Chapter 30

Li Xiaorou spoke in a gentle voice, but the aura of one who had walked through a sea of blood and mountains of corpses made Tian Jiu's heart tremble and silently call her a demon.

"I've heard of this punishment, but never seen it. I'm especially curious to try it. I've never had the chance," said Li Xia with an excited tone, her knife slashing Tian Jiu's clothes swiftly and precisely. A perfectly intact garment now had holes scattered across it.

As the wind came through the holes, Tian Jiu couldn't help but think of the "fish scale flaying" Li Xia mentioned. This was more terrifying than any punishment in the organization.

"I said—"

Li Xia looked at Tian Jiu and smiled lightly. "I don't want to hear it." She seemed to want Tian Jiu to persist, so she could try the fish scale flaying.

Tian Jiu couldn't help but back away from the knife in Li Xia's hand. "What do you want?"

Li Xia withdrew her knife and stood up, leaving with the words, "I'll let you know when I figure it out."

Watching Li Xia leave, Tian Jiu gasped for air. He had never seen someone with such a heavy, murderous aura.

Early the next morning, when Li Xia arrived at the Plum Courtyard, Auntie Mei grabbed her by the ear.

"Auntie, ow ow..." Li Xia cried out in pain repeatedly. She thought she had escaped unscathed last night, but it seemed Auntie was waiting for her.

"It should hurt, or you won't learn your lesson. How did you promise me about the human traffickers last time? It's only been a few days, and you're acting up again. Are you trying to worry me to death?" Auntie Mei's tears streamed down as she spoke.

"Auntie, don't worry. I know the situation. Nothing will happen to me. Trust me, your daughter is a master," Li Xia said, raising her fist and gesturing to show her strength as proof.

"What master? You're just a young girl. Stay at home obediently from now on." After this incident, Auntie Mei didn't dare let Li Xia go out anymore. Every time she went out, something major happened, and Auntie couldn't handle the stress.

Li Xia didn't argue. She had an unusual ability and knew she would be fine. But Auntie Mei didn't know, which was why she worried so much. Li Xia didn't plan to tell anyone about her unusual ability.

Auntie Mei huffed and led Li Xia to pay respects to Mrs. Lu. Just as they reached the door, they saw Auntie An and Aunt Wang approaching together. Auntie Mei was puzzled as to why these two, who disliked each other, were walking side by side.

Auntie An and Aunt Wang couldn't stand each other, but if anything happened to Li Hui'ruo, it would benefit them both. They temporarily put aside their differences and joined forces to gather information.

The doorkeeper tried to stop them, "The Madam has instructed that no one needs to pay respects today."

But the two insisted on seeing Mrs. Lu to find out Li Hui'ruo's condition. They wouldn't back down easily today if they couldn't see the Madam, and they made a fuss refusing to leave. As Aunties, the doorkeeper didn't dare be rough with them, and a stalemate ensued.

Seeing Auntie Mei approach, Auntie An smiled, "Quick, go tell the Madam that Sister Mei has come to pay respects."

"The Madam said the Aunties were all disturbed last night and need not come to pay respects. Please return," the doorkeeper repeated.

"That won't do. As a concubine, it's only proper for me to pay respects to the Madam," Auntie An refused to give up. Since she couldn't see Li Hui'ruo in the front courtyard, she had to see the Madam today.

"Eldest Sister is right. How can you doorkeeper talk nonsense?" Aunt Wang chimed in. "With the Young Master injured, the Madam must be exhausted caring for him. We concubines should attend to the Madam even more."

Seeing their insistence under the pretext of concern for Mrs. Lu, Auntie Mei remained expressionless. But in her heart, she mocked them—these two usually skipped paying respects whenever they could, and now they were acting so self-righteous, as if others were fools.

"The Madam is indeed exhausted caring for the Young Master, and we should not disturb her. But as concubines, paying respects to the Madam is a must." Auntie Mei then bowed towards the inner courtyard, followed by Li Xia. After bowing, Auntie Mei prepared to leave with Li Xia.

Seeing Auntie Mei leaving like this, Auntie An and Aunt Wang glared at her. The doorkeeper blocked the two from entering, "Please pay your respects, Aunties."


"What are you all doing?" Li Ming arrived, covered in ashes from fighting the fire all night, not even bothering to clean up before coming to the Courtyard of the Returning Geese.

"Master, how are you? This concubine was so worried last night," Auntie An heard his voice and rushed towards Li Ming. But upon seeing his ashen appearance, she stopped a step away, not daring to get too close. Aunt Wang also approached with small steps, tears streaming down her face, deeply concerned.

Li Ming had little patience for the two concubines at the moment. Seeing them crying and wailing, he frowned, "What indecent behavior. Each of you, go back and reflect in confinement for half a month."

Auntie An's mouth fell open in disbelief, while Aunt Wang's tears flowed endlessly. Their efforts had backfired spectacularly.

With a wave of his sleeve, Li Ming entered the Courtyard of the Returning Geese. After he left, the two wanted to follow, but the sturdy doorkeeper blocked the entrance, "Please return, Aunties."

Aunt Wang and Auntie An glared at the doorkeeper's smug expression, stomped their feet, and turned to leave. As they walked away, they exchanged looks and huffed, their brief alliance dissolving.

Last night, as the physician said, Elder Sister Liu developed a fever, and they followed the physician's instructions to lower her temperature, administering medicine every hour. After being up all night, the fever finally subsided at daybreak, and Mrs. Lu could finally breathe a sigh of relief. She left someone to care for Elder Sister Liu and returned to the Courtyard of the Returning Geese.

She instructed the servants to inform the Aunties and Ladies-in-waiting not to come and pay respects. With Zizhou's assistance, she changed into a fresh set of clothes and prepared to rest for a moment. Li Ming then strode in.

Seeing Li Ming, usually neat and tidy but now covered in ashes, Mrs. Lu approached him, "Master, how are you? Are you hurt anywhere?"

Touched by Mrs. Lu's concerned words and recalling the two concubines he had stopped at the door, Li Ming felt warmth in his heart. "I'm fine. How was everything last night, Madam?"

Mrs. Lu gestured for the servants to leave and explained the situation in detail to Li Ming.

"Madam, are you certain he is the Heir of the Marquis Beining?" Li Ming didn't doubt her, but the Marquis Beining was a powerful figure. The Marquis Beining's regiment guarded the borders and was highly esteemed by the Imperial family. For his son to be pursued and end up in Liuzhou seemed unlikely, no matter how Li Ming looked at it.

"The young man's appearance is seventy or eighty percent similar to the Marquis Beining's. I recall Elder Sister Liu mentioning that the Marquis Beining's son lived with the Marquis and his wife in the northern frontier. However, this year is the Marquis's sixty-sixth birthday, so the Heir was supposed to return to the capital since the Marquis couldn't make it back," Mrs. Lu pondered.

"But even if he was traveling from the northern frontier to the capital, how could he have ended up in Liuzhou?" Li Ming tried to recall the map of the empire's territories.

The main issue was that Li Ming didn't want to believe the young man was truly the Heir of the Marquis Beining. If it were true, then the incident in Liuzhou would not only cost him his newly acquired County Magistrate position but could also endanger his life and family.

"It's possible he ended up in Liuzhou while being pursued," Mrs. Lu's words left Li Ming silent for a moment before he said, "Since he's lying in the manor now, it is what it is."

Coming to his senses, Li Ming considered how to resolve the matter. After some thought, he said, "Madam, you handle the affairs of the manor. I'll send someone to the capital to inform the Marquis Beining's household. Once someone from the Marquis Beining's household arrives, everything will become clear."

Mrs. Lu nodded. "Rest assured, Master, and take care of it. I will keep the rear courtyard secure."

"You have my gratitude, Madam," Li Ming grasped Mrs. Lu's hand tightly.

"Master, there's no need for such formalities between husband and wife," Mrs. Lu covered their clasped hands with her other hand. Feeling the ashes on Li Ming's hand, she said, "Master, you must be exhausted after a night of hard work. Let me arrange for food, bathing, and rest."

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