New chapter of The Demon King is out! (2/2 chapters)

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PS2: Click links here to read today’s chapter releases; Demon King 254  and Incompetent Bratty Prince 32.

PS3: The picture isn’t mine. Thank you for the contributor.

Two weeks later, I was together with Lily-san in a room at a hotel in the royal capital. This time, there was no risk of her being kidnapped and unable to come.

Lily-san was wearing a navy blue dress, buttoned up at the front, and was sitting properly on the chair opposite me at the table. She was adorned with an ivory brooch I had given her before, which looked splendid against the dark fabric, and it looked shining white.

“The food is quite delicious. What do you think?” (Yuri)

Since dining in a crowded restaurant and attracting attention wasn’t ideal, we had the meal delivered to our room. The spacious suite made this arrangement feel perfectly natural.

“Yes, it is.” she replied.

Lily-san was using her knife and fork to delicately bring small portions of food to her mouth. Her movements were somewhat awkward, and she didn’t seem to be eating much. It appeared she was so nervous that she couldn’t even taste the food.

It is unusual to see a woman this nervous. Typically, it would be the man escorting her who’d be too anxious to enjoy the meal.

“Are you nervous? Would you like some wine?” (Yuri)

“No… If I got drunk and did something weird, it would be problematic.” (Yuri)

I wondered what she thought might happen if she got drunk.

“Whatever you’re worried about, there’s no need. You are very attractive, Lily-san.” (Yuri)

“Eh—?” (Lily)

Lily-san looked at me with slightly surprised eyes.

“I’ve told you many times before, but you are incredibly attractive. There’s no way I wouldn’t be excited.” (Yuri)

In fact, she’s really sexy right now.

“R-Really?” (Yuri)

Lily blushed and looked embarrassed.

She is cute.

“Absolutely. There’s no way things won’t go well, so please be confident.” (Yuri)

“Okay… I understand.”  (Lily)

“And… I mentioned before that if you ever change your mind, you should tell me.” (Yuri)

“It’s okay.” (Lily)

Lily-san started to respond, but I raised my hand slightly to stop her.

“Please forget I said that. Even if you change your mind, it won’t matter.”  (Yuri)

“Huh, what do you mean?”  (Lily)

“After what happened recently, I’ve realized how important you are to me. I can’t stand the thought of you being with another man.” (Yuri)

“So, does that mean… even if I say no, you’ll still… do it?” (Lily)

“Yes.” (Yuri)

When I said this, Lily responded with,

“Hehe.” (Lily)

She laughed seductively and happily.

“I’m happy… I was worried you might think I’m a nuisance.”  (Yuri)

“No, you’ve never been a nuisance.”  (Lily)

What does she think of her own body?

“And this…” (Yuri)

I placed a small box on the table.

“If you’d like…” (Yuri)

“What? A present?” (Lily)

“Yes.” (Yuri)

Lily opened the small box on the table.

“This… a ring?” (Lily)

“Yes. If we can’t get married, then at least…” (Yuri)

I took out another ring from my pocket and put it on the ring finger of my left hand.

The Shan people do not have the custom of wearing rings when they get married.

“How is it?” (Yuri)

“I’m so happy… but…” (Lily)

Surprisingly, Lily seemed to be hesitating about something. I thought she would be extremely happy. I actually wondered if she was happy.

“Is there something wrong?” (Yuri)

I had secretly checked her ring size, so it should be correct.

“Before I accept this, I need you to promise me one thing.” (Lily)

A promise? What could it be?

“I don’t want to bind you, Yuri. If this is meant to be a substitute for marriage, it’s not necessary.” (Lily)

“Huh?” (Yuri)

I inadvertently let out a strange sound.

“… It’s not that I wouldn’t care if you did naughty things with other women, but if wearing these rings made you refuse relationships with people like Shamu or Myaro-han, that would be sad.” (Lily)

??? I don’t have any strange relationships with Shamu or Myaro in the first place. Surely, she’s not misunderstanding that. So, is Lily talking about what might happen in the future?

“Um… I don’t quite understand, but do you have some kind of agreement with Shamu or Myaro?” (Yuri)

Otherwise, I don’t see why she’d be concerned about this now.

“No, it’s Carol-san…” (Lily)

Lily mentioned a name I had vowed not to bring up today.

“Carol said something like that?” (Yuri)

“No. Carol was really troubled by trying to keep you all to herself. Watching that, I thought it’s not a good idea.” (Lily)

Not a good idea… but that’s normal, isn’t it?

“Is that really okay with you, Lily?” (Yuri)

“Well, it’s not like I’d be happy about it…” (Lily)

Lily cast a dark shadow over her face.

Not good, huh? It seems like you don’t have any special ideas about ethics.

“But what about Shamu? There’s no man in this country who can keep up with a conversation like you, Yuri-kun. I don’t want to see Shamu, who loves you but will grow old as a single woman…” (Lily)

“Well… hmm, but she’s not saying anything at the moment, so for now, isn’t it okay?” (Yuri)

After all, these things seem to be personal matters.

“Well, she’s younger and that kind of person. But if it comes to that, don’t refuse her because of me. Treat her properly. This ring is—” (Lily)

Lily-san picked up the ring from the cushion in the box as if handling something precious. A simple silver ring appeared from beneath the lid.

“If you’re not going to make a promise like that, let me accept it. Or do you dislike it if that’s not the case?” (Lily)

“I don’t dislike it, but… if it the other way around, I’d definitely hate it.” (Yuri)

“In the reverse situation, if I cheated, you mean?” (Lily)

Lily laughed as if it were something she hadn’t considered.

“Well, yes.” (Yuri)

“Oh, that’s absolutely impossible, so don’t worry.”  (Lily)


“But isn’t that too convenient for me?” (Yuri)

One-sided cheating. Although, I don’t plan to cheat.

“If you feel guilty, then make time and come to see me as much as possible.” (Lily)

Lily-san said this with a bashful smile.

“Even if you’re devoted to me, if you don’t come to see me, it doesn’t mean anything. It’s fine as long as you come to see me a lot.” (Lily)

“…Understood. I was already planning to see you as much as possible.” (Yuri)

“I’d be happy if you do that. Well then, I’ll accept this.” (Lily)

Lily tried to put the ring on her finger.

“Wait. I’ll put it on for you.” (Yuri)

“Eh?” (Lily)

“That’s how it’s done.” (Yuri)

I extended my hand, and Lily handed the ring to me.

“Your left hand.” (Lily)

“Okay.” (Lily)

Taking her outstretched left hand, I slid the ring onto her ring finger.

“It fits perfectly. I’m glad.” (Yuri)

“Wow, this is something…” (Lily)

Lily looked at her hand with the ring on it with an enchanted expression, then placed her hand on her face as if overwhelmed with emotion.

“Sorry, sorry. I’m just so happy…” (Lily)

She took out a handkerchief, adjusted her glasses, and wiped away the tears that had spilled out.

Wow, it’s making me happy too.

“Oh, thank you… I’m so, so happy… I can’t really explain it well…” (Lily)

“I’m glad you’re happy.” (Yuri)

“Yeah… sniff…” (Lily)

She really does love me. Being liked by someone as wonderful as Lily-san is genuinely gratifying and makes me proud, but there’s also a strong feeling of wondering why, since I’ve just been doing as I please.

“Thank you… I’ll definitely cherish it.” (Lily)

“Just a reminder, since it’s something you’ll always wear, please use it instead of keeping it stored away.” (Yuri)

“Yeah… oh, is this platinum?” (Lily)

“Yes. I mixed in some other materials to make it more durable.” (Yuri)

“That makes it sturdy… yeah, thank you.” (Lily)

Lily cradled her left hand with the ring against her chest.

“Well then, let’s wrap up the meal and get to the main event.” (Yuri)

I stood up from my chair.

“…Eh?” (Lily)

“Considering we’re in a hotel where we can order food anytime if we get hungry, now is a good opportunity.” (Yuri)

Her mood seems to be fully relaxed now, so it’s the perfect time. Timing is crucial for this kind of thing.

“Wait, huh, are you planning to start now?” (Lily)

“Yes.” (Yuri)

“I-I’m not mentally prepared…” (Lily)

Even though I’d had a bath before leaving home, what is she saying now?

“It’s okay. I’ll be the one preparing.” (Yuri)

I approached Lily, placed my hand gently on her cheek, and bent down to give her a light kiss.

“Hmm… phew… ah…” (Lily)

“Was that your first time?” (Yuri)

When I asked, Lily looked at me with dazed eyes and nodded vigorously.

“Shall we do it again?” (Yuri)

I asked, and Lily gave a small nod. We kissed again, this time a bit deeper.

“Wow… I-I’ve already had a kiss…” (Lily)

“Yes, you have.” (Yuri)

“Yeah. I’m so happy…” (Lily)

Why does it feel like we’ve reached a conclusion already? This is just the beginning.

“Now, let’s continue in bed.” (Yuri)

I said this and, as I lifted Lily, I slipped my arms under her knees and around her waist.

“Eek!?” (Lily)

“Please wrap your arms around my neck.” (Yuri)

“Eh!?” (Lily)

Lily-san hurriedly hugged me, and her soft breasts changed shape as they hit my chest.

It feels great, and surprisingly, she is lighter than expected.

I carried Lily-san to the bed and gently laid her down.

“Don’t worry, we won’t start right away. The night is long. We have plenty of time.” (Yuri)

Saying this, I let my fingers trail over Lily’s soft body through her dress, stroking her thighs from the outside while unbuttoning her dress.

“Ah—” (Lily)

“I’ll slowly open up your body, Lily-san. We’ll start the main event after that.” (Yuri)

Ah, that was amazing.

“…Uh, uh…” (Lily)

Lily-san was pressing her face into the pillow, sobbing. Despite having seemed so pleased, I wonder why she was crying.

“What’s wrong?” (Yuri)

As I asked, I stroked Lily-san’s back.

“Ah!” (Lily)

Lily-san’s back jerked.

“Yuri-kun… It’s because I’m so sensitive…” (Lily)

“I’m sorry. But why are you crying?” (Yuri)

“Ugh, I’m happy, embarrassed, and feeling pathetic…” (Lily)

“Pathetic?” (Yuri)

“I-I’m older, after all…” (Lily)

Older or not, it’s our first time, so what can be done… Did she think she was supposed to lead? I didn’t realize that…

“And Yuri-kun has been doing all sorts of naughty things and I don’t understand what’s going on…” (Lily)

Certainly, it did feel like she was being treated like a toy.

“Well, if it felt good, that’s the most important thing, isn’t it?” (Yuri)

Feeling good is a good thing. It’s definitely better than pain or discomfort.

“I thought it would hurt more, but it was completely different…” (Lily)

“But next time should be even better.” (Yuri)

“Eh, better than this?” (Lily)

After saying that, Lily-san looked at her lower half, hidden under the summer blanket. It looked raw.

“Oh, right. I suppose that makes sense…” (Yuri)

“Since today was our first time, it was just once, but if we keep to about once a week, we could do it twice or three times.” (Lily)

When I said that, Lily-san made a frightened expression for some reason.

“Doing that much would drive me crazy…” (Lily)

“It’s okay.” (Yuri)

Carol had said similar things a few times, but she didn’t go crazy.

“It’s definitely not okay…” (Lily)

Lily, with a slightly anxious expression, pulled the blanket up deeply to hide her body.

“Well then, why don’t we do it again?” (Yuri)

I said, teasingly.

“Yes… It felt good…” (Lily)

Lily, her face peeking out from the blanket and blushing, looked up at me. Her expression was so captivating that it almost made me fall in love with her.

Lily and Shamu (source: LN)

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