Chapter 801 To Save Her

After assisting the town mayor in distributing relief goods to the villagers, Bella felt exhausted. It made her feel really bad seeing the malnourished children in the area.

It was technically her first day here in the village, so she understood how the people still had not warmed up to her. The whole day they would keep looking at her as if sizing her up to decipher whether or not her gesture was sincere. It was understandable, and as Amon said, all she should do is to show them her true heart and her desire to help them out not just because it was her responsibility as a Queen but also because she truly wanted to help, with the utmost of her capabilities.

She was interrupted from her deep stupor with a knock on her door.

"Your Majesty, may we come in?"

"Yes, please…" Bella said as the door swung open. The servants brought inside a small tub filled with warm water.

"Oh, thank you," Bella said with a wide smile. She indeed needed a refreshing bath, because she was practically bathing in her own sweat.

"We'll help you take a bath," the servants said, and Bella shook her head.

"There's no need. You can all leave now, I will take care of myself. Good work everyone. And see you all again tomorrow," she said with a warm smile.

The servants that Amon had brought with them were assisting her well and she was grateful for their help, "Go and have a rest too," she added.

"Thank you, Your Majesty," the servants answered in chorus followed by a curt bow before leaving her room.

Bella lazily stripped off her clothes and then stepped into the bath.

"I wonder what he's doing?" she murmured as her thoughts wandered to her husband. She simply hoped that he too would take a rest from fighting monsters.

[Why not talk to him through the bond?] Poona interrupted, making Bella smile.

[My king…] Bella lovingly greeted.

[Don't stress yourself. You will surely do great in assisting our mate in making this Kingdom one of the top Kingdoms in all aspects, just like Valcrez, Cordon, and Ebodia,] Poona encouraged.

Helion was a big kingdom, and if her memory during their history class before was still accurate, then it was almost the same size as Ebodia. "I never envisioned myself as queen, responsible for such a vast kingdom. Although, I have dreamt about donning a crown while witnessing the coronation of our Queen Xenia in Ebodia." Bella muttered.

[Snap out of it already, and stop feeling as if you're still in a dream, Bella. This is our reality and you're now a Queen.] Poona scolded. Bella laughed because she had been so redundant with this thought that Poona was now scolding her already.

Bella yawned and wistfully hummed, "Let's rest and recharge already."

Poona laughed at her and Bella crawled into bed and it didn't take long for her to fall into a deep sleep.


At Helion Castle

Queen Mother Mona coughed several times after drinking the potion which Casimir prepared for her.

"Take it easy," Jayra comforted as she stroked the Queen Mother's back. She and Casimir were inside her bedchamber. Both of them were working together to make sure that Queen Mother would not feel any discomfort as her health continuously deteriorated.

Although there was this encouraging progress in the potion that they had formulated for her. With her combined knowledge and Casimir's, they managed to make a potion which was a maintenance that Queen Mother could take daily in order to slow down the process of deterioration of her organs.

Mona had a faint smile on her face as she turned around to face Jayra. She gently grabbed one of her free hands and squeezed it lightly.

"Lera is someone who can be so stubborn but I am more at ease now that you're here for her, and that she found her only sister. I even thought that I would end up arranging a marriage for her just to make sure that she'd be under the wing of a good family. But now your arrival is enough to make me feel at ease that I can leave this world at peace, knowing she's in great hands… with you and Amon." Mona said sincerely to Jayra.

"And me and my family, Mona. So stop saying things like that. I told you that you'll still have a long life ahead, and you might even witness Lera getting married to my son, Rendon," Casimir confidently stated, making Jayra chuckle.

She then humorously commented, "Ah, Rendon has to go through me first Lord Casimir…"

Her words made Queen Mother Mona chuckle, and Jayra was glad that she was able to lift up the sad atmosphere that had started to cloud the bedchamber. Jayra stared at her newfound family in the form of Aunt Mona, and she once again vowed that she would do everything in her power to try to save her. She wouldn't stop trying.


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