don't believe that the Demon King's heir, with the ruined Demon World behind him, could quickly amass enough power to threaten the empire."

"Even if he does manage to gather a few strong demons, what could they possibly achieve?"

"As the one chosen to fight the Demon King if they become a threat, I have the right to make this decision."

"And we still don't know for sure whether that child is truly involved in this matter, so don't feel too guilty."

It's all lies.

I have to tell such blatant lies right in front of Charlotte, without changing my expression.

I pretend to be sacrificing myself, even though I'm not.

Charlotte stares at me blankly.

My words tell her that I'll bear the risk in the future, so there's no need to chase the child right now.

In the end, hearing my words, Charlotte begins to cry in front of me.

"I'm sorry, Reinhardt..."

Charlotte seemed deeply sorry for being unable to make a decision easily, even though she knew what the best choice for me was in this impossible situation.

But what Charlotte felt sorry for...

My guilt was dozens of times greater, weighing heavily on my heart.

"Now... I'll... completely forget about... that child..."

Charlotte said this would be the last act of kindness and mercy for Valier. From now on, she would always stand by Reinhardt's side.

She told me, Valier and Reinhardt.

I hadn't thought about this problem.

Although Charlotte was aware of Valier's suspicious behavior, I didn't expect her to dig into it.

But I didn't anticipate the situation where her trust in Valier would waver due to her concern for me, especially after the Emperor granted the royal crest to me and Ellen.

Now that the demon forces have revealed themselves, Charlotte had no choice but to make sure of Valier's whereabouts for my sake.

That's why I went to see Eleris right away.

"We need... to move our hideout..."

"We should be careful when contacting through royal road now. From now on, let's communicate mainly through the Rotary Club. There will be delays in communication, but it's not the time to worry about that."

"Yes, Your Highness. I understand what you mean."

In Eleris' basement room,

Eleris understood perfectly well why she had to move her hideout due to the changed circumstances after I met the Emperor and Charlotte's emotional state.

Usually, that would have been the end of it, but these days, there was another person to worry about at Eleris' hideout.

"It would be sad to keep this child locked up here, so it would be nice to move to a place where she can live more freely."


"What are you scared of when I haven't said anything?"

It's Lydia Schmitt.

Lydia trembled at my gaze as if she were on pins and needles.

Somehow, she's the only temple student who knows that I am the successor to the Demon King. Eleris, being who she is, probably didn't abuse or mistreat her, but Lydia looked pale and dispirited.

"Tsk, at least we were able to save Olivia thanks to your pointless actions..."

I suppose this is what you call reaping what you sow.

If Lydia Schmitt hadn't acted up, I would have had to watch Olivia make a drastic choice or fall into the hands of Riverrier Lanze. Or I wouldn't even have known that Adriana had died.

Lydia sat on the floor, trembling as she watched my every move.

Her eyes seemed to beg for death.

Now, I have no feelings for Lydia Schmitt, but I can't just let her go.

There's a limit to being swayed by petty acknowledgement, especially since Lydia Schmitt knows too much that she shouldn't.

"So, what do you plan to do?"

"Um, first of all, I think I'll go to the Council. There... the child won't be able to escape, so she can live more freely. Besides, a meeting will be convened soon."

The Vampire Council.

A place known to humans as Epiaux fortress.

It seemed Eleris intended to take Lydia Schmitt there for a while. It wouldn't take long to settle the store.

"Has the date been set?"

"It should be soon. Once the exact schedule is determined, I'll pass it on to the Club, and if you're there at the appointed time, I'll come to escort you."

"Alright, got it."

Lydia probably didn't understand the conversation going on. I crouched down in front of the terrified Lydia Schmitt.



Lydia Schmitt's eyes fell rapidly.

Her zealous faith crumbled easily at the mere mention of vampirism.

Even if she wanted to believe in me because I was an apostle of God, it became impossible once she knew I was the Demon King.

Lydia Schmitt had no other choice but to break down.

"Eleris isn't that bad..."


"At least better than me. You can live more comfortably."

-Pat, pat

I patted Lydia Schmitt's shoulder and stood up.

I only planned to leave her in Eleris' care.

If she breaks down, she breaks down; if she adapts and gets used to it, that's that.

"Let's go."

"Take care, Your Highness."

Eleris heads to the royal road.

I felt the situation was gradually, genuinely turning around.

In fact, rather than turning around in earnest, it felt like it was becoming irreversible.

Such thoughts kept pressing on my mind.

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