Chapter 804 Blessed

[You… How could you not tell me?!] Bella scolded Poona as soon as she managed to regain her bearings after the good news of her pregnancy. [I've been asking you for days now!]

[To be honest, I just thought it would be best that we both hear the good news from the healers themselves,] Poona reasoned with a shrug. [And besides, I wanted confirmation too. I don't want to just rely on myself to tell you these kinds of things.]

[You mean you don't want to tell me about what's happening to my own body?] Bella dubiously pointed out. [What happened to always having my back?]

[Hey, it's not like your life was on the line here,] her inner wolf defended with a humorous chuckle. [You're still alive, right?]

[There's something you're not telling me, isn't there,] Bella challenged.

Poona scoffed in her head at the accusation. However, after a few seconds of waiting, her inner wolf finally sighed in resignation. [Fine. I just didn't want to spoil the fun of seeing both you and our mate's reaction to the good news,] her wolf admitted with a soft chuckle. [To be fair, it was worth it.]

Bella rolled her eyes at her wolf's antics. Then again, she should've known that Poona was onto something days ago. Her wolf was supposed to know that another living being was starting to grow inside her body, and she herself should've probably gone to the healer again after days had passed and her symptoms didn't improve.

[Right?] Poona scoffed at her. [It's your fault too.]

[You're weird,] Bella rebutted.

This time, Poona didn't reply to her, instead simply ignoring her as she laughed at the exchange that happened. To that, Bella mentally scoffed before she finally turned her attention back to her loving husband. Amon was still hugging her tightly, and it was only then that she remembered something important.

"Wait, we should tell Mother about the good news," Bella quickly told him as she pushed him away. "We can't let the others spoil it before we can do it ourselves."

"Right," Amon enthusiastically nodded as he grabbed her by the hand. "Let's go!"

Hand in hand, the couple quickly made their way out of the room and out toward the Queen Mother's room. Each and every one of their steps was filled with joy as their smiles refused to leave their faces.

"Do you think it's a boy or a girl?" Amon suddenly asked while they were walking down the hallway.

"Why?" she chuckled. "Do you prefer having a boy as our firstborn?"

"Hmm… Any gender is fine with me, Bella," Amon replied with a grin. "To be honest, I'm just so excited right now that my mind is already filled with every possibility that the future can hold."

[Maybe it's time for me to share this revelation then.]

Her husband chuckled back at her as he promptly backed away from her. Their hands still clasped together, he smiled at her as he pulled her with him once again.

"Again, you're right," Amon smirked. "We've held back long enough."

With a smile on each other's face, the two finally managed to stop each other from constantly enjoying each other's presence in favor of making their way to their original destination. Eventually, they reached the Queen Mother's garden, where Mona was currently relaxing with a cup of tea in her hand as she watched nature move around her.

"Oh, Amon, Bella, do you two have a need for me?" Mona casually asked them with a sip of her tea. "It's rare that you two come and visit me during this hour."

"Mother, we have something important to tell you," Amon nodded as Bella felt him pull her body closer to him. "Bella… Would you like to do the honors?"

Smiling, Bella stepped forward and sat on the chair beside the older woman. Her cheeks flushed, she couldn't help but grin as she placed both of her hands over her lower abdomen.

"Mother, I'm expecting."

Yet again, a pause happened as the news permeated across the garden. A second passed, and the Queen Mother's smile became even brighter as a tear appeared on the side of her left eye.

"Ah… Congratulations, dear," Mona sincerely stated with a deep bow.

"You'll have the grandchildren that you've always wanted," Amon quickly added. "I'm sure that you'll be a good grandmother to them, assuming you don't spoil them too much."

"Oh, I won't spoil them that much," Mona chuckled before a slight frown colored her face. "Wait, them?"

"I'm… actually carrying quadruplets," Bella meekly revealed. "Honestly, I don't know how it happened, but I'm more than happy with what happened."

"My dear, that's great news," the older woman beamed. "Although, wouldn't carrying four babies in you be hard on your body?"

"I'm pretty sure I'll manage, Mother," Bella smiled. "If it's for my future children, I'll do anything to make sure that they're healthy."

Bella couldn't help but smile brightly as Amon curtly moved to her side, his hand on her shoulder as he hugged her from behind. As a couple, they took solace in their love, the fruit of their longing now deep within her stomach as they shared the good news with the Queen Mother.

"I suppose that if anything, I'll be able to help you handle some of the other children if it becomes too much for you," Mona giggled. "Of course, that's if you'll have me help."

"What are you even saying? Of course, you'll help, Mother," Bella immediately reassured her. "I won't have my children be handled by anyone I couldn't trust."

"Exactly," Amon seconded. "You're their grandmother. We'll get a caretaker if it gets too much, but so long as it's manageable, we'll keep contact with just family members."

The three shared another round of smiles before they all moved together to share one big hug. Yet again, as if life wasn't done giving them blessings, they were blessed with even more than what they even wanted.

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