The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 385 - Household Expansion (II)


Upon entry, Apollo eyed the new notification with a pleased smile. Although the Dominus Household was newly recreated, it was developing nicely. With the addition of the new members, he was almost close to having 10 members.

While it paled in comparison to the Household of notable Demons like the Lords, or even the Royal Demons who compose the Council as of right now, Apollo didn't fear for the future because he understood that it could change at any moment. Those who were in power now could end up groveling at his feet while begging for their lives.

At that point, the Dominus Household would be thrumming with renown. Thus, Apollo pushed the current small form factor of his house to the back of his mind. Instead, he focused on what he held control of right now—the members within the household.

〈System Alert: Two potential additions to the Households found.〉

〈System Alert: They are directly linked to you, do you wish to add them to the «Dominus Household» registry? [Y/N]?〉

"Yes," Apollo replied without hesitation. The insignia of the household appeared on the side of Elaia's neck, whereas it appeared on Ouroboros' forehead, right between the small two horns. It was similar in appearance to the dark rhombus embedded in APollo's forehead, except a few sharp connections protruded from each point of the rhombus.

Meanwhile, Geneva remained in fright as she watched the actions of these Demons. Although she had once witnessed the state of Fuhrer, he wasn't all too terrifying. Especially since he kept his aura mellow. But now, not only was Fuhrer in his original form, but Fuhrer, Valac, Zarkath, Jorgun, and even Typhir adopted their demonic forms.

For a moment, her gaze was stuck on Typhir. "So familiar… wait, is that Typhir? Are you telling me you changed him as well?!"

"Of course, how else would I have healed him. I wouldn't let him die because the reason for his injury was me. So, he deserved the best of chances to achieve the revenge he did. Besides, he deserves a spot alongside me," Apollo answered with a quick glance.

"Deserve? Why does it sound like you believe your power is a luxury? Tch, still as obnoxious as ever," Geneva scoffed with a shake of her head, however, the glares she received from the Demons in response made her shiver. Afterward, she covered her mouth with her hand in case her mouth welcomed an unfortunate end.

After all, she recalled just how much Fuhrer wanted to kill Sylvester for disrespecting Apollo. Surely, she could be in the same predicament if she followed that route. But, Apollo just chuckled at her naivete. 

"Oh, but it is just that. If you were to accept my power then you'd understand why I hold it with such regard. It isn't something a person of your world could achieve," Apollo responded with a proud smirk.

"I can attest t that! It is truly a power that leaves you in awe," Sapphyr commented while stepping next to Apollo. "Just accept it, aunty, you won't regret it."

Finally, with a sigh, Geneva nodded, "Okay."

In that same instant, Apollo placed his palm before her face. "Let's just verify the Sin Paths you possess before moving along," Apollo voiced. So far, Sapphyr possessed the strongest combination. Each of her Sins possessed the ability to feed off one another should we master them to the highest level.

Ira, Invidia, Superbia, and Avaritia—Apollo saw these in Sapphyr earlier, but during the first time trying to change Geneva, he saw an interesting blend of Sin. One that Sapphyr didn't showcase any signs of upon change.

Almost immediately, a few strands of Sin Energy flowed from Geneva's forehead. Just like Sapphyr, there was a collection of 4 distinct colors, meaning she possessed a grand total of 4 Sin Paths as well. 

With a normal demon body, 2 was the absolute limit for the number of Sin Paths contained by a Demon's body. However, the demons created through Apollo's system possessed a body much stronger than a typical demon. Using his Supreme Demon Body as a base, the system emulated a weaker version before implanting it into the demon of his choice.

This was also true for any demon he took control of. Regardless of their body standard, the system forcefully upgrades it. In truth, this was a reason why it was so easy for Apollo to control the demons. After experiencing that taste of power, the thirst for power deepened exponentially.

Typically, treating your subordinates well as well as introducing them to frequent upgrades was a good way to keep them loyal, even without the presence of a controlling device. 

Nevertheless, Apollo didn't look further into this because he wasn't aware of just how strong the demon body granted by the system was. Even this information on his body was omitted. If that was the case, how would he look into the information regarding his followers?

Perhaps it all required a higher authority, or perhaps even a higher level. Overall, the possibilities were few and far between, hence why Apollo didn't fret over the current situation.

Meanwhile, Apollo monitored the Ira, Superbia, Luxuria, and Gula present from her body. It was truly a harrowing combination. But, Apollo expected as much seeing as how she devoured his flames. This Sin must have stemmed from her bloodline.

On the other hand, Luxuria seemed to have two reasons. First, it appeared she lusted after someone but never disclosed the fact. Perhaps it was a type of forbidden attraction, either way, it was never revealed. On the other hand, the second reason behind her Sin was her lust to return to battle.

Her desire buried in the depths of her mind resurfaced as Apollo peered inside. 'The new usages of Sin are very convenient. If I will it, I can see the origin of their Sin Paths. For example, her Ira has many, but the most contributing factor is the battle with this strong Terror. It was the root principle of change in her life.'

Lastly, the Superbia embedded in her body was the result of her innate disposition. In the past, she was one of the most prideful women known to Astarat, because not only was she strong, but her beauty was almost unmatched. Many of the Supreme Family children coveted Geneva in her prime.

Now, with her appearance falling to a class below, she was only on par with the likes of Odessa, Valerie, Nadida, and so on. As for Sapphyr, she had already transcended their realm.

Eventually, Apollo smiled and begun the demonizing process. Immediately, a cocoon of sweltering heat appeared around Geneva's body. The changes in her body took place rapidly. Especially the ones linked to her ranking.

〈System: Your Stigmata are reacting to the creation of this demon.〉

〈System: This strong specimen is special enough to immediately jump into the Archdemon realm. However, restrictions will be placed do you wish to allow this change? [Y/N]?〉

Without pause, Apollo agreed. Even if some restrictions were imposed on Geneva, becoming Archdemon from the start would make her stronger than the rest but he didn't believe she would be strong than him. The restriction would confirm that.

〈System: The change has commenced. Changes will occur in you as well because on the presence of an Archdemon.〉


A surge occurred followed by a link between Apollo and Geneva. At first, he didn't understand its presence, but in a few moments, he understood the issues.

〈System: Generating the benefits of your actions....〉

Of its own accord, Apollo's menu appeared before his eyes except the numbers related to his level and parameters were changing rapidly right in front of him! Despite his increased cognition, he couldn't determine the outcome


(Demon Monarch System) Lv.5

Name: Apollo Kaiser

Race: Greater Demon [50.00%]

Title: Monarch's Descendant, Azridan's Successor

Age: 18

Level: ???

Experience: ???%

Health: 100%

Demonic Anima Reserves: 25,000 units.


Strength: ???

Agility: ???

Intelligence: ???

Vitality: ???

Comprehension: ???

Willpower: ???


[«Traits»]- 7

«Supreme Demon Body»

«Gluttonous Soul»

«Vacant Soul»

«Eye of Mimicry»

«Eye of Desire»

«Intrepid Mind»

«Tempting Corruption»


[«Techniques»]- 5

«Demonic Imposition: Adamantine Servitude» [Partially Awakened]

«Demonic Providence: Domination» [Sealed]


[«Sin Margins»] 

Ira - Primary [Infernal Hellfire]

Gula - Initial [Endless Devouring]

Avaritia - Initial [Boundless Desires]

Superbia - Initial [Adamant Will]

Invidia - Initial [Covetous Eye] 

Luxuria - Initial [Corrupted Eye]

Acedia - Initial [Languish Perception]


[«Demonic Servants»] - 9

[Daemonic Avatar] 

Erus Fuhrer (Demon Knight) - The Tenebrous Master 

»Greater Demon« [5,000] 

[Demonic Acolyte] 

Typhir Estrada (Demon Knight) 

»Lesser Demon« [0]

[Demonic Follower]

Furcas (Demon Knight) - Wiseman of Corruption

»Greater Demon« [0]

Valac (Demon Knight) - The Terrible

»Greater Demon« [0]

[Demonic Servant] 

Zarkath (???)

»Weakened Greater Demon« [0]

Jorgun the Anomaly (???) 

»Weakened Greater Demon« [0]


[«Interdimensional Inventory»][«Inheritance»] [«Lucky Draw»]


While watching the change, Geneva's appearance underwent an extreme change, the first being the closure of the wound on her torso. In its place, a new layer of cream skin with a supple texture reappeared.

However, once it appeared, the curvature of her waist was accentuated, almost as if her ribs were made of malleable putty. Afterward, she too gained wings except they were reminiscent of a phoenix's wings.

Granted, there were some glaring differences. The feathers of her wings seemed to be made from a metallic material, exuding a beautiful blend of black, red, and a hint of purple. Not to mention, they melded together, so it was hard to tell they were even feathers.

Then, her body adopted a shape almost identical to Sapphyr, except rather than cold dark air, the atmosphere surrounding Geneva was akin to a supernova. During this entire process, only Apollo approached her.

The rest stayed away due to the frantic lashes of flames. Its violent nature even caused Fuhrer to conjure a Sin Shroud.

'So this is the transformation into an Archdemon? How fascinating,' Apollo thought before reaching out his hand to touch Geneva's cheek, only to feel an incinerating heat on his fingertips.

But, a layer of Ira protected him from damage.

Finally, Geneva opened her eyes, and upon doing so, a swarm of flames circulated in her eyes before subsiding.

"You... weren't wrong," Geneva voiced while gazing at Apollo with a hint of pleasure gracing her lips.

On the other hand, the finalized results astounded Apollo!

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