The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 343 - Intricate Hoax


With the energy melding into one giant amalgam inside Apollo's body, it began changing into something with an odd orientation. It was similar to a chance concoction made in the kitchen by mixing an abundance of condiments. Sometimes the results were astoundingly good, other times it led to horrifying experiences.


Nevertheless, in Apollo's case, it appeared his actions gave birth to a seemingly beneficial situation. Although there was discomforting sensation flowing through his body, it allowed his body to expunge the filth from within. 

Moments later, Apollo fell to his knees, groaning in pain after tickles of blood flowed from his pores. At the same time, amethyst lights fired from his eyes, boring holes into the ground.

All of a sudden, Fuhrer's voice resounded in Apollo's mind, "Ah, you've shattered the barrier. However, it seems to be a unique constraint on your body. I'm not sure as to why your body is inhibiting itself from crossing over into the Greater Boundary."

Meanwhile, Apollo's eyes opened, glancing to the side at a message before his eyes. While Fuhrer wasn't aware of the issue, he was more than aware.

'It's the Demonic Conduct… Also Fuhrer said this is iunique? Then that means other demons don't face this limitation? Then, what's the point of plaguing me with it?' Apollo wondered, taking a deep breath.

Even though his vessel has more than breached the boundary of becoming a Greater Demon, this system issued a restriction to halt the process. Thus, his Diabolic Heart of Wrath stopped absorbing a large amount of the Fire Essence in his body. After all, in the Greater Boundary, the Sins adopted elemental properties as well.

The Sin Energy alone, without the invocation of Hellfire, would give birth to searing energies. Hence, why Apollo had such difficulties fighting against Valak and the others in his current state. Granted, he was partly immune to damage received from fire especially in his Iraym Form.

Not long after, Apollo's body calmed down, but his aura was still in a state of chaos. It was stronger than it typically was, but it was also unstable, fluctuating violently and sometimes devastating his immediate surroundings.

As he witnessed this matter, Apollo frowned slightly, "This isn't ideal. I can conceal myself like this. The fluctuations will immediately divulge my position. I'll have to approach everything straightforwardly." 

On the bright side, the energies within his body didn't disperse. It was merely sealed in place, hidden behind a resilient barrier. 

Since he was thwarted from advancing and taking immediate advantage of this place, Apollo moved towards the pagoda in the distance. He didn't rush, thoroughly examining the changes in his body.

'Hmm, I see. Most of the change occurred in Diabolic Heart of Wrath, the rest of the energies didn't perform any changes. They seem to lack the proper outlet to allow this. Very well, I'll have to get that done as well.'

Only after he thoroughly scrutinized the state of his body did Apollo pick up his pace, speeding forth. The closer he got to the pagoda, the more presence he could feel. Sure enough, this confirmed his theory.

'I was most likely in the practice area longer than anyone else. Hence, the reason I didn't witness anyone inside the Element Zone save for those annoyances,' Apollo thought. Most of those who partook in this excursion only remained within the practice area until the start of the Second Stage. 

Afterward, they forfeited. After all, the strength of an exceptional puppet wasn't something to scoff at. Even Apollo faced some difficulty before finally dealing with it. However, it was worth it. The outcome was an overabundance of energy stored within his body to be used at the right time.

Coupled with the initial transformation, Apollo was sure there would be hidden benefits if he did everything correctly.

Soon enough, the doors of the giant pagoda were upon Apollo. Instinctively, Apollo summoned Typhir, having him by his side. Since Typhir was originally a student of the academy, he still possessed the identification to allow him through. As for the others, as long as they were within Apollo's Tainted Temple, they were permitted to enter as well.

A summon was a testament to one's Spiritual Strength. Hence, there was no restriction placed upon them in this area. In fact, a reason the instructors urged everyone to contract with a Spirit was that it was recommended.

"What do you need me to do, Lord?" Typhir questioned, glancing over to Apollo.

In return, Apollo shook his head, "Nothing yet. Just remain by my side and act normal. It would appear that everyone is already behind these doors. After we enter, assess the situation and move forward accordingly."

"That won't be an issue," Typhir responded with a nod.

Immediately after, Apollo pressed his hands on the door, the mechanisms activating of their own accord. As the gears turned, a thunderous rumbling was heard, and with that, the inside was presented.

In neat rows, everyone was separated by their academy uniform. Surprisingly, in the middle of everyone was what seemed to be an extremely odd man, however, his eyes betrayed his image. Powered thrummed within his imperious eyes.

"Ah, it would appear that all of the living participants are here now. Well then, I believe it's nigh time for the fun to begin. Remember, there is no such thing as teams. Everyone is your enemy. And, behind these innumerable doors are the treasures you seek," the old figure announced raising his hands.

Blue torches lit up in a spiral, reaching the highest floor. The sight wasn't too enrapturing, but blue flames added an eerie vibe.

"The only way to reach the higher floors is to possess the means to activate the inscriptions on the doorway. That is all. Now, enjoy your battle," the old figure chuckled, vanishing in wisps of smoke.

Instantly, Apollo was located.

"Apollo! Apollo!" A scarlet-haired beauty exclaimed, calling out to Apollo. Naturally, this was Nadida and her animated self. Right next to her stood Odessa with crossed arms, glaring at Apollo.

As he saw this, Apollo frowned. Truth be told, he didn't wish to be grouped with anyone as it would interfere with his intentions. The first thing on his agenda was to locate those Glories he was familiar with. Within this space, there was no way for the outside to learn of the events. 

Hence, it was the perfect time for him to move with a vengeance and distribute his revenge. If not now, then he wasn't when the next chance would arise. After all, they weren't of normal backgrounds. Their families possessed ample strength, some of which were stronger than Fuhrer as of right now.

It wasn't a simple matter to become a Great Family, it required at least 3 Lord-class cultivators in their ranks. This meant there was a collection of Spirit Lords amongst their ranks and each of the Great Families shared some kind of interpersonal relationship.

Thus, there was no better time than now—when the culprit was impossible to locate—to wreak havoc amongst their progeny.

"Ugh, don't come over here. Take this time to move on your own and acquire some worthwhile treasure," Apollo responded, attempting to distance himself from the others. Unfortunately, it was harder than he expected it to be.

"Rude, absolutely disrespectful! That isn't how you greet someone, jerk!" Nadida said with a scowl.

Meanwhile, Odessa shook her head with disappointment, "That unsightly attitude of yours seems to never change. We were worried about you. We heard what you did but  never got the chance to talk about it."

"There's nothing to talk about. I merely solved that an insignificant issue that rose before me. Now, it's no longer a problem," Apollo shrugged. At the same time, Apollo scanned the movements of the other parties, searching for his targets.

Due to the sheer number of people present, it was difficult to accurately pinpoint the position. Not to mention, there was also the presence of Odessa and Nadida distracting him.

"Insignificances? Is that how you view them?" Nadida questioned with an appalled expression. 

"Precisely, what else would they be seen as?" Apollo responded with a blank look.

"U-uh...I don't know, how about people?!" Nadida exclaimed, scoffing simultaneously. She was speechless. It wasn't easy trying to get a read on Apollo.

"Listen, let's stop all this. In the meantime, I have some matters to tend to. So, you both should just continue to party with one another," Apollo said abruptly. Before they could respond, his presence already disappeared with the help of his Umbra Phantom Mantle.

"Damn it! He always does this!" Nadida shouted with a disgruntled pout.

"Leave it be Nadida, there's no way to get through to that thick-skulled buffoon. I was trying to tell him that this is all a hoax. There is no 'treasure' on the lower floors, it will just lead to an inevitable bloodbath.

"Wait…what did you just say? A hoax? How do you know that?" Nadida questioned.

"I am sensitive to certain energies. Only the floors above are presenting signs and there's not enough to allow everyone in."

"Then…" Nadida looked towards Apollo's fleeting figure in the distance. If Odessa could sense it, then Nadida was fairly certain Apollo could as well!

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