The Cursed King

Chapter 195 - Alexei And Hilde

It wasn't every day that Alexei saw a pissed-off goddess who tried to strangle him or Baron because of some other guy that she met back in Italy during the fashion show. After his conversation with Elise, the man decided to not watch the show anymore.

Even though Baron got upset, Alexei was a man of his words.

So, when Hilde asked him for a favor… Alexei said yes and didn't realize that this was what it meant by a favor. A place for Hilde to stay in and angrily vent out her frustrations.

It wasn't a surprise that Baron was not here and only left Alexei to deal with this mess.

Normally, Hilde was relaxed and just enjoyed the life and fame she made for herself...but now the girl canceled a lot of her appointments to be right here and chase after this mysterious man that she was searching forever since they parted ways.


Alexei didn't even know who this person was, but why was it so important that Hilde even followed Alexei back to New York to find this person? Did she not know when to give up? 

It was difficult dealing with people like her.A person needed to learn how to accept that a no meant no. 

Alexei was not a man that was good with his words though, so when he said something… it came out like this. He gave an exasperated sigh and rubbed his face.

"Let me get this straight, the guy doesn't want to do anything with you but you're chasing after him?"

"Do you have a problem with that?" Hilde narrowed her eyes at him.

"Well… you could probably have other men if you wanted to?" Alexei shrugged. "Not me specifically, but somebody else. You have millions of adoring fans."

"They're different when compared to him." Hilde sighed. "Do you want to hear the story about how the two of us met that made me love him? I think it happened when you were barely just a newborn baby and I stepped into the pantheon."

"I'm not interested."

Alexei raised his hands up and quickly declined the offer.  He didn't want to recall anything about how he grew up in Cretea while doted on by several gods and goddesses. Alexei had enough.

Hilde scoffed at the lack of interest. "A brat like you will never understand how difficult an unrequited love is."

"Geez, I'm just wondering when you'd get out of my penthouse, Hilde. You're rich enough to purchase your own accommodations and I'd hate for people to get the wrong idea between us."

"Why? Are you busy?" Hilde asked and then raised a brow. "Sleeping around with some mortal?"

"Yuck. No." Alexei wrinkled his nose. "I don't want to do that. That's dealing with someone so much younger than me by thousands of years. They tend to get attached too much too. It's bothersome."

"Hmph." Hilde rolled her eyes. "If that is the case then I do not see why I can't stay here while I search for Loriel..."

Alexei's phone beeped and he rapidly took out his phone to check. "Uh, excuse me. This is important."

There was a specified ringtone for whenever Baron called or messaged him. And this was Elise. She was the only one to who he gave his number to and so it meant that there was a problem?

Alexei was sure that she'd delete his number but that wasn't the case.

"Alexei?" Hilde frowned at the much younger god to no avail.

He wasn't paying attention to anything but his phone.

How important was it that Alexei would not pay attention to Hilde?

Alexei read the contents of the text message with a serious look on his face. 

[Hi. It's Elise and I need your help. Are you in New York again? Is there any possible way for me to not lose memories but to recover them instead? I need to know who I am and you're the only one I can turn to.]

Alexei didn't feel overjoyed at the fact that Elise called him, but instead, his brows creased a bit in concern. Based on their last conversation, Alexei was sure that Elise was going to be happy with her husband.

So what changed?

Was the husband actually some kind of no-good bastard? Perhaps Elise would have shown much more emotions in the text if that were the case, but either way, Alexei quickly responded.

[Well, it's a good thing I'm actually back so you're in luck. I'm actually supposed to be resting right now, but I can't help being so valiant and kindhearted. I can't let a damsel in distress without stepping up to help. So, should we meet up somewhere then?]

Elise rolled her eyes when she read Alexei's reply.

[Does that mean you'll help me?] She quickly typed in her next message.

[Yeah. I'm not good with recovering memories, but I'm sure that the one I know will be able to help you. They're much more experienced than me.]

Alexei glanced up at Hilde who was still frowning and decided that it was best for Elise and him to meet somewhere else. The chances of Hilde giving him hell for meeting up with Elise were going to be a pain in the neck.

She'd misunderstand the situation. More than that, Alexei knew that if anyone else were to discover about Elise's powers and her unknown origins… several other people would start interfering with them and make decisions based on what they think was the right thing to do. 

That was the least of what Elise probably ever wanted. The same applied to Alexei as well.

Out of everyone that Alexei knew from his youth, it wasn't Hilde who was more concerned with the pursuit of her own happiness or his friend Baron who also enjoyed the mortal world that was going to be able to help him and Elise.

Someone trustworthy and more experienced than Alexei himself in the ways of magic and the old world? 

Only the man who raised Alexei could be the sole person who'd help Elise out, although this was a huge favor now that Alexei thought about it.

Why was he doing this again?




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