The Cursed King

Chapter 232 - Loriel Decides To Consummate Their Marriage


This chapter is dedicated to Mischareads. Thank you so much for gifting a castle to Loriel and Elise today. You are so kind! xx



The kiss led to a heavy makeout session and, eventually, they slept together.

For several days while he was avoiding Elise, Loriel thought about their situation thoroughly. Initially, he wanted to keep his ideal. He wouldn't sleep with a woman whom he didn't love.

However, now that his traitorous body kept showing how much he was turned on when he was with her, Loriel realized he was not as strong as he thought he was.

He was just a weak man when it came to his libido. He had not had sex for a really long time and the past six months were the hardest. When he was alone, it was easier to control his urge.

He could just satisfy himself, but now that there was this extremely beautiful woman close by whom his whole mental and physical being was drawn into, self-pleasure was no longer enough.

He realized this when he tried to jerk off after he was aroused at her chamber the last time. After hours and hours of hard work, he still couldn't get his release.

His pent-up sexual frustration made him feel so antsy and he kept lashing out his anger on innocent people. Poor Horatio just asked the king if he needed more wine, and Loriel scolded him for interrupting his thought.

Well.. he wasn't really thinking of anything serious or related to the state, but just about his options… whether he should just relent to his desire and sleep with his wife, or stay suffering.

This would solidify their relationship and Elise would become his wife truly, no longer just in name.

Was he really ready to bear the consequences?

Finally, after three days, Loriel made a decision.

Fuck it! He couldn't continue living like this. He better got it over with.

That's why tonight he came to Elise's chamber again. He had made up his mind.

Elise's eyes bulged in surprise when Loriel's lips landed a kiss on hers. Finally… after so long, she could taste her husband's lips. They were finally kissing!

She instinctively closed her eyes and took in the whole experience, feeling overjoyed and drunk in euphoria.

All her life, Elise lived for one thing… to be this man's bride. Six months ago when they got married, she had become his bride, but he had not really touched her as his wife. But tonight.. he suddenly kissed her.

What next? Would they…

Would they do the deed?

Elise could feel the man's temperature rise significantly and his heart pounded. His breath slowly panted as he slid his tounge through the small opening on her lips.

The next thing she knew, he was ravaging her mouth and twisted her tounge expertly. It felt so, so good! Elise almost forgot to breathe. Her mind was in a mess.

He was kissing her!

He was kissing her!

And this was not a polite kiss between strangers, but the kiss was laced with lust and desire.

Did Loriel desire her? Did she turn him on? Was he attracted to her sexually?

Did he want to consummate their marriage?

Elise felt so shy because she was inexperienced. She had never kissed anyone. When she was younger she tried to practice with her arm, but it felt weird, She didn't know the right technique.

But now, her husband kissed her sweetly, passionately, and he guided her inexperienced lips and tounge to kiss him back. He licked her lips and teased her over and over again. Finally, Elise tried to return his kiss.

She thrust her tongue inside his mouth and licked his inner lips before she found his tongue and suck it. 

Loriel moaned. Ahh… he sounded so pleased with her effort. Elise was over the moon. Her husband grabbed her hair and lowered his hand to her back.

His touch was fire. Elise unconsciously squirmed and let out a sexy moan. Her little voice immediately sent all the blood on Loriel 's body to his manhood. His pants became so tight and he felt so uncomfortable.

"Ahh…" Loriel growled. He loosened his pants with one hand while his other hand rubbed her hair lovingly…

He couldn't take it anymore.


Elise's eyes widened when she heard Loriel call her name. His voice was husky and sounded heavy. The man had let go of her lips. He opened his eyes and looked at her straight in the eye.

Elise could see her husband's eyes were filled with lust. Was he engulfed by desire?

Was this desire to have her?

"Loriel..." Elise whispered his name back.

"Are we husband and wife?" Loriel asked Elise with a husky voice. It was so sexy to her ears.

Elise was dumbfounded for a moment before she nodded shyly.

Her husband tugged her chin gently and she looked up to see him. Her cheeks flushed red and felt hot.

Of course, they were husband and wife. They were betrothed since before they were born and they got married six months ago.

Why was he asking this question?  It was a rhetorical question, right? One that didn't need an answer...

"So?" Loriel asked again.

Oh, apparently, he wanted an answer, Elise thought.

She nodded softly and replied with her small voice. "Yes, we are, Loriel."

"So, will you stay with me until we are both old and grey?" Loriel asked again.

Elise didn't understand why Loriel asked such a question.  Of course, she would. In her life, there was never another man. It had always been Loriel. 

She grew up dreaming of becoming his bride. Now that they were married, she wanted to stay by his side for as long as they lived.

It was Elise who should be asking that question to Loriel. Did he consider them husband and wife? Would he want to stay with Elise until they were both old and grey?

The fact was, Loriel didn't want this marriage. He was betrothed to Elise without his knowledge before he was even born. He only married Elise to keep his promise to his mother.

The queen dowager made him promise to take care of Elise as her husband and protect the girl until his last breath.

Actually, Elise was torn by the situation.

On the one hand, she was happy that Loriel made such a promise and he was keeping his word. However, on the other hand, she was sad that the man didn't love her.

He married her out of obligation, not out of love.

"Yes, Loriel," Elise replied again.

She was wondering where was this conversation heading.

"So, you will not ask for a divorce to marry another man?" Loriel asked her again.

Elise actually wanted to ask the same question. 'So, you will not ask for a divorce to marry another woman?'

However, she knew it was not the right question to ask. The woman that Loriel loved was already married and she loved her husband.

Loriel was too honorable to steal someone else's wife, much less force the woman to marry him when she loved another man.

Elise laughed bitterly in her heart. She loved this man so much, but she couldn't get his heart.

Meanwhile, Loriel loved that woman so deeply, but he also couldn't get her heart. She only thought of him as a good friend. Nothing more.

Knowing how sad it was to feel unrequited love, Elise felt great empathy toward her husband. She knew, loving someone so deeply, one-sidedly, was heartbreaking. So, her heart ached for him.

He loved that other woman, but here he was, stuck with Elise for... probably the rest of his life.

Elise's question to Loriel should have been, 'So, you will stay with me until the day we die... even though you don't love me?'

Or, 'Will you... be able to love me back one day?'

But she didn't utter those questions. She only kept them to herself, like always.

Elise shook her head and replied, "I will not ask for a divorce to marry another man."

Loriel smiled. He touched her cheek and tilted his head to kiss her again. He was satisfied with Elise's responses.

He wanted to know if Elise really thought of him as her husband and that they would stay together as husband and wife until the day they died.

Since her responses were affirmative, Loriel decided to cross the point of no return.

He was stuck with her in this marriage anyway. So, why not make it official and claim his right as her husband?

His hand free hand sneaked under her dress and caressed her inner thighs, so gently.

Elise was already intoxicated by his kiss and unknowingly let out a soft moan when his hand touched her skin under her dress.




From Missrealitybites:

From this moment, we know that Loriel and Elise finally consummated their marriage. We already have their snusnu in chapters 25-32 (8 chapters from foreplay to afterglow... lol).

On the one hand, I was thinking of skipping this part and asking you to go back to those chapters if you want to read the whole thing, but on the other hand, I think you might want to see the snusnu rewritten from a maybe slightly different perspective.

What do you want?

For this chapter, I copied a part of the scene from chapter 25, because I think you don't want to tire yourself to go back to that chapter just to read how their kiss led to lovemaking... RIGHT?

I intentionally add that part AFTER I publish this chapter, so you don't pay extra coins for them, don't worry. You can see that this chapter only cost 6 coins, even though it has 1800 words.

Anyway.. let me know what you want:

OPTION 1. Just skip their first consummation, I can read it myself in chapters 25-32. Please write the next scenes. 

<If you chose this, the next chapter will start with>

"When Loriel woke up the next day in Elise's bed, he remembered the mindblowing sex that the two of them had. After six long months of him stopping himself and trying to act as if he was not attracted to her, the two of them consummated their marriage."

OPTION 2. Hell yeah! I live for their snusnu. I don't mind rereading their first consummation here. 

<If you chose this, you will read their first consummation again. I will use some parts from the existing chapters and add more flavors to them>

Vote and write down your thoughts in the comment.. I will go with the majority vote.

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