The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 312 - Unlocked Gates


Destrys first lifted his arms and caused the entire space to stagnate. The entire area was linked to his action. He could manipulate it effortlessly, "Since you have fulfilled your side of the deal, it's nigh time I did so as well."


At first, he was going to move forward with his predetermined ideas, but then something more fitting dawned upon him, "Would you rather I perform my desired actions or do you have any requests? Keep in mind, if your request is too large, it will most likely inhibit what I have in store."

For a while, Apollo pondered his options. 'Earlier, he talked about introducing me to the inheritance he left here. But, now he is also allowing me to choose. I wonder what brought about this change,' Apollo wondered.

"Um, before I answer this question, do you mind revealing why you allowed this chance?" Apollo questioned. Naturally, if he could obtain more information, it would allow him to make a more sound decision. After all, there had to be a reason Destrys changed his mind.

"Ah, well, it's quite simple. I noticed you absorbing some of my energy. Thus, it dawned upon me that you could just absorb my simplified energy instead of receiving the knowledge of my inheritance," Destrys responded. 

Apollo nodded, his assumption was correct. It was due to his actions that Destrys created another option. While both of them were beneficial, they were by no means on par with each other. 

The only thing absorbing the energy would do in this case, was increase his familiarity with the attribute of Darkness and solidify his grasp of it. On the other hand, if he got his hands on Destrys' simplified inheritance, it would remain relevant far longer.

As a result, Apollo's answer was a no-brainer, "I wish to take a gander at your inheritance. The pro and cons of each situation can't be matched. If I need to grow stronger, I believe I have to means to do so with haste," Apollo answered with confidence.

"Very well, I like that answer. If you chose the latter, I would have been utterly disappointed in you. Unlike my energy, knowledge can continue to be merged to create infinite variations," Destrys chuckled. 

Afterward, he snapped his fingers and the entire inner structure of the orb reacted as a result. The gates all trembled as if reacting to the order of its master. Even the chains on the higher gates shattered and turned into motes of darkness that flowed into Destrys body.

In response to his actions, the entrance to every single gate opened and displayed boundless darkness, "Every portion of the inheritance I left here has been made accessible. However, I still urge you to exercise caution. After all, there is a reason that these gates were left in this order."

Apollo was left in awe. The way Destrys manipulated the principles of this space, Apollo was mystified. 'Even with the system, I can do no such thing. At the most, I only have absolute control of my Demon. On the other hand, this guy can control an entire space with ease.

It had to be known that the orb's inner space was large enough to fit 3 Vermillion Night Academies. Moreover, compared to the elements outside, the elements comprising the inner orb's atmosphere far outclassed Astarat.

  There was simply no comparison. The more Apollo learned, the more he understood the differences in the solidity of a planet's fundamental structures and operating clauses. 'I await the day I can leave this planet. Only then will I be able to achieve true strength. This place is a limitation,' Apollo inwardly thought. 

All of a sudden, before choosing a Gate to enter, Apollo thought of something, "Now that you have made the entire inheritance accessible, won't anyone who gains access here be privy to the information stored inside?"

Since they had a deal, this was a thought that passed through Apollo's mind. While he wasn't really losing out, because he was only tasked with bringing a person here. If everyone else were to gain access to this information, it dwindled his uniqueness. 

Moreover, it also left a slightly sour taste in his mouth as it felt like he was operating for others and taking a short end of the stick. Due to his personality, it didn't sit well with him when he was the one who lost out in a deal. Hence, the reason he asked for clarification.

"No," Destrys succinctly replied. At the same time, there was a scornful expression on his face, "Tch, do you think my ability is so limited? What do you think that ripple caused by my snap earlier was?"

In light of this question, Apollo smiled wryly. He was at a loss because he truly didn't understand the purpose of that earlier ripple. It seemed Destrys was forgetting the fact that he wasn't an omnipotent and omniscient being.

Different from Destrys, Apollo wasn't aware of world-altering techniques or the like. At most, he was only accustomed to witnessing raw power that was capable of leveling terrains. 

"Tch, I forgot you're still at a primitive level. Understood, I'll fill you in on my actions," Destrys said in a mocking tone. "I have already taken this into account, but don't get excited, it wasn't for your well-being, Well, not directly at least. In truth, it was to cover my own ass."

"How so? Aren't you some type of unquestionable existence in your domain?" Apollo questioned with an odd expression. In his mind, if he were to arrive at Destrys' level, he would move without restraints.

"It doesn't work that way. In a sense, you can say I'm more worried about the implications rather than being punished. After all, what do you think will happen if every human with a dark affinity were to be running around with my inheritance?" Destrys responded.

Instantly, Apollo understood the crux of the issue, "If every human were to possess your inheritance, then the Council of your domain would be alerted...but, even if they are, how does that pose a threat?"

"Ah, it's no big deal. Just one of two things will happen, they'll either revoke the contract to allow humans to summon Spiritual Bodies, or they may very well just eradicate this planet altogether," Destrys remarked with a shrug.

Once again, Apollo's jaw dropped. The way Destrys mentioned such disastrous situations with ease was baffling. It just seemed like big insignificance to him. Nevertheless, Apollo still sought an answer.

"Then, how did you avoid that?" Apollo asked again.

"I just duplicated this space. In a way, we aren't in the same area but we are. If a human were to enter the orb, it would look the same as always. But, if you enter it, that's a different story. Your consciousness would be diverted to this area," Destrys revealed.

Upon receiving this answer, Apollo's worried disappeared. As long as no one else benefitted from his sacrifices without his say-so, he was content. The more he familiarized himself with his demonic powers, the more his demeanor changed to fit the bill.

Greed, envy, all of these emotions were becoming prominent in his mind.

Nevertheless, after receiving his answer, this matter was no longer amongst his thoughts. Now, he was much more focused on delving into the knowledge that had been laid before him.

Since his mind was stronger than it was before, his first thought was to skip levels. While his eyes weren't focused on the gates located at the summit, they were still high up nonetheless. He gazed upon a gate within the third circle.

But, before he could even move a step, Destrys offered his opinion, "I'd advise against that. Your mind may have reached your Greater Demon level, but those gates are not as weak as you'd think. Small steps, everyone must walk before they can run."

Although Destrys' words made complete sense, Apollo was a knucklehead. He wanted to test his limits.

Thus, despite Destrys' warning, he still proceeded forward with his action. He continued to advance closer and closer to the gate of his choosing. However, he also noticed that as he closed the distance, the atmosphere started to change.

The light air began shifting to a murky mist. Even his sight was being obstructed. Due to his actions, Destrys' didn't utter another warning. If his words were just going to be disregarded, then it made no sense to waste his breath.

In his eyes, it was much more entertaining to watch foolishness. 

By the time Apollo reached the front of the gate, he was already heaving. It felt like he had performed a hike up a neverending mountain! What he didn't know was that each step was draining his mental strength, and this was why Destrys warned him.

His mental capacity barely sufficed to enter that circle. Now that he was there, more than half of his spirit had been consumed. Furthermore, there was no time to recover. Left with no other choice, he could only place his hand upon the door and proceed with his actions.

Unfortunately, the moment he touched the door, his mental strength was sapped to nothing and he was repulsed into the distance.

After he was sent flying, Destroys burst into a fit of uncontrollable laughter, "I told you fool! Are you willing to listen to me now?"

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