The Cursed King

Chapter 97 - Marc Teaches Julian A Lesson

Marc took out his phone and tried to check his long list of exes, meaning the women whom he was dating for some time and then leaving for the next ones. He wanted to see which one of them he should call and ask to create a gossip together.

He had quite a few of them. Marc was focused on his phone when urgent matters came to his attention. It was Alex who called him first.

There was a rush in Alex's voice. "Hey, Boss. Elise is currently in danger. She's on the second floor of the building. I'm on my way down there. Some people are claiming to be—"

"I'll meet you there. Stop them." Marc immediately let his phone drop into his pocket as he rushed out of his office and towards the elevators. 

For whatever ill-luck, they happened to be preoccupied and so Marc Sanderman hurried down the stairs and barely made it in time to stop them. He even made it before Alex arrived, right in time to hear the last statement come from these people.

"—we can't have you faking an ID to work here just because you want to. Let's just go home right now before things start to get worse."

Marc arrived at the scene and clicked his tongue.

"Hey.. are you okay?" He came to Elise's side and checked on her.

The thing he did first was check on Elise's state because he remembered his grand-uncle made him promise to take care of Elise on his behalf. Thankfully she didn't seem hurt or that shaken up.

Once he could assure that she was fine, Marc turned to the intruders and his security.

"Who are these people? They're not employees but they made their way here without any problems at all. It seems like my security is unable to perform their jobs properly."

Marc glowered at his security at their sheer incompetence at this particular situation, before he finally looked at the two people in front of Elise.

He had already recognized them, thanks to the previous research he did when Loriel asked him to find more information about Elise.

Well, they weren't going to be here much longer.

Without a hint of reserve, he glared at them. Right at that moment, he directed all his anger to Terrence and the stupid nomination toward the two intruders.

"I want the two of these meddlers out of my company at this very instant. I don't care if you have to handle them roughly. Get them out. They have no right to harass one of my employees or accuse her of anything that isn't true."

"Are you the head of this company?" Tessa asked in shock. "I'm not sure what happened but you clearly don't know—"

"Huh. Is this woman trying to tell me that I can't do my job correctly?" Marc raised his brow coldly. "You come to this company and dare to throw heedless accusations in the air? I can sue you for slander and trespassing."

Tessa ground her teeth. "Has this wench seduced you too? Did she sleep her way out of here—"

Marc gazed at Julian. "I know who you are. You're a lawyer, aren't you? You, of all people, should know that these false accusations are a criminal offense. The Sanderman Group won't take these lightly."

Julian was surprised to hear Marc's words. So, this man knew who they were? He Julian didn't announce that he was a lawyer, yet Marc knew? 

He looked at Tessa and inwardly sighed. He reached out to his girlfriend and grabbed her shoulders. "We should go now while we still have the chance. I think they are on her side."

"Don't try to tell me what to do, Julian." Tessa pointed a finger at Elise accusingly. "This bitch faked her ID to get here and slept her way up to be with the boss! You no-good dirty little wh—"

Julian clamped a hand over Tessa's mouth. He warily looked at all of the security ready to apprehend them. With one final look he gave to Elise, he cleared his throat. "Maybe next time we can discuss this properly. Let's go, Tessa."

Marc crossed his arms on his chest and narrowed his eyes dangerously. "Don't you want to apologize for harassing this woman?"

Four burly security guards had come and stood next to Julian in a threatening manner.  Julian who was stepping back, trying to flee, swallowed hard. He turned to Elise and pointed at her.

"Madeline, you are my fiancee and you dare to sleep with other people to trick them into defending you. Soon, the truth will prevail. These people will know who you really are."

Elise clenched her jaws when she heard Julian still dared to call her his fiancee. Her body trembled in anger and unknowingly she slowly raised her hand. She couldn't take it anymore…


Before Elise could do anything, Marc had jumped into Julian and hit him hard with his fist. All his anger today at the stupid nomination was directed at a new victim. He didn't care if he would hurt Julian. He had great lawyers.

"Aauwhh..!!" Julian spurted blood when his body fell to the hard floor and didn't move. Everyone around them shrieked in shock at the scene.

"Get them out of here!" Marc roared at his security. The four burly men immediately lifted Julian's body, followed by the hysterical Tessa.

"Oh my God… did you see that?"

"Our boss is so fierce!"

"He defended Elise."

"Oh, look… he is so manly!"

"I wonder if he would defend us if a jerk came to harass us too. Or is it only for Elise?"

"I am not sure. You do know Elise seems to have a special relationship with him."

"I am sure any man will defend Elise. She is so beautiful. The typical damsel in distress that all men would love to save."

Marc couldn't care less about his surroundings. Once Tessa and Julian were escorted and led out of the building, Marc immediately approached Elise and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Are you alright there, Elise?"

Elise sighed deeply and tried to smile. "I'm fine, thank you."

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