The Cursed King

Chapter 257 - [Bonus ] Loriel Is Feeling Moved

When Elise woke up from her sleep, she was feeling a lot better than the night before. Of course, the fact that her life was on the line - now that she chose to bear the child into full term was something that weighed heavily on her mind.

It meant that her life would end here and she'd never get the chance to experience what it was like to raise her baby and watch them grow into a beautiful person.

However, she had already come to a decision. Somehow, it ended up being the same as her mother's decision when she was pregnant with Elise. 

Did Queen Catalina Leoralei wish that her daughter would grow into a wonderful person? What were her hopes and prayers when Elise was born and she was on her deathbed?

What did Catalina's face look like during that time? Did she regret everything or did she consider everything worth it as she saw the life that was brought into the world?

Those things came to Elise's mind and she might even think the same way when it came to that day.

However, there was still some small hope in her chest. Perhaps if she truly rested in her chambers and did everything as the royal physician recommended, then Elise would truly be able to carry her child and deliver it to Loriel proudly.

"Where is my husband anyway?" Elise fluttered her lashes and remembered that the man was by her side last night, but then recalled that when the man got up. Perhaps, he was out to get her something to drink?

Loriel did often come to serve her tea and breakfast after he decided to share her chambers. The man was so loving and doting when he wanted to be. And these last few weeks showed Elise what he was capable of, as a doting husband.

Elise held her stomach and rubbed it gently. "You see, darling, even if your father doesn't love me and is trying his best, he already has done a lot of wonderful things like taking care of me. When you are born, my child, he'll love you dearly, because you are his flesh and blood. And you will be his heir."

That was what made Elise feel more encouraged and reassured that no matter what happened to her during her pregnancy and if she were to die… Loriel was going to be there for their child.

Even if Loriel remarried another woman, it was okay for Elise. Elise trusted that Loriel would love their child so much that even if he were to have another child or two from his next wife, his love would be enough for this child he would get from Elise. 

Even better if the woman who he married was going to be a wonderful person who would raise Elise's baby like her own.

For a moment, Elise licked her lips in nervousness and clasped her hands together. "Should I… talk to Rose? Alina may be sent back to Myreen if I were to die and I can't ask her to stay in Summeria all her life to look after my child."

Those thoughts and conversations with herself stopped when Loriel returned to her chambers. As expected, the king was carrying a tray with a pot of tea as usual and cups for them to share with.

It looked like it was only tea this time. There was no breakfast yet?

"Good morning, Elise," Loriel greeted her with a smile that didn't look real. 

It was a forced smile and Elise could even see the bags that were underneath his eyes as if Loriel could not fall asleep.  Compared to Elise who was able to sleep thanks to a sleeping potion, Loriel was probably restless all evening. 

This realization made Elise's heart feel sad to see him this way. Loriel was truly a great person that respected her decisions despite being troubled with it. And he still went out of his way to prepare tea for his wife.

Elise felt so moved. Tears immediately started forming in her eyes. She loved this man so much.

"Your Majesty, please, come here," Elise said gently. "Place that tea aside for a moment, please."

"Huh?" Loriel's grip tightened around the tray that his knuckles were white. His heart pounded.

Was there any chance that Elise figured it out? Did Zaff betray him and tell the news to the queen?

"Come here and join me in bed," Elise told him. "Please…"

Loriel bit down his lip and placed the tea aside for now and approached Elise in bed. He didn't want to approach her or even sit so close to her when his heart was beating so loudly that he was afraid it would leap out.

When Loriel finally sat down in bed, Elise reached for him and placed his head on her lap.

"Wait, Elise—" Loriel tried to struggle and get out of her lap, but the woman stubbornly held him down.

"I am sorry that you have to go through this," Elise murmured softly and combed her fingers through his hair. It was reminiscent of the first time that Loriel received a massage from her that helped soothe his headache.

"Elise, I should be the one that's sorry," Loriel croaked. The tea was on a table and so close that all he needed to do was pour his wife a cup and she'd drink it without even batting an eye.

"No, please don't apologize to me," Elise smiled warmly at him and gently touched his face. Her thumb pressed against the dark circles underneath his eyes soothingly. "Instead, why don't you lie down and sleep for a moment? You need to take care of yourself, Loriel."

Loriel bit down on his lip.

Even after the events last night that made Elise cry and weep so deeply, the woman was still looking out for Loriel and cared for him. She didn't know anything about his thoughts and plans, but the woman loved him sincerely.

Elise would even sacrifice her life so Loriel could have a child.

"Hah, you're so unbelievable," Loriel squeezed his eyes shut for a moment and tried not to cry. Goddamnit, what was he trying to do right now?!

Loriel sat right up and shook his head. 

Elise looked at Loriel in surprise. "What's wrong? Were you uncomfortable in my lap?"

"No, that's not it. The tea," Loriel choked out.

"Oh, right. We should drink it while it's still hot." Elise turned to the table and quickly pointed her finger towards the tray. 

It quickly rose up in the air and gently floated towards them.

Loriel stood up and quickly grabbed the tray before it reached Elise. There was a look of surprise on Elise's face and he tried to explain himself. "Not this one, it's… it's already cold."

"I could heat it up?" Elise showed a small flame in her fingertips.

Loriel shook his head. "I'll bring you a new one."

Before Elise could ask any more questions, Loriel bolted out of the room with the tray of tea. He threw it out of the window and watched everything shatter down into pieces.. Tears streamed down his cheeks.

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