The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 337 - Infernal Slaughterer


As the surge of energy encompassed Apollo, he drew upon a large source of Ira, setting his Infernal Stigmata in overdrive. Ever since Fuhrer appeared the worries he held over his damaged vitality drifted away. If he was capable of easy repairing his soul, then recovering vitality would be mere child's play for him.

Hence, Apollo was also bold enough to activate his Infernal Stigmata at the Greater Demon level, creating an abundance of tempestuous winds. Signs of strain appeared on his face, but his aura remained stable in return.

'I...can hold it,' Apollo muttered through gritted teeth. A moment later, waves of dark energy started spilling from his body, an indication of his Domination Intent awakening. Shortly after, he reached his strongest form possible without assimilating with Ouroboros.

In fact, this was the first time he had ever simultaneously activated his stigmata like this while also utilizing his intent. When coupled with one another, their potency escalated to new heights.

Without another thought, Apollo dashed forward, moving at a speed that caused visual distortions. Two dark groups of energy enveloped his hands, sharpening until they were akin to small swords. Rapidly, the images of Fuhrer training Typhir resurfaced in his mind.

The urge to mimic these actions deluged Apollo, causing him to act upon his impulse. Within the next few moments, he arrived before the Juggernaut, occupying its last unused hand. Unlike the others, it took Jorgun and Zarkath working together to handle one of the Juggernaut's arms.

After all, to obtain them, Apollo had to drastically weaken them, which compromised their former combat ability in return. Of course, it was only a temporary issue. As long as they continued to fight and absorb Anima as well, then their advancements were only a matter of time under the presence of the system.

Meanwhile, Apollo adopted a pattern that seemed almost identical to Typhir and Fuhrer, but it also appeared to lack a certain essence. Since he didn't train exclusively in the sword, he didn't experience the intricacies of Fuhrer's techniques.

While Typhir absorbed the essence with his vessel through the constant temperance from Fuhrer, Apollo could only emulate what he comprehended from afar. Nevertheless, for actions spurred by distant comprehension, he fared pretty well in grasping the movements.

'My Lord never fails to amaze. If he's pointed on the right path, he can even develop his own unique swordsmanship. Just because he is fated with the Monarch's Presence, that doesn't mean he can't familiarize himself with all types of weapons. In actuality, it'll benefit him greatly,' Fuhrer mused once he spared Apollo's actions a few glances.

"You look down upon me? How dare you look away in a battle!" The Juggernaut raged, a fiery red aura encompassing two of its arms before smashing down towards Fuhrer. The momentum of the attack collap[sed the space above Fuhrer, creating a supergravity pocket in his position.

An overbearing weight pressed down on Fuhrer, effectively sealing his movements. Before he could react, the strike was already upon him, threatening to crush him into illustrious demon paste.


Fuhrer's body flew back instead of down through the ground, smashing through many of the numerous archaic pillars surrounding them. When they witnessed this, both Furcas and Valac gawked, but it wasn't for the reason the other's thought it was.

"Oh shit! You've fucked up. You've better run! Lord, retreat! RETREAT!" Valac screeched, acting even more unusual than he typically did. This behavior earned an odd reaction from Apollo, grimacing at Valac.

"What's wrong with you? We're already prepared to suffer damage in battle," Apollo responded, preparing to turn his attention back towards the Juggernaut. Unfortunately, he was once again interrupted. 

"No, I'd have to agree with Valac on this one. Get the hell out of there...NOW!" Furcas insisted, nearly mimicking Valac's response. Due to the repeated insistence, Apollo knew there was something amiss.

"What is it?" 

"Don't ask, just come, Lord! Also, retract Jorgun, Typhir, and Zarkath as well," Furcas responded in but an instant. He glanced to his side with a fearsome expression as he did so.

Slowly, Apollo did the same thing, but all he saw was Fuhrer's silently laying in the wall. There were no energy fluctuations or anything coming from his body, thus he couldn't understand the drastic change in their response. 

"Lord, have you forgotten? Don't you remember Lord Fuhrer's two Sins?! If you do, then do as we suggest and retreat now!" Valac shrieked, shirking his neck a moment later. He took refuge behind Furcas and cradled himself.

All of a sudden, it seemed as both space and the grandiose coliseum containing them began to tremble. The broken stones littered around Fuhrer turned to molten rock before superheating enough to disintegrate them. The zone around Fuhrer turned into something akin to a supernova.

Fuhrer gripped a portion of the wall, cracking it to pieces as he rose to his feet. "Haa, you have committed a grave misdeed. I can tolerate your actions if it was solely me, but you disturbed me from monitoring my Lord's progress, now that is intolerable!"

A berserk aura swirled around Fuhrer, becoming a towering pillar of dark destruction. As he took a step forward, the ground beneath his feet melted. Moreover, even Brynhildr underwent a drastic change, awakening an awe-inducing appearance. 

The seemingly plain sword gradually transformed into a revered blade of legends. A nefarious eye-opening at the connection of the hilt.

Meanwhile, the Juggernaut gazed upon Fuhrer with an intrigued expression. "Strong. You are becoming stronger."

Suddenly, Fuhrer took a step, appearing before the Juggernaut like a phantom, "Shut your filthy mouth." Swiftly, Fuhrer swiped down, forcing the Juggernaut to its knees as a focused blow of suppression bore down on its colossal body.

Due to its large figure, the effects were more pronounced than the supergravity that just affected Fuhrer. Moreover, Fuhrer's aura continued to become increasingly chaotic, retaining an unsettling berserk vibe to it.


The Juggernaut roared, struggling to get back on its feet. Despite Fuhrer's pressure, it still managed to get one foot planted on the ground. When he accomplished this, he looked at Fuhrer with undisclosed savagery in his eyes. 

In the meantime, Valac whispered to Apollo standing next to him while still cowering. "Do you see now Lord? He is scary, abso-fucking-lutely SCARY! Never get him mad, there's a reason he was known as the Tenebrous Slaughterer!"

"Indeed, once Fuhrer goes berserk, he releases his suppressed strength. When you are chosen by the Suppression Intent, it acts upon your vessel as well. This is the only reason for his seemingly calm demeanor. If not for its existence, Fuhrer would be a berserk individual," Furcas commented, spectating the confrontation before their eyes.

None of them could handle getting close to Fuhrer due to the berserk zone surrounding him. It didn't differentiate between friend or foe, whoever chose to enter its vicinity would be subject to its horrific heat. 

Apollo could only watch silently as he became privy to even more secrets hidden within Fuhrer. ' I didn't know this was dormant inside him. A berserker? Perhaps this is why he chose Typhir. If I recall correctly, Typhir was deemed as one also.'

Just before the Juggernaut could recover entirely, Fuhrer waved Brynhildr, creating a deep laceration in its chest. Furthermore, the force from the strike caused him to collide with and destroy a massive number of pillars—identical to the treatment he received.

However, unlike the Juggernaut, Fuhrer didn't stop there. He floated upward, situating himself just above the Juggernaut, "Tch, disappear!" Countless phantasmal blades hurtled towards the Juggernaut, all of which were fixated on ending its existence.

Yet, the Juggernaut didn't flinch, returning an odd smile. "I grow strong too!!" His declaration was accompanied by his body emitting golden light. However, this was a tinge of silver within the golden luminance.

A transformation occurred, a horned golden armor wrapping around the Juggernaut's body. Once this armor appeared, the exquisite composition making the Juggernaut seem as if he was a champion, his confidence skyrocketed.

With a single hand, the Juggernaut shattered the numerous blades converging on its position. Apollo and the others were utterly confounded by this. If the roles were reversed, they knew they stood no chance against Fuhrer's strike.

This battle had just become one between two monsters. Each of them stood before each other, possessing a torrential aura that clashed against one another.

"You will lose," Fuhrer stated.

"I win! I am ultimate," the Juggernaut snarled. 

Both of them wasted no time, dashing towards each other. Before the impact, everyone needed to brace themselves.

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