The Damned Demon

Chapter 418 It Is Futile

418  It Is Futile

Caius pushed Raziel behind and quickly stepped in front of Tarok, arms raised in a gesture of surrender, his voice tinged with desperation, "Please...we have never offended your people. You don't have to do this. We are willing to give away everything we have," he pleaded, hoping to appeal to some shred of mercy in Tarok's heart.

Tarok, however, only scoffed at Caius' plea. In a swift, terrifying display of strength, he grasped Caius' face with one massive hand, easily lifting the old chief off the ground, "Offended my people?" Tarok echoed mockingly, his eyes glinting cruelly. With his other hand, he brandished the severed head of Selene, "Not only are you bloodsucking vermins trespassing on our territory, but this bitch killed some of my men yesterday. You think that's not enough of an offence? No, wait...even if you rats never did these things, your pathetic existence itself is an offense to us."

Raziel's body tensed with fury, his fangs bared as he watched the scene unfold. He was on the verge of lashing out when he felt his mother's arms wrap around him, her voice quivering with fear, "Please, son. Don't go. T-They will hurt you."

Raziel grimaced, and hearing his mother beg him to stay made him lose the strength to pull away her arms and instead tried to frantically find a way to help his mother hide, though he was dismayed to see the damn monsters surrounding them from every side.

But Raziel's attention riveted back to Grandpa Caius upon hearing a painful grunt escape from his throat.

He saw Grandpa Caius struggling futilely in Tarok's grip, trying to speak. Tarok seemed amused by Caius' efforts and tossed Selene's head aside carelessly to one of his men, "What? Are you trying to say something, old man?" Tarok growled, leaning closer to Caius' face, who was grimacing in pain while trying to cough out some words for mercy.

Tarok grunted in impatience, shaking his head, "Let me help you out."


Without warning, he brutally tore Caius' jaws apart, causing blood to gush forth.

Blood streamed down Caius' neck. Tears of pain mixed with blood trickled down his cheeks, leaving dark red trails behind.

His lower jaw hung limply from his chin, detached from his skull, while his upper jaw was shattered into several jagged pieces. The wounds exposed the raw flesh underneath, giving a gruesome spectacle to anyone who dared to witness such barbarity firsthand.

His eyes were bulged to their extremities, though he was unable to move or speak, his face frozen in horror.

Tarok mockingly placed his ear over Caius' mutilated gaping mouth and clicked his tongue, "Still nothing? How much more useless can you be, old man?" The sight was horrifying, "Grandpa Caius!" Raziel screamed, along with many others in the crowd, witnessing the brutal murder of their beloved chief. Caius' lifeless body dropped to the ground, his mouth grotesquely hanging open.

"Yaarghh!!" Some of the hot-blooded ones couldn't stand to see their chief get brutally killed and rushed at Tarok with their weapons raised.

"Burn these bloodsucking rats including their little houses to the ground after plundering them! Let's hope these trash are hiding something good," Tarok ordered without even looking at them.

As the werewolves mercilessly tore through and burned down everyone without even discriminating between young or old or children, a palpable sense of despair and horror hung in the air. Raziel watched, heart pounding and eyes wide with terror, as his people, including his friends, Morv and Voren, were slaughtered and tortured to death without mercy, and those few stronger ones among them, driven by grief and rage, tried to fight back.

But their bravery was met with brutal force, and they didn't even stand a chance as they got cut down mercilessly, too.

The scene was a nightmare unfolding before Raziel's eyes, echoing the horrific premonition he had earlier. His body trembled uncontrollably in his mother's tight embrace, unable to accept the reality that was mirroring his worst fears.

In a desperate plea, Raziel lifted his gaze to the barely visible silhouette of Drakaris in the sky, "O Supreme One! Please help us! Please!! You can stop this now!" His voice cracked with emotion, a mix of despair and a faint glimmer of hope that the supreme one would intervene.

Would he really let this happen a second time? But to his dismay, the silhouette of Drakaris remained unmoved.

Tarok shook his head with a grunt of irritation. With a casual, cruel swipe, he slapped Raziel, sending a spray of blood from Raziel's mouth, "Is that how you apologize to this chief?! Didn't your mother teach you how to apologize to someone who can sniff out your insignificant life with just a single slap?" Tarok's voice was laced with contempt.

"I...I apologize on his behalf.... So please...don't hurt him..." Aurelia's voice, weak and trembling with pain, was barely audible as she pleaded for her son's safety. Her eyes were filled with unbearable sorrow and fear.

Tarok's response was chilling, devoid of any compassion, "You talk again, and a merciful death is the last thing your son will get," he warned in a cold, menacing tone, causing tears to well up in Aurelia's blind eyes.

"Now you have two more chances. If I don't like the way you say it, then your mother pays the price," Tarok stated, his smile dark and malicious.

Raziel's heart constricted in agony. Inhaling deeply, he offered a more desperate apology, "I-I am truly sorry! I will never bare my fangs at you or d-disrespect you," His voice quivered with fear and sincerity.

Tarok, however, remained unimpressed, wrinkled his nose in annoyance, "I can still smell your killing intent. You lost one of your chances, and so will she lose one of her eyes, not that it would make a difference to her, hahaha."

"NO!!! Don't!!" Raziel's scream was filled with horror, but it was too late.

One of Tarok's men mercilessly gouged out Aurelia's right eye, causing her to whimper in pain.

Blood poured from the bloody hole of her eye socket as she tried to lift her head, her lips forming her son's name, "Raziel...I…" It was as though she wanted to convey her final thoughts to him, but her head drooped the next moment before collapsing lifelessly to the ground.

"How pathetic. She died already before I could offer you the last chance. You can only blame her for being so weak," Tarok remarked callously, looking at Aurelia's lifeless body with disdain.

Raziel's face became deathly pale, a painful lump in his throat as he gazed at his mother's body, his heart shattering into countless pieces. He couldn't find his voice, unable to even call out to her.

His heart continued to drown in pain and despair as his vision began to fill with darkness while Tarok's cruel laughter began to fade away.

The next moment, the darkness began to fade away as he found himself kneeling on the cold, rocky surface of a mountain, his surroundings startlingly different yet familiar.

His expression, once frozen in despair, began to show signs of life as he took in the new environment, realizing where he was now.

He was back where he was. He had failed. He couldn't save anyone despite getting a second chance.

Knowing the future didn't even make a difference.

"I told you... Trying to change anyone's fate, including yours is futile," came the deep, calm voice, rumbling authoritatively from above. Damn, he can't get a break, can he? What do you think of Drakaris? Is the supreme one bullying him too much or is there something more? 

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