The Crown's Entrapment

Chapter 809 Comfortable Enough

Chapter 809 Comfortable Enough

Lena could only hope that Seth would finally get the meaning of her words. Surely, she didn't need to spell everything out to him, right? But as she looked at him mulling over her words, it looked like she needed to clarify herself, especially with how Seth simply stared at her with parted lips as if he couldn't still believe what he heard from her.

"Seth, did you hear me? I just said that you can already call me Lena," Lena pouted. "Don't you get it? Do you really want me to spell it out for you?"

Her heart was pounding hard against her chest with how nervous she was. It wasn't that she was scared about Seth getting swayed away from her by now, however, since she never felt that from him. He only showered her with unending love and care to the point that she felt secure in his devotion towards her, so she didn't know why she felt nervous like this. Maybe it was because she had never done something like this before. Confessing her feelings to someone, that is.

Maybe Seth wanted more reassurance like her saying she loved him. If so, then so be it. She was ready to do it anyway, and so she opened her mouth, ready to say those magic words….

But before she could say her piece, Seth suddenly pulled her in and hungrily kissed her, making Lena whimper a bit with how taken aback by his sudden aggressiveness. Seconds passed, and he quickly released her the moment he heard her whimper.

Seth groaned against her skin, and Lena suppressed her moans as he licked and suckled on her skin between her shoulder and neck.

"I want to mark you right at this moment and make you mine, but I don't want to do it here in this uncomfortable cave," he growled as if he was in great pain. "Damn it…"

Lena lightly smiled at his eagerness. She knew well enough about werewolves. Ever since Seth told her that she was his mate, she studied a lot about his turmoil regarding not being able to mark her and have her as his mate. It was also the reason why she didn't want to drag things along the moment she confirmed her feelings for him.

Smiling brightly, she held his head so that he could meet her determined gaze. "I don't mind doing it now, Seth. Mark me and take me now. I want everyone to know that I'm already yours," she murmured against his lips. "It doesn't matter if we do it here. All that matters is to whom we're doing it. I just want us to be united and bonded now. I don't want to make you wait anymore."

She meant her every word. That was what was truly in her heart at that moment. Leaning in, she kissed his lips, licking and nibbling them as she gave him her love. She could feel how Seth's body tensed up and she herself shivered in excitement. He was very warm, and having his bare skin brushing against her felt so good.

Determined, Lena got rid of all the inhibitions inside her body and took the initiative of casting a spell to take out the mattress she brought with her from her magical pouch bag. It was the best gift she had from Master Kasper; learning the spell that would hide important things she would need while on a journey.

"See? I'll be comfortable enough," she murmured against Seth's lips with her blushing face. She was embarrassed, of course, but she didn't want to delay things with Seth anymore.

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