The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 310 - Thinning Of Barriers


After settling his rampant thoughts, Apollo initiated the summoning process of Fuhrer. However, since this wasn't a physical place, Apollo only called upon his consciousness. Be that as it may, his words caused Destrys' expression to alter for a moment.


"Fuhrer, heed my call," Apollo muttered. While his words were light, in this vacant space, it sounded like a booming echo. However, it wasn't his actions that interested Destrys, but rather the name that Apollo had uttered.

'Is this the same Fuhrer? It can't be. I haven't sensed that individual in eons. If it is truly him, then my old ally should appear as well, no?' Destrys thought inwardly. Ever since the olden clash, the presence of the First Monarch and his subordinates disappeared.

Hence, the mention of his right-hand man interested Destrys greatly. It might even present some clues as to where that old fellow had disappeared to.

While Destrys remained excited, Fuhrer answered Apollo's summons. A wave of dark embers flowed from Apollo's body, mainly his mind. As they congregated into an ethereal figure, Destrys was even more shocked.

'So it is true! It is in fact him,' Destrys internalized with a faint smile. He then relaxed his posture and held his arms behind his back. 

In that same instance, Fuhrer laid eyes upon Destrys' figure. At a glance, Fuhrer found this individual to be quite familiar. Since Apollo was within the confines of the orb, most of his connection to the outside world was severed. As a result, even the information Fuhrer received was choppy at best.

After all, the orb they were inside was a tool that escaped the boundaries of even Fuhrer's capabilities. Nevertheless, he still sauntered before Apollo. As his protector, Apollo's safety was his utmost concern.

"Who are you," Fuhrer questioned in a plain tone. When he lost connection with Apollo, it raised red flags in his mind. If they were separated for too long, Fuhrer would begin to worry as a situation wherein he was unable to have complete control unsettled him. 

Hence, he possessed an initial unfavorable opinion of the one before him. While it didn't arrive at the level of holding a hostile attitude, his tone didn't possess a shred of warmth.

Upon noticing this, Destrys clicked his tongue with a slightly wronged expression. Although it was unknown if this expression was genuine or merely a guise, his excitement receded and turned back into his original prideful demeanor. 

"Ah, what a shame, the ruthlessness of time has made my image elude your memories. It is painful, woefully so. Be that as it may, I still remember your swordsmanship vividly, Fuhrer," Destrys voiced, a playful gleam flashing within his eyes.

Due to the abrupt announcement of his name, Fuhrer was startled. During this time, Destrys flicked his finger. In an instant, 6 compounding shadow slashes punctured space and hurtled towards Fuhrer. Compared to any strike Apollo had ever witnessed, this attack made him fear for his life.

Fortunately, Fuhrer wasn't an existence to be trifled with. He quickly recovered from his startled state and reacted without hesitation. Due to the power he sensed behind the dark blades, Fuhrer's expression became solemn. 

In his serious state, Fuhrer brandished his sword so fast it seemed as if dark stars were forming. While it appeared to be an effortless action, it truly wasn't. It wasn't Fuhrer who felt pain, but Apollo. A sharp, stabbing sensation that was akin to needles piercing ceaselessly washed over his mind.

'W-what is this?' Apollo muttered inwardly. Truthfully speaking, it wasn't the first time he felt this type of pain, but it was the first time it appeared due to one of Fuhrer's strikes. This meant that Fuhrer's current strike exhausted a major portion of his mental strength. 

Meanwhile, despite Fuhrer's actions, two of the dark blades failed to be repelled. They broke through Fuhrer's defenses and punctured his shoulders. After doing so, they dispersed.

"Hehe, it seems you're still weaker than I am. It's fortunate that I withdrew my power at the last moment or that boy behind you would have suffered drastic damage," Destrys commented. 

Apollo was left nonplussed. He didn't know what to say! This was the first time he witnessed Fuhrer losing an exchange. This was a testament to Destrys' original strength. Moreover, this also opened Apollo's eyes to a vital piece of information.

'There may be a collection of being similar to Destrys' strength. If that is so, I believe I understand why the First Monarch meticulously shielded the Nihilistic Rings. When it came to the ability to defend themselves, the Demons are severely lacking,' Apollo surmised.

Despite Apollo's assumption being based solely on the information learned from others, it was the ironclad truth. If Fuhrer were to recover to a Noblesse's realm of power, then even the Lords wouldn't be able to overpower him easily. 

To put it in perspective, the Lords were amongst the highest echelon of the Demon's strength. If they couldn't rely upon them, then the defensive abilities of the Demons were piddling at best. 

Nevertheless, when Fuhrer's expression changed, it was evident he had concluded Destrys' identity. There was only one existence who had uttered these words to him before, "Destyrs, I presume. You have become quite an old man."

"Likewise," Destrys returned. As he evaluated Fuhrer's strength, he nodded and continued, "Where is your master?"

"Unknown. I'm in just as much an undesired position as you are. No, I think it's fair to say my current spot is even more perilous," Fuhrer stated with a bitter smile. When he recalled all of the arising issues, he knew how precarious a situation he was put in.

"Ah, you must be referring to the thinning of the barriers. It was an inevitable thing. Perhaps we will have to reestablish the contents of our ancient contract. Regrettably, you don't have a ruling figure, so there is no one on your side to cement this edict," Destrys sighed.

Fuhrer's eyes narrowed in frustration as he was unable to refute Destrys' words. It was the truth, without a ruling figure, even the Royal Council couldn't agree to contracts about the entirety of their race. It wasn't due to the fact they lacked authority, but more so due to the fact, the Demons wouldn't abide by the verdict.

"Correct, but tell me. Did you do what I think you do? Did you allow one of these humans to contract one of your fragments?" Fuhrer questioned while gazing directly into Destrys' eyes.

Since Destrys was a Primordial, a fragment of his consciousness would at least reside at the Heroic level. But, there was another issue, due to his Primordial identity, his race's council couldn't govern his actions. In other words, his position was akin to what the Monarch meant to the Demons.

If the council was to come across the fact he had committed a nonsensical action, such as involving himself with a lesser race, they would undoubtedly set out to destroy Astarat to erase this smudge from the annals of their history.

"Indeed, I did. I was bored and in need of action. Unfortunately, I can't reclaim the orb because it is too far away. While I can still influence it, retracting it is a completely different story. Therefore, I have made up my mind," Destrys nonchalantly replied.

"What is your decision?" Fuhrer asked. Since he was aware of the Spirit Council's attitude, he needed to verify whether or not Apollo was in danger by staying on Astarat.

"I will merely contract with another human just as I did many years ago. Sadly, there isn't a person comparable to that man from centuries ago. Furthermore, it is forbidden to contract with a Demon, so your boy is out of the equation."

"If that's the case, then you're out of option," Fuhrer replied.

"Not necessarily. What if I say I can circumvent the limitations and the key is that boy behind you?" Destrys countered with a faint grin.

"Hmm," Fuhrer rubbed his chin in thought, entertaining the idea of a proposition with Destrys, "Very well. Go on."

"Tell me, boy, have you come in contact with anyone who possesses an adequately powerful Dark Spirit? If so, I need you to use your demonic ability and augment the darkness of their mind," Destrys said.

He then continued, "Of course this won't be free, I will allow you to peer into the contents of the inheritance once you complete the task. While I can't allow you to become my contractor, I'm more than willing to have you...stumble across my techniques if you will."

"A Dark Spirit," Apollo parroted. At the same time, his mind traveled. Subconsciously, he thought of a certain stunning figure. But, before that, he also posed another question, "You said you contracted a human? Then who was that?"

"Mm, if I'm not mistaken...I believe he was something called a First Headmaster, whatever that may be," Destrys replied with uncertainty. 

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